The Newest Upgrades, Activations & Energies ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton


the newest upgrades, activations & energies - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of aliens



“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are aware of all of the upgrades and activations that each and every one of you is getting from your guides, and we are pleased to report that you have been given much in recent weeks that will help you keep up with the energies coming in from all parts of this universe of ours. If you are aware of a need within yourself for an upgrade or an activation, now would be a good time to vocalize that desire out loud. That willingness to speak out loud what it is that you need can be the final step necessary. It can be the permission that you need to grant to your guides in order for them to complete their work on your cells, your DNA, or your chakras. Even your energy fields are getting work done on them so that you can handle more and hold more of all the wonderful energies coming in to support you at this time of great evolution.
我們知道每個人都從你們的嚮導那裡獲得了所有的升級和激活,我們很高興地報告你們在最近幾週得到了很多幫助,這將幫助你跟上所有來自我們這個宇宙的能量。如果你意識到自己需要升級或激活,那麼現在是大聲表達這種願望的好時機。願意大聲說出你需要什麼可能是最後一步。它可以是需要授予你的指導者的許可,以便完成對你的細胞、 DNA 或脈輪的工作。甚至你的能量場也在完成工作,這樣你就可以處理更多、並持有更多在這個偉大進化時期進來支持的美妙能量。


Every moment that you step into now is going to be the moment where you’ve had the greatest amount of activity happening around you to serve you. Every moment is going to represent the moment when the energies were moving fastest and faster than they’ve ever moved before, and that is as it should be. It is time for you all to accept the help that you are being given, and that help is so much more. It’s so much bigger than just getting something you want in the physical realm. You are receiving the keys to the kingdom, because when you are able to handle higher-frequency energies, you are able to co-create with them anything and everything that’s going to serve you, your loved ones, and all of humanity.


And that is how you shift. It all starts with you, and then you are the first domino that falls, and you help others. You can help others awaken to the truth of who they really are by being more of who you really are. And you are getting support all the time, support that helps you to remember and to be who you really are. This is not a dress rehearsal; this is the real thing. You have been shifting for quite some time, and you will continue to shift until you have completed all of the work that you set out to complete, and then the awareness of who you really are will always be a part of your consciousness. It won’t just be a mantra that you have to recite over and over to remind yourselves.


When you carry that knowing, and you be who you really are to the fullest possible extent in every moment, you fulfill your purpose for being there, and you inspire others to fulfill theirs. Welcome the energies that are upon you right now, and know that you can do with them whatever you like. They are there for you, and you are the ones who are meant to receive them openly and consciously. We see more and more of you doing that every day, and that is something to get excited about.
帶著這種認知,在每一刻盡最大可能成為真正的你時,你就實現了存在的目的,並激勵他人實現他們的目標。 歡迎現在就在你身上的能量,並且知道可以隨心所欲地使用它們。 它們為你而存在,而你是注定要公開和有意識地接受它們的人。 我們看到越來越多的人每天都在這樣做,這令人興奮。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton


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