Honour means giving credit where credit is due. Self honour is an essential aspect of your self love process. So many of you are always in trouble shooting mode with yourselves. Have you taken the time to honour all the truly remarkable things about you? (Trust us, there is plenty to celebrate considering you are an enlightening human being on an ascending planet!)
榮耀意味著在值得稱讚的地方給予稱讚。自我榮耀是你自愛進程的一個關鍵面向。很多人總是處於問題尋找模式。你有沒有花時間榮耀關於你的非凡面向? (相信我們,有著很多值得慶祝來把你自己當做一個處於揚昇星球上的開明之人。)
Why not decide that today is the day you will start to see yourself in your truth and at the very least acknowledge your sensitive and loving nature along with your courage and commitment to your growth and evolution? Being willing to see the truth of you will bring you into a much better state of balance with yourself and will encourage you in your forward movement during these incredible times. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
It is very common for empaths to see and fall in love with the potential in others. What is not as common is for empaths to see and fall in love with their own potential. How much would you bloom and grow if you took the energy that you poured into trying to get others to discover their truth and focused it instead on the discovery of your own truth and beingness?
You can still be an encourager of others while prioritizing the unfoldment of your true destiny. In fact, by doing so, you are honouring the divine capability and mastery of everyone involved and become a brilliant teacher by example. We highly recommend you don’t deny your own delightful love, encouragement, and faith in yourself one more moment, because to do so is to deny not just yourself but also the inspiration your path can provide others. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Your desire to be seen and validated by others often stems from the need to see and validate yourself through self acceptance, self honour, and self respect. Once you prioritize those essential elements of self love and acknowledge your truth, externals become meaningless and you will finally feel free to walk your own path. Interestingly, once you reach that space you will frequently start receiving the external validation that had eluded you all along, because it is a reflection of your internal state of being. This naturally occurs in response to you shifting into a more complete model of self love and embracing your authenticity and beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, you simply cannot get where you wish to go, either individually or collectively, without the energy of love, for love is both inclusive and expansive. If you find yourself feeling stuck or confused, if you can simply find your way back to love, however you find it easiest to experience, you will have placed yourself back in the energies that have the ability to lead you to the solutions you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young