Energetic Upgrade | Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young
May 12, 2022, trinityesoterics.com
It is a common experience during energetically active times to suddenly feel somewhat isolated or to not be able to hear or feel the guidance you normally are able to connect to. Please understand that in no way does this mean you have been abandoned! When you are in the process of integrating a specific energy you enter into an energetic space that prioritizes that download.
You might think of it as being placed in an isolation cone or tube that only contains the energy download you are receiving. This occurs to make sure the energy you receive is in its purest form. Rest assured you haven’t done anything wrong or lost your abilities. We are right next to you through this process, you just are temporarily unable to sense us. Once your download has completed things will be right back to how they have always been, and in many cases, our connection will even be enhanced.
你可能會將其視為放置在僅包含正在接收的能量下載的隔離錐或管中。 這樣做是為了確保收到的能量是最純淨的形式。 請放心,你沒有做錯任何事或失去你的能力。通過這個過程,我們就在你身邊,你只是暫時無法感知我們。下載完成後一切都會恢復原狀,在許多情況下,我們的聯繫甚至會得到加強。
So if you suddenly feel somewhat less connected than normal, you can rest easy in the knowing that you are in the process of yet another energetic upgrade. There is nothing to be concerned about and there is nothing for you to do than to follow the wisdom of your own body and allow the process to occur. All is well, Dear Ones, all is well.
因此,如果突然感覺與平時的聯繫有所減少,你可以放心,因為你知道自己正處於又一次能量充沛的升級過程中。 除了跟隨自己身體的智慧並讓過程發生之外,沒有什麼可擔心的,也沒有什麼可做的。 一切都很好,親愛的,一切都很好。
Energetic Upgrade | Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young - Voyages of Light
傳導:Shelley Young