


One of the things that has been disconcerting to many is the emergence of so many vast and varied conspiracy theories. What we want you to understand is that this is actually a sign of expansion and that masses of people are waking up. It indicates that people are starting to question beyond the 3D reality right in front of them, and that is a positive thing. They are beginning to explore many different potentials and possibilities.

This is leading people to develop the skill of discernment. And let us assure you that any conspiracy theory that is not based on truth or empowerment will ultimately show itself to have many holes in it – holes that will only get bigger and bigger until the believers realize it is not taking them where they wish to go. This can be a difficult realization, but it is a necessary one in the honing of discernment. It can also be a pivotal step in people discovering their own truth and wisdom.

One of the most important things you can do as you enter into the energies of the new is to create a space of safety and understanding that allows others to change their minds. Many have been very vocal and emotionally invested in their beliefs and the realization that those beliefs do not serve them can be very painful and deeply triggering. It is also important to allow your own truths to shift along with your own evolution.

The unfoldment of everyone’s journey has been the continual replacement of old beliefs with new ones. Hold the energy of grace for those who may be feeling disillusioned and are struggling to find new beliefs that better match them and where they truly wish to go. This is a part of evolution you all go through. Be kind and gentle with others as they go through that process of discovery as it can be a difficult, yet necessary part of the journey. Your understanding and compassion can make all the difference in the world to someone who is in the throes of trying to find their own truth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




The belief that money is power is prevalent on your planet, and that is true from a 3D standpoint. Many of you, as agents of change, have been rejecting the old power structures, and from doing so have also been subconsciously rejecting money. What we want you to understand is that as your relationship with power shifts from the old ways of separating power into the new ways of unifying empowerment, so will your relationship with money. From your new place of unity consciousness and empowerment, you will find it easier to embrace a more balanced flow of both giving and receiving, and that includes allowing the flow of money and other forms of abundance.

Just as you can have a conscious relationship with power, you can also have a more conscious relationship with money. We would even go so far as to say once you have one, you have the other. So at their core, money problems aren’t really money problems, they are power issues and it likely stems from you having a fear of either falling into ego, becoming like those you consider to be unevolved, a fear of being judged, a fear of owing another, a fear of responsibility, an unhealed belief system that money is the source of all evil, or some other disempowering or separating belief. All of these issues heal as you evolve beyond 3D power structures into 5D empowerment, and as they do your issues with money will naturally heal as well.

As you’ve been peeling back the layers to discover your true essence, you’ve also been peeling away the layers that kept you from experiencing your authentic wealth and your inherent ability to co-create. What we want you to understand is as you step into your authentic power all things shift, and that will open the door to ease with abundance, which ultimately is simply allowing yourself to acknowledge what has always been yours all along. Do you see? Authentic power will naturally lead you to authentic abundance if you allow it and it is safe to embrace both. ~Archangel Gabriel through




There is nothing more powerful than a surrendered human being allowing their beingness to lead the way, for every single thing that happens from that point on is supported by the flow, and a true match to who they really are and where they wish to go. But even more than that, a non-resistant human being has the ability to be easily moved into the right time/right place scenarios that allow them to be of their greatest service and the answer to a prayer. You become a willing participant of both serving and being served which allows you to become one with the love of Source, and that is the height of the human experience. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Become the Indiana Jones of your life expression! Be willing to get curious and explore and expand. Know there is treasure for you and have the courage to set out on your journey to discover it. Approach your life like it’s an epic adventure and that is exactly what it will be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




You understand that words carry vibrations. The right combination of words put together in a sentence creates what we call a healing equation. It is an energetic structure that can be used to support the healing and expansion you seek.

Generally speaking, healing is a process that involves first identifying what is out of balance, being willing to release or shift out of that state, and filling in the void with what supports wellness. This is where healing equations have great value.

So if you have an issue you wish to heal, write yourself a healing sentence. With your conscious awareness, try on some words that you feel might represent the wellness you seek. Arrange them in different ways and really feel into them. When you have the right combination, you will feel a shift in your energetics that brings relief and a feeling of heart expansion.

You can imagine the words connected together and holding a certain colour of light. You might imagine them swirling around you, or even sinking into your energy. You cannot get it wrong, so have fun with imagining how they can best connect and serve you.

This is something that you have a lot of experience with historically. You all have experience with blessings and spells in other life expressions. Or you may have discovered one line a song or a poem or even one of our daily messages that went straight to your heart and moved you deeply. There is much power in words!

So we invite you to sit and feel into what your own healing equation could be. Words are powerful and magical, and the way you connect and combine them can create many wondrous things. What blessing would you like to bestow upon yourself today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young







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