


Dear Ones, there are certain myths that we would love to see you release from your personal belief systems. Some of these would be the idea that you could ever do anything to lose our love and support, that you are born a sinner, that you are unworthy, that you need to continually sacrifice yourself in order to be worthy or pious, just to name a few.

It is a wise practice to stop and examine your belief systems. Are they empowering or do they seek to keep you small and disempowered? Do they support connection or separation? Do they unite or divide? Do they help you to continue to grow and evolve in healthy ways? Do they support peace both inwardly and outwardly?

We highly recommend you ask your soul to make you aware of any belief systems that are no longer beneficial to you. From an observational space take a look at what has been brought into your awareness and ask yourself if it is designed to help you become all you can be for the greatest good of all, including you. If it does not, perhaps it is time to let it go. You are on the planet in a time that is ripe for truly tremendous change, so now is the ideal time to do this exploration and find the beliefs that are in line and supportive of your truest intentions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Most human beings have adopted self imposed limitations that restrict their experiences and progress. Most of these have been accepted as truth long before you have evolved into the person you are today.

We invite you to explore all the ways you say no to possibilities or potentials, or ways you keep yourself small. You may have developed these strategies thinking they would keep you safe or comfortable, but we wish for you to understand that your truest comfort comes from allowing your soul to follow its purpose which is continual expansion and discovery.

Your self imposed limitations create dams in your flow. They limit what the universe can deliver to you because they emanate loud energetic no’s and don’t allow you to receive. Common limitations are thoughts like, my pay cheque is the only way money can come to me, all the good men or women are already taken, I can’t make money doing what I love, I’m too insignificant to make a difference, my addictions are stronger than I am, there’s no one who can understand me in my truth, just to name a few.

None of those statements are true! There is always a way for you to find your way to your dreams, but in order to do so you must be willing to be guided, to expand, and receive, and that means you must be willing to turn a hard energetic no into a let’s see what else is possible.

Are you willing to consider the idea that there may be other options available for you that you aren’t aware of that have the potential to make your heart sing? The only prerequisite to living a satisfying and magical life is the willingness to see where your soul has been trying to lead you all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Some of you still find loving yourselves very difficult or unnatural. You might think self love means making yourself more important than others, or perhaps will make you fall into ego. Maybe you are more comfortable giving than receiving, so self love feels unnatural to you.

If this is the case, rather than attempting to wrestle yourself into a self love practice we recommend you simply shift into being kind to yourself. You will likely feel much less resistance to that idea and we’ll let you in on a little secret. Kindness is love in action. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young





So many of you feel like you aren’t important enough to make a difference. We are here to tell you otherwise!

Your conscious choices add to the whole every single time you make them. Simple acts of kindness are something that anyone can do and are so important because they are declarations of who you are and also emit an energy that serves the whole.

Please understand it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Your small acts of kindness ripple out just as large ones do. In fact, consistent small contributions of kindness mean just as much as random grand acts if not more, because they support the shift through their constancy.

We understand in turbulent times it can feel overwhelming and confusing and it can be hard to see yourself as being the change. Please know every time you choose kindness you are paving the way forward and supporting unity and peace on the planet. That is how powerful you are when you allow your heart to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




You can’t move into the fullest expression of you in the new energies if you are still hauling old limitations around with you. So how do you know you have limitations? By paying conscious attention to the reasons you tell yourself why you can’t have the life you deserve.

The way to do that is to connect with your fondest dream and follow your line of thinking about it. Pay attention to the structure of your sentence when you think of your desire. Usually your sentence will start with a very clear identification of what you would like to experience followed by the word but. Everything that follows the but are the reasons you believe you can’t have it.
方法就是與你最喜愛的夢想連接,跟隨你對它的想法。當你思考你的渴望,留意你的語句結構。通常你的語句會從一個非常明確的“你想要在【但是】這個詞之後體驗什麼”開始。 【但是】之後的一切都是你認為你不能擁有它的原因。

Those limiting beliefs have likely been created long ago, either by family or societal opinions, a fear, doubt, or perceived powerlessness. We can guarantee you that the impressionable you who believed those limitations to be true is a far cry from the empowered you that is ready to step forward into the new energies and the creation of your highest life expression.

So pay attention to everything that comes after the word “but” and ask yourself the following:

Is this really true?


Is there another option?

Can I create beyond this?


Have I truly explored this dream recently?

What actions steps have I taken towards this dream?

What version of this dream might be fully available for me?

What can I do to shift this and honour my truth?

Have I surrendered into the co-creation of my own version of this dream with the help of my highest self, my guides, and my helpers?

What would the empowered version of me do to have this experience?

Questions bring clarity, Dear Ones, and our greatest desire for you is that you will find your way into the fullest life expression that is available to you and to continue to grow it from there. We want you to give yourself permission to follow where your heart is yearning to go, and to fully embrace the endless possibilities that are available to you as an enlightening human being on an ascending planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young







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