Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being connected through Oneness.
我們是大天使薩基爾和紫水晶夫人,我們伴隨著愛前來問候。 今天,我們希望談論的是通過合一相連。
Oneness and connectedness are related concepts. They go hand in hand in a way that permeates all of Creation.
合一與連通性是相關的概念。 它們攜手並進,貫穿所有造物。
Oneness begins with the concept that all of Creation came from the one great Source. The Source energy manifested into the many forms that would be needed for the circumstances and surroundings of each Being. Even though the form in which it manifested varied, each Being and form contained the great Divine Spark of Light from Source.
合一始於所有造物來自同一個偉大的源頭這個概念。 源頭能量顯化成每個存在的情況和環境所需的諸多形態。 即使它顯化的形態各種各樣,每個存在和形態都包含來自源頭的神聖光之火花。
This was provided so that each Being could remember where it originated simply by focusing on the Divine Spark of Light.
It is the great link that provides a continuous connection to Source and Oneness. You are always connected and can tune in to Source simply by focusing on your heart center and your Divine Spark that resides there.
它是偉大的連結,提供了一個與源頭以及合一的持續連接。 你總是與源頭相連,可以通過專注於你的心之中央以及駐留於那的神聖火花來協調於源頭。
This reminds you that you are part of the great plan of Creation and that you are always connected to Source.
It also serves as a connection with other Beings, since each one contains a Divine Spark and originated from the One Source.
This can bring a sense of connectedness even though you may be on a very different path than someone else. When you focus on their Divine Spark, you are reminded that there is a shared bond of Source energy. This can help you focus on shared values.
這會帶來一個連通感,即使你處於和別人不一樣的道路。 當你專注於他們神聖的火花,你被提醒有著一個共用的源頭能量紐帶。 這會説明你專注於貢獻的價值觀。
These values can range from Love to compassion to empathy.
When viewed from the point of the Divine Spark, Love rises to a Universal level. It is a vibration rather than an emotion. As you focus on your Divine Spark, you feel a sense of Universal Love and a connection with Source. This expands to encompass your connection with all of humanity.
當從神聖火花的角度去看,愛提升到宇宙層面。 它是一個振動而不是情感。 當你專注於你的神聖火花,你感到宇宙之愛以及與源頭的連接。 這會擴張包含你與所有人的連接。
The more attention you place on your heart center, the stronger this connection becomes. It radiates out from your energy field to others around you and into the cosmos.
你越多地關注你的心之中央,這個連接就變得更加強力。 它會從你的能量場散發到周圍的人和宇宙。
As you view this connection from a Universal level, it can bring about greater understanding and compassion.
Everyone wants to feel loved and understood. Even though you may be on a different path than someone else, you are both beautiful Beings of Light. You each have your own Divine role in the plan of Creation. Realizing this and expressing your compassion and empathy for where they are can build bridges of understanding. This helps to bring forth a feeling of Universal Love and connectedness. You recognize and acknowledge that you both carry the beautiful Source energy from which you originated.
每個人想要感到被愛和理解。 即使你處於和別人不一樣的道路,你們都是美麗的光之存在。 你們每個人在造物計劃中都有著自己的神聖角色。 意識到這一點,表達你的同情心和同理心,它們可以建造理解的橋樑。 這會幫助帶來一個宇宙之愛和連通性的感受。 你認識到你們都攜帶著美麗的源頭能量。
This awareness leads to a knowingness that all Beings and Creation exist within Source energy. Therefore, any change in the energy in one area can ripple across to affect other areas. The energy of a powerful thought, emotion, or action by one Being ripples throughout the cosmos to affect other Beings.
這個意識會導向所有存在和造物存在於源頭能量中的知曉。 因此,一個領域中的能量的任何改變可以漣漪出去影響其它的領域。 一個強大的想法、情緒或行為能量會漣漪到宇宙中影響其他存在。
This leads to the concept of highest good.
Highest good is often discussed during these times of higher vibrational energy and is inviting you to look at situations from a higher perspective.
When you desire highest good for all Beings and all of Creation, this provides a positive benefit for all. It encompasses yourself and all others.
當你為所有存在和造物渴望最高的良善,這會對一切提供一個積極的益處。 這會包含你以及所有其他人。
When you call on us in the Higher Realms and ask for highest good, we are able to assist you in this endeavor.
This leads to a recognition and remembrance of the oneness and connectedness of all of Creation.
Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing on being connected through Oneness.
Know that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel andAmethyst
我們是大天使薩基爾與紫水晶夫人 ...
and we surround you with Love.
And so it is.