We speak often of how lulls and action phases create balance. A lull creates space for release, healing, and integration. An action phase creates outward progress. But did you know that they provide balance between you and the planet, as well?
You will take a big leap of growth forward, and the earth will support you in it. You will hold space during a lull period to support the planet as it shifts vibrationally. You might think of it as a game of cosmic leap frog.
Do you see? It is always about you, and never just about you. You are part of smaller systems and larger systems, that work in similar ways to support the overall balance, growth, and expansion of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
By this point you understand that both ebbs and flows serve you and create an overall system of balance. But we understand there are challenges with each phase. Did you know there are beings specific to each phase you can call on to assist you to harness the benefits and to ease any discomforts?
We like to refer to them as the blue team. The blue team consists of Mother Mary and Archangel Michael. Both are associated with the color blue – Mother Mary, with the lighter blue of the heavens, and Archangel Michael with a darker, more grounded blue. Isn’t it interesting that blue is also representative of the flow of water which symbolizes the flow of your journey.
Mother Mary is the ideal being to call on to assist you during lull phases. Lulls give you space to process emotions, to integrate, to release, to rest, to heal. Mother Mary’s unconditional love and soothing energy offers gentle guidance and reassurance to help you navigate a lull.
Archangel Michael is the ideal being to call upon during an action phase. Not only will he help clear the path forward for you, he will help you feel protected and find your courage to step fully into embracing the new. He will guide you seamlessly through the fastest, choppiest energies that make it difficult to keep your bearings. His great strength and sense of adventure are ideal to help you navigate a time of accelerated flow.
Do you see? Yet again you have everything you could possibly need to get the most out of every single phase you could experience. All you must do is be willing to ask for the assistance and accept the love and guidance. The supports are always in place for you to assure your success. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Do you distrust ease? We would like to discuss this very common trait.
Ease is your natural state of being. It is working with the flow that is always supporting and guiding you. It is following your heart from one energetic match to the next. It is simply leading with your own energetics and intentions and allowing the universe to respond in kind. It is allowing yourself to harness the benefits of the ebbs and flows that are designed to serve you and lead you into the discovery of the highest matches that exist for you.
As you gain skill and wisdom, greater ease is the natural result of your efforts. Think of learning how to skate. At first it feels awkward and choppy, and you may even fall a few times, but before you know it you are able to glide along with grace and ease. You wouldn’t distrust your improvement of how you navigate on skates. You would simply accept it as the natural outcome of your efforts. You would trust and allow the expansion and development of your skill.
So if you feel into our points, what is not to trust? You are human beings who have been honing your ability to move with the flow, to release and assimilate energies, and co-create. At what point will you allow yourself to trust those skills? Have you been holding yourself separate from ease due to old invalid belief systems that feed a mistrust of ease? At what point will you give yourself permission to release the old habits of struggle and accept greater ease as both your right and your preference?
Do you secretly think ease is wrong, an indicator that you are lazy, or somehow provides lesser results than struggle? If you are still holding on to the idea that efforting is noble, you are still carrying the martyred service paradigm or the belief that you must prove yourself before you can receive.
Please hear us when we say you are inherently worthy. There has never been a moment in time when you weren’t worthy. You can make so much more of a difference on the planet by using your energy to flow and co-create rather than perpetually exhausting yourself trying to reach some self-imposed level of worthiness before you will allow yourself to receive.
We encourage you to trust your growth, trust the flow, and trust the fact that you are a beloved aspect of the greater whole. We are extending our hand to you as an invitation to dance with us in a flow of co-creation, grace, and far greater ease that will lovingly serve everyone involved, including you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
In a continuation of our discussion yesterday about the distrust of ease, we would like to point out that easy doesn’t mean you’ve taken shortcuts or done shoddy work. Rushing through something with a lack of integrity or care is not truly easy because it will come with more work or repercussions down the road.
True ease is using your conscious awareness to move with the universe with care and consideration. It is embodying the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, which will always make you aware of anything that needs adjustment or attention, and provides an unfoldment that is for the highest good of all. It is a system that honours your beingness and truest intentions.
Do you see? True ease is divinely led, divinely supported, and offers divine results. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Gratitude is the acknowledgment that the universe is working for you. It is through that acceptance you can start to experience even deeper faith and trust, and feel just how loved and guided you truly are. Do you see? Gratitude is the resounding yes that leads to many more wondrous things to say yes to, and that is exactly how you enhance and direct your flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young