


Dear Ones, you have been conditioned to have a fear of the unknown. This is a generational response from your parents or grandparents who grew up in times of lack or war. From a space of powerlessness it made sense to them to fear the unknown and to try to control everything they could in order to ensure their survival.

But as evolving, conscious human beings, you realize you create from your focus and the energy you hold. You know that fear is constraining and cannot get you where you wish to go. One of the most pivotal shifts you are going through right now is releasing the old familiar conditioning of fearing the unknown, into embracing the many gifts that come from not knowing.

When you can settle into the idea of not knowing being a blessing, you can embrace the flow with your presence, faith, and trust. Because you are proceeding without attempting to micromanage the universe or an attachment to outcome, you make room for far greater possibilities than you ever thought possible.

When you can embrace not knowing you enter into the realm of potentiality. You allow your heart to lead the way to what your soul has known was waiting for you all along. You allow yourself the joy of the discovery of miraculous matches and outcomes. You become one with the magic of the flow and your highest life expression, which is what your heart has been yearning for all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Dear Ones, it is what you perceive as differences that separates you. Your hearts unite you. When you are in your mind, you will be looking for differences, when you are in your heart you will be seeking common ground. It is up to you. Which do you choose to lead with – judgement or love? We wish to point out that if you can find your way to acceptance, love is only a heartbeat away. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




So you keep hearing you have arrived in the new, but you may not have tangible results of that just yet. We would like to discuss that today.

You have indeed landed in the new. Imagine landing in an airport after a long journey. Even though you have landed, you still need to wait for your turn to get off the plane, need to find where to go to pick up your luggage, and find transportation to where you intend to visit. When you are in the airport, it is difficult to get a true feel of where you have landed because you aren’t even outdoors yet. You haven’t yet put your feet fully on the ground of your new land.

But you are grateful to stretch your legs and to be back in tangible forward movement. More than that, you are excited to have arrived and are looking forward to your next new adventures.

This is exactly where you are right now. You have landed in the new. You are there! You just haven’t made it all the way out of the airport yet. So while you are waiting for your luggage or your transportation, we highly suggest you start to focus on what you would like to do next because the airport is just a temporary stop before things get really interesting for you. What would bring you joy? What would you like to explore and experience? It is all there for you to discover, Dear Ones, and this is such a fun stage for us to experience through you!

~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Yesterday we spoke of how you have arrived in the new, but it may not feel like it just yet. We likened it to having arrived at your destination but haven’t quite left the airport yet. Today we would like to suggest that as you leave the airport at your new destination, you take your luggage but leave your baggage behind. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




There is a tendency in human beings to shut out everything to avoid one thing they do not like. It is common for people to throw up walls with statements like, I will never love again, I will never trust again, or the like. Your walls only end up punishing the whole, including yourself, for the actions of one.

You always get to choose what you will receive. Saying I will never let another person in again is like being at a buffet and denying yourself all food because you tried something you didn’t like, when you could simply decide not to ever eat that item again.

Do you see? Stay open but hone your preferences! Your life is not a process of exclusion, it is a process of inclusion and you get to decide what you put on your plate. We highly recommend you pile it high with things that uplift you and bring you joy. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young







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