Archangel Michael and the Elohim Angelic Family

2022 The Year of Love, Simple Joy and the Gates of Paradise


Beloved Ones, welcome to the year 2022 of Earth’s linear timeline. We ask that you allow this to be the year of Love and the opening of the Gates of Paradise.
親愛的,歡迎來到地球線性時間2022 年。我們請求你允許今年成為愛和天堂之門的開啟之年


It will be a year in which only Love will allow you to succeed and to thrive and to experience the simple joys of your life on Earth.


Of course, since Time and Space are mostly “illusions” of perception, you are living between two timelines and two realities. The old energy/alternate reality exists on the lower levels of consciousness with its linear timeline, and the higher consciousness spiral timeline that exists on the higher frequencies. Each of these timelines ,while existing in the same “space”, produces a different spatial reality. So, depending on your perceptions and your soul frequencies, you will find yourself either in a chaotic and fear-filled reality, or in a peaceful and loving reality. If you are a Master of your Energy, you will be asked to move between them frequently, as needed.


In this year of 2022, you will be able to choose where you wish to be, by “setting your frequency dial” to the New Earth time line.
在 2022 年,你將能夠通過“設置你的頻率撥號”到新地球時間線來選擇想去的地方。


How do I do this ? You may ask?
你可能會問"我該怎麼做呢 ?"

Simply by making a choice and setting an intention.


Choose to live in a Reality of Love, Kindness and Compassion, and own your own shadow energies so that you are not triggered to fall out of that frequency. If you do fall out of the Love frequency, simply choose again and align with these higher energies that are so available now.


The Great Teacher Avatars Yeshua/Jesus and Mary Magdalene showed you the way. Focus on Love from the Heart and treat others and you would have them treat you. Open the “Book of Love” and begin to live in its pages!


Lady Mary Magdalene will teach you to be present in your life and to focus on what is before you, without fear or anxiety. She will guide you to flow with the creative currents of life and how to trust, and when to surrender so that you may live in Joy and Abundance.
抹大拉的馬利亞會教你在生活中存在並專注於面前的事情,沒有恐懼或焦慮。 她會引導你順應生活的創造性潮流,以及如何信任,何時臣服,這樣你就可以生活在喜悅和富足中。


The Joys of Higher Consciousness are simple. There is a deep bond with Nature and with the Earth that gives a sense of security and well-being. There is a sense of Connection and Communication with your Higher Self and your Angelic and Galactic Families that lets you know that you are not alone. And there is a sense of Sacred Space and Community with those of your Tribe on Earth as you find a new sense of Family and Community.
更高意識的喜悅很簡單。 與自然和地球有著深厚的聯繫,給人一種安全感和幸福感。 與你的高我及天使和銀河家庭有一種聯繫和溝通的感覺,讓你知道你並不孤單。 當你找到一種新的家庭和社區意識時,你的地球部落就會有一種神聖空間和社區的感覺。


Beloved Ones, at the 2/2 on the 2nd of February you will transit through a very special Portal of consciousness, called the Aquarius Gate. This year it falls on 02/02/2022 and we have called it “The Gates of Paradise”.
親愛的,在 2 月 2 日你們將穿越一個非常特殊的意識門戶,稱為水瓶座之門。 今年它落在 2022 年 2 月 2 日,我們稱之為“天堂之門”。 


This is when you come together in a Sacred Initiation that activates manifestation on the New Earth timeline. You will see and perceive how Heaven manifests on the New Earth timeline. You will see how Heaven manifests on Earth, in your own space and in your own New Earth timeline. Whatever chaos. and control is manifesting on lower frequency timeline, in the New. Earth timeline there will be freedom and love.

As Masters of Energy and Love, you are required to hold your energy of Love and create a bridge of Light to allow others to find their way to the New Earth timeline. Not all on the alternate timeline will be willing, or even interested, but those who are and indeed there will be many of them, will need your help to make the crossing and raise their frequencies and their perceptions to the New Earth.
作為能量與愛的大師,你需要保持你的愛能量並創造一座光之橋,讓其他人找到通往新地球時間線的道路。 並非所有在備用時間線上的人都會願意,甚至感興趣,但那些已經存在並且確實會有很多的人,將需要你的幫助來進行穿越並提高對新地球的頻率和感知。


In 2022 many of you will be called to expand your work and activate new aspects of your mission on Earth. You will wear your Crown of Light and you will be Sovereign Beings who guide others to their own Sovereignty and Crowns of Light. Beloved Ones, do not shrink back, now is the time to stand up and be power-filled.
在 2022 年,你們中的許多人將被召喚來擴展你們的工作並激活在地球上使命的新方面。 你將戴上你的光之冠冕,成為引導他人走向他們自己的主權和光之冠冕的至高無上的存有。 親愛的,不要退縮,現在是站起來,充滿力量的時候了。


You are needed on Earth right now.現在地球上需要你。


This is what you came to do at this time!這就是你這個時候來做的!


This is an exciting time as you enter this new creation!當你進入這個新創造時,這是一個激動人心的時刻!


We wish you Angelic Blessings and Light in 2022!我們希望你在 2022 年獲得天使般的祝福和光明!


Archangel Michael and the Elohim Angelic Family.






Archangel Michael and the Elohim Angelic Family: 2022 The Year of Love, Simple Joy and the Gates of Paradise (

傳導: Celia Fenn


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