Beloved masters: Unfortunately, many Souls have become what could be termed spiritually bankrupt. For they have either used up their allotment of Adamantine Particles of Love / Light and are now so steeped in the lower frequencies of the Third / Fourth-Dimensional world so they can no longer tap into the cosmic river of life and draw forth the full-spectrum Light of the Creator. Or, since early childhood, they have not been able to attain the required level of harmonious frequency patterns to ignite their allotment of Adamantine Particles stored within their Sacred Heart.             
敬愛的大師們:不幸地許多靈魂已經成為精神上的破產者。因為他們用盡了分配的金剛 愛/光 粒子,沉浸在第三/第四維度世界的較低頻率中,無法再進入宇宙生命之河並引出完整的——光譜造物主之光。或者,從孩提時代起,他們就無法達到所需的和諧頻率模式水平,來點燃分配儲存在他們神聖之心中的金剛粒子。


Also, sadly, many dear Souls take with them into death the greater portion of their allotment of Creator Light. These are the tormented Souls who feel unloved and have led a life of suffering and often isolation or violence, created by a sense of hopelessness, feelings of self-hatred and inferiority. They often focus their hatred and frustration outwardly, blaming others and fate for their failures, while all the time being unaware that they are the source of their own pain and suffering.


Many of these precious ones chose to come forth on what could be called the lower spectrum of Shadow and Light. At a Soul level, they chose the overlay for the life’s drama they would experience because they wished to overcome certain imbalanced frequency patterns from the past. 


However, it is important that you understand that many times the path they chose was, most likely, too much of a challenge, and so they fell back into the negative patterns of many fruitless lifetimes. Those who have the least freedom of choice are driven by obsession, addictions, and unconscious impulses. They are controlled by past negative influences that are very difficult to overcome and correct. 


Remember, dear hearts, you are not judged by anyone but your Higher-self, and you will always be given an opportunity to overcome past transgressions. Self-forgiveness is the first step in healing the past and reconnecting to the power within. It may seem heartless and uncaring, but a Self-master will gradually end relationships with people who they no longer have a harmonious relationship. There should be no judgment, just a gradual letting go and withdrawal or severance of any energy cords of attachment. It is usually the other person who ends the relationship, for they can no longer receive the emotional energy support they require from the en-Lighten-ed person.
記得,親愛的,除了你的高我,你不會被任何人評判,你將永遠有機會克服過去所犯的錯。 自我寬恕是療癒過去和重新連接內在力量的第一步。這可能看起來無情,但自我精通的大師會逐漸結束與他們不再和諧者的關係。不該有評判,只是逐漸放開與撤回或切斷任何依附的能量線。通常是另一個人結束這段關係,因為他們不再能從開悟的人那裡獲得需要的情感能量支持。


Beloveds, it is your Divine Mission to become a tributary of the River of Life, a channel for the Divine force of Creation. Stagnation begins immediately when you stop the flow of Adamantine Particles into your Sacred Heart. As you become a Sentinel of Light, your aura will glow and grow as you become illumined by the radiance of Spirit. 
親愛的,成為生命之河的支流,創造神聖力量的通道是你們的神聖使命。 當你停止金剛粒子流入你的聖心時,停滯立即開始。 當你成為光的哨兵時,你的光環會隨著靈性光輝照耀而發光增長。


You, your home, your neighborhood, city, state, province, and country all have an auric field, whether it is bright or dim. The heart and Soul of each country must be revived. When unity consciousness is lost, the spiritual life force of a country begins to wane. Remember, everything that exists has an aura. The divinity and awesome power of the Creator is in everything! 
你,你的家,鄰居,城市,州,省,國家都有一個金場,不管是亮還是暗。 必須振興每個國家的心靈。 當團結意識喪失時,一個國家的精神生命力就開始減弱。 請記得,存在的一切都有光環(能量場)。 造物主的神性和令人敬畏的力量存在於一切之中!




>>Never forget, you are eternal and immortal. Your physical body is a temporary temple in which God dwells. The Sacred Heart is the temple of the Soul.  Therein, is the Essence of life where true love resides, and where your awareness of Infinity begins. The Diamond Core God Cell within the Sacred Heart contains the Twelve Rays of God Consciousness, which are etheric crystal prisms of refracted Light called Rays that beam forth the Essence of Creation.
>> 永遠不要忘記,你是永恆的,不朽的。 你的身體是神居住的臨時聖殿。聖心是靈魂的殿堂。 其中,真愛是所在的生命本質,也是你對無限認識開始的地方。 聖心內的鑽石核心神細胞包含十二道神意識光芒,它們是折射光的以太水晶棱鏡,稱為光芒,放射出創造的本質。


 >> Death is a metamorphosis, a changing of the cloak of flesh for a cloak of Light. You have but one life and that life is eternal. You have assumed many roles while on your journey throughout eternity.  However, you are as you were in the beginning within your Sacred Heart: a Divine child of the Supreme Creator. To become Christed is to realize the Divinity within, and then following, unerringly, the guidance of your God Self. In the higher realms your vessel of Light is pure, perfect, and indestructible. Envision a wholeness that has never been altered and has no imperfections.
>> 死亡是一種蛻變,是從肉體披風變成光的披風。你只有一個生命,而那個生命是永恆的。 在你的永恆之旅中,你承擔了許多角色。 然而,在你的聖心之中,你就像你最初的樣子:一個至高創造者的神聖孩子。成為基督就是實現內在的神性,然後無誤地遵循你的神性自我的指導。 在更高領域裡,你的光之容器是純淨的、完美的、堅不可摧的。 設想一個從未改變且沒有缺陷的整體。


>> Staying centered within the Sacred Heart maintains your connection to the higher levels of God Consciousness, and assures a steady flow of Creator Light, Love and Life. The Superconscious mind is a magnet for higher, godly truth. The desire body is a generating force within each person. You are dominated by either the ego desire body, which is controlled by the physical senses, or the spiritual, righteous, desire body that is controlled by the Higher Self. The subconscious, subjective mind is ruled by the conscious mind and past conditioning. It is programmed and reprogrammed through vibratory influences, whereby the lower, negative thought forms of the past have convinced you that you are sinful, weak, imperfect, and inferior.
>> 在神聖之心的中心保持你與更高層次神性意識的聯繫,並確保創造者之光、愛和生命源源不斷的流動。超意識的頭腦是吸引更高的、敬虔的真理的磁石。 慾望的身體是每個人內在的產生力量。你或是被由肉體感官控制的小我慾望體所支配,或是被高我控制的精神、正義、慾望體所支配。 潛意識的、主觀的心智被有意識的心智和過去的制約所支配。它通過振動影響被重新編程,過去的低級消極思想形式使你相信你是有罪的、軟弱的、不完美和低等的。


>> Throughout your many past life experiences, you have created a powerful vortex of doubt, depression, fear, scarcity, and debilitating disease which led to premature death. These harmful thought forms have been repeated over and over again until they are firmly entrenched within each individual’s subconscious mind, as well as within the collective conscious belief structure, until they become the accepted reality of the masses. 
>> 在你們過往許多生世中,創造了一個強大的懷疑、抑鬱、恐懼、匱乏和導致過早死亡的疾病漩渦。這些有害的思想形式一次又一次地重複,直到它們牢牢地紮根於每個人的潛意識、以及集體有意識的信念結構中,直到它們成為大眾接受的現實。


>>  Your Sacred Mind always knows the truth and it will eventually override the misconceptions of the conscious mind, which can be reprogrammed as you strive to clear the subconscious mind of negative influences. Your Sacred Mind is the direct connection to the God Mind. Moderation in all things results in equilibrium, balance, and a sense of well-being. Self-mastery leads to control of the physical emotions and the thought processes of the lower mind. A Self-master stands firmly centered within the Sacred Heart in the midst of chaos and change, holding fast to the wisdom of the Sacred Mind as it gathers strength and guidance from our Mother/Father God, an observer of the process as all illusion slowly fades away.
>> 你的神聖心靈總是知道真相,它最終會超越意識頭腦的誤解,當你努力清除潛意識的負面影響時,可以重新編程。你的神聖心靈是與神性之心直接聯繫。 凡事適度會帶來平衡和幸福感。 自我控制導致對身體情緒和較低頭腦思維過程的控制。 一位自我精通的大師在混亂和變化中堅定地站在神聖之心中央,當它從我們的母神/父神那裡收集力量和指導時,緊緊抓住神聖心靈的智慧,一個過程的觀察者,一切幻覺都在慢慢地淡去。


 >>   Ascension means attaining a clearer awareness of Self and accepting the fact that you are an extension of our Mother/Father God. As you delve deeper and deeper within Self, you come to realize your intimate connection with the Creator. Once you have felt the exquisite bliss of a heart-to-heart connection with our Father/Mother God, and you are able to draw fully on the Adamantine Particles of Love/Light, your yearning for love is gradually fulfilled. Your hunger for sustenance will also be satisfied and you will be given the strength, will and determination you require to joyfully complete your earthly mission.
>> 揚升意味著對自我有更清晰的認識,並接受你是我們母神/父神延伸的事實。隨著你在自我內越來越深入,你開始意識到與造物主的親密聯繫。 一旦你感受到與我們的父神/母神心心相通的美妙幸福,並且能充分利用金剛 愛/光 粒子,你對愛的渴望就會逐漸實現。你對食物的渴望也將得到滿足,你將獲得所需的力量、意志和決心來快樂地完成你的塵世使命。


 >>   Energy is generated through frequency patterns of attraction, rather than patterns of resistance or friction. Thoughts, words, and emotions have either a helpful or detrimental effect on the physical vessel, and also create a certain band of frequencies within your auric field and beyond.  Thereby, your reality on the physical plane is created. The laws of the universe state that you must always experience that which you create. WHEN YOU ARE RADIATING THE REFINED FREQUENCIES OF LOVE ALL AROUND YOU, THE NEGATIVE FORCES WILL NOT AFFECT YOU. 
>> 能量是通過吸引的頻率模式產生,而不是通過阻力或摩擦模式產生。 思想、言語和情緒對身體血管有幫助或有害的影響,也會在你的氣場內外產生一定的頻率帶。 因此,你在物質層面上的實相被創造出來。宇宙法則規定,你必須始終體驗你所創造的東西。 當你在周圍散發出愛的精巧頻率時,負面能量無法影響你。


My brave ones, It is vitally important that you strive to strengthen your self-determination and your desire for fulfillment. You must evolve from an “ego self-serving mode” to a “Soul-serving” state of consciousness. Your Soul is the part of you which is connected to the “Universal Whole.” You gain compassion the hard way through pain and suffering; “ego-driven”, or the easy way, through the process of reunion with your Higher Self; “Soul-inspired”.
我的勇敢一們,努力加強自決和實現願望是至關重要的。你必須從“小我服務模式”進化到“靈魂服務”的意識狀態。你的靈魂是你與“宇宙整體”相連的部分。 你通過痛苦與苦難艱難地獲得同情; “小我驅動”,或者簡單的方法,通過與你的高我重聚的過程;“靈魂啟發”。


Nothing can escape the radiation and magnetic influence of the rarified Creator Light / Adamantine Particles now permeating this Sub-universe, galaxy, solar system, the Earth, and humanity. The chakras are like electromagnetic batteries within the body. The vibrations of electromagnetic frequencies communicate to your many levels of consciousness. You must be harmonious with and attuned to the higher-vibrational cosmic teachings in order to integrate them. 
沒有什麼能逃脫現在滲透到這個子宇宙、星系、太陽系、地球和人類的稀有造物主 光/金剛粒子的輻射和磁力影響。 脈輪就像體內的電磁電池。 電磁頻率的振動與你的許多意識層次交流。 為了整合它們,你必須與更高振動的宇宙教義和諧並與之相協調。


The refined frequencies of Light and sound vibrate through your blood stream, cells, organs, bones, muscles, and tissues, thereby, enriching your sense of well-being. The lower frequencies of the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional environment restrict the flow of life-giving energy and increase the density in your four lower-body systems. Your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind, along with your blood stream and Chakra Mind Centers, carry genetic encodings of your earthly lineage. And even more important, within your DNA are holograms and Memory Seed Atoms of your entire cosmic lineage and your Divine heritage.
光和聲音的精微頻率在你的血液、細胞、器官、骨骼、肌肉和組織中振動,從而豐富你的幸福感。 第三/第四維度環境的較低頻率限制了賦予生命能量的流動,並增加了你四個下半身系統的密度。你的聖心和神聖心智,連同血流和脈輪心智中心,攜帶著你世俗血統的基因編碼。 更重要的是,在你的 DNA 中存在著你整個宇宙血統和神聖遺產的全息圖與記憶種子原子。


Beloved bearers of Light, we ask you to view each test and challenge as an opportunity to release outmoded thoughts and vibrational patterns, which no longer serve your greater good. We implore you to view your life experiences through the filters of your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind as you draw forth the Diamond Ray Particles of Life / Light and infuse them with your love before radiating them out into the world and to humanity. Together, in our own unique way, we are all experiencing this cosmic dance of evolution. And, through our joint effort and endeavors, we shall prevail.
親愛的光之承載者,我們要求你將每次測試和挑戰視為釋放過時思想與振動模式的機會,它們不再為你的更大利益服務。 我們懇請你在汲取生命/光的鑽石射線粒子、並在將它們輻射到世界和人類之前,將你的愛注入它們,通過你的神聖之心和神聖思想的過濾器來查看生活經歷。 攜手並進,以每個人獨特的方式,我們都在經歷這場進化的宇宙之舞。 而且,通過我們的共同努力,我們將取得勝利。


I AM Archangel Michael.   






傳導:Ronna Vezane






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