Dear Ones, many of you are afraid to fully commit to the life of your dreams. This fear was created from the results of unconscious creation.
When you are fully conscious of what you are choosing, working from a space of integrity, and following your higher guidance, you cannot make a mistake. In fact, from that space you give yourself every chance to fully succeed in ways that will only surprise and delight you.
You are ready to start living fully and to assume the role of empowered co-creator. Be clear and congruent and make choices that are in line with what you truly wish to experience and you will be surprised how quickly you will move into the discovery of where your soul has been trying to lead you all along. These are the times you have been waiting for. We urge you not to limit yourselves through old habits that no longer apply. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
We have spoken of the new phase you are moving into, from the solitary awakening path of the 1’s to the community, connection, and support of the 2’s. You have been shifting not only into the energies of a new year but also a new much longer phase. You might consider this gateway day as the grand opening ceremony for having arrived fully into the magic and reconnection of the 2’s. Congratulations! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
During times of energetic intensity, it is common for old memories or emotions to come up. It is all part of the pulse/release process that dislodges the old and makes room for the new. We understand how this can seem never-ending and difficult to navigate. We wish to discuss this today.
It can be helpful to treat your emotions like a parade. You can see a float of emotion and identify it it, but you can wave at it on its way by secure in the fact that it will not be permanently stopping where you are on the parade route.
You can be the feeler of the energy of a float when it is right in front of you, and still be the observer of the parade at the same time. The observer part of you balances you and holds the space for the identification/processing/release to occur. You can see the float coming, have the experience when it is in front of you, and watch it leave. Your human self has the experience, while your inner wise one views it as a parade of fleeting rather than permanent experiences.
You can shift into the observer any time you need and still allow your emotions to be identified, processed, and released. You can flow back and forth between feeler and observer however many times you like, always using the observer as a stabilization point.
Do you see? It is still all you doing the work and having the full experience, so don’t be afraid to toggle between the two to assist you in the process. It is you being both the human and the wise one, and that is exactly what you are on the planet to do as this expanded version of yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Power continues to be the most prevalent theme that is up for review on your planet. Dear Ones, if you are cautious of power you are ready to assume it. It is the people who don’t have a healthy respect for power who get into trouble with it. True healing with the theme of power comes from embracing your power in a mindful way that benefits all, not from trying to avoid it. Rest assured you have been studying power dynamics for centuries in preparation to make the shift from 3D power that serves the few to 5D power that serves the whole. You are wise, you are conscious, and you are ready to step into the fully empowered expression of you, and your soul is so excited you are at this juncture of your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
The energy of war is not an energetic match to your planet any longer. Nor is the energy of division and hate. While these energies might have been satisfying to some in the past, they will no longer give the results those who play in those energies are looking for.
Dear Ones, choose peace. Choose peace within yourselves. Make peaceful choices. Seek activities that give you peace or bring the energy of peace to others. Look for what connects you to others, the common denominators the exist between you all. Be the anchors and the beacons. Send your highest intentions through peace grids and see them cradling your planet with love and healing.
The greatest way to diffuse 3D power grabs is by staying firmly grounded and connected in your 5D empowerment. You’ve heard it before but we will say it again. Love always wins. The light always wins. And the peaceful shall inherit the earth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young