Today we would like to talk about an energy healing capability many of you don’t realize you have. We call it compassion hands. There are some energy healers who use brief, gentle touch to comfort and soothe those in need. They instinctively reach out and rub a back, pat a shoulder, touch an arm, or use any other small, supportive contact in order to give others an infusion of compassionate energy. Most often people with compassion hands don’t even realize they are energy healers because it feels so natural to them, but let us assure you, their service is beautiful and impactful, and a gift of the energies of the divine. This is just another example of how many of you are being of service just being you and don’t even realize the difference you are making. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many enlightening human beings have questions about what to do with their loved ones who aren’t on the same path as they are. Our answer? Simply love them and know that they are exactly where they need to be on their own path.
Each and every person has their own unique soul agenda and their own team of helpers to assist them on their way. Do not make your loved ones wrong for having different beliefs than yours.
By taking a higher viewpoint and practicing acceptance and allowing, you take on the role of guide on earth and can love them unconditionally while honouring their free will. You will see them as being the divinely perfect beings they truly are, which will support them in their own empowerment process. That is the way of the enlightening human being who is practicing mindfulness and celebrating the sacredness of every soul’s journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
It is common for human beings to experience fear if they do not know where they are going. Yet your greatest discoveries are made through exploration, and you lose that gift if your path is always mapped out ahead of time. If you have deeply honed faith and trust you can get comfortable with not knowing and simply allow the unfoldment with peace and a sense of curiosity.
You spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure things out, when in fact it is unlikely you will ever figure everything out because you simply do not have access to all the pertinent information from your vantage point. That amounts to trying to successfully solve a puzzle when you only have half the pieces. That is where connecting with your guides and your own inner wisdom will help shine the way forward. They lead you to the collection of the next puzzle piece. The unfoldment is your own personal treasure hunt and can be filled with the joy of discovery.
What we are trying to tell you is if you simply shift out of the futility of trying to figure it all out into simply being present and navigating through your highest, most supported choices one now moment at a time the grace and ease you yearn for would be yours, as would be your highest outcomes. A wise human being knows when it is time to stop expending their time and energy on old practices that simply cannot take them where they wish to go and start concentrating on the new practices that can. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, you can’t surrender and be in ego at the same time because the ego’s preferred state is control not flow. In fact, if you try to surrender, the ego will likely try to prevent you from taking that empowered step through the use of fear and doubt.
To be clear, the ego is not the enemy. Far from it! It is a beloved and necessary part of you that is required to be in the body, on the planet, having a human experience. It is simply not the part of you that you wish to be in charge of all decisions because it is very much about wanting things to stay the same in a controlled or contracted state, while your soul is seeking freedom, growth, and expansion.
So if you are having trouble with surrender, we suggest you sit with your ego and simply reassure it. Let it know you always will need it and that you love it and that it is a very important aspect of you. Then let it know that you are the wise adult and you will be making decisions that are best for all aspects of you. Feel into that. Can you feel how empowered you are and how the ego settles under your loving guidance?
Trying to eradicate the ego in the name of spirituality only activates it more and puts you in a state of resistance to a vital part of yourself. It is, in a sense, trying to practice separation consciousness with yourself in an attempt to move into unity consciousness, which simply cannot work. It will only keep you in a perpetual state of tug of war within yourself, expending all of your energy but getting nowhere. By accepting all parts of yourself, and yourself as part of an even bigger whole, you will find the act of surrender much easier, and from there true progress can be made on your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many of you talk about karmic balancing, which can indicate that the original energy exists but it is, as the words suggest, in an overall state of balance. We would like to introduce you to the idea of karmic neutralization. This would mean that the original issue that was seeking balance has lost its charge and has completely dissipated so that energetic theme is no longer active in any way. And that, Dear Ones, is what many of you are experiencing and it will come with a sense of being truly freed from the past, and from that state the possibilities are endless. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
傳導:Shelley Young