

Welcome humanity to the fold of the higher dimensions. Many of you have felt the escalation of the energies of late especially with the Lion’s Gate Portal, or the Earthly Portal of the Lion as we say. For we all have our own planetary portals and constellations that work with our own planetary stars and systems. Heaven is very complex and yet simple in its predictability of mathematical and energetic interactions. As heavenly bodies move they create massive gravitational pulls, energetic pulls and as the stars dance through the vortexes all are affected, especially those nearest. We have been coming near to your sphere to aid, to assist. Many of you have been assisting in your sleep state. Many of you know and love us deeply. As you are never ending souls you have had infinite adventures within many different forms, and this is another one of those adventures that you are having. We wish for you to lighten up and to not take yourselves so seriously for it will be like oil and water for you, and the lower dimensional muck will not stick. (I am seeing oil and water easily separate in a glass. The debris cannot get within the oil bubble, it is well insulated within itself, whole and complete. It is peaceful in the oil bubble.)


We are the Galactic Command Interstellar Fleet. We are of no sector or division. We prefer the term ‘grouping’ for there are many groups of us but there is no division. We have all worked together for millennia, many of us. Some of the newer recruits are familiar with us energetically from lifetimes before. (I am seeing inside a large silvery beautiful ship. The people and beings are of many races in different colored uniforms. It is a massive city. There are children, gardens, recreational spaces, educational sectors.) We are eager to teach. We are eager to interact with our beloved brothers and sisters who have been immersed but not enmeshed beyond the veil of forgetfulness. (I am surprised to see reptilians as well on their ship.) Not all reptilians have lost their way, galaxygirl, and the ascended ones, the enlightened ones who have broken free from the dark and embraced the light are critically helpful. Just as some humans have fallen into the darkness does not mean that humanity must be given up on. Humanity is in the process of having the oil and water of their world separate, which is why we showed you this analogy. Vibrations attract. Energy attracts. Like attracts like. Therefore being of joy and lightheartedness is of great benefit to you for you will attract more of the same.
我們是銀河星際艦隊。我們沒有分區或分歧。我們喜歡“組團”這個詞,因為我們有著很多的團隊,但沒有分歧。我們合作了數千年。一些新成員在之前的生世熟悉我們。 (我看到一個巨大的銀色的美麗的飛船內部。有著許多身穿不同顏色制服的種族。這是一個巨大的城市。有著孩子、花園、娛樂場所、教育部門。)我們渴望教導。我們渴望與沈浸在遺忘的面紗中但還未超越它的兄弟姐妹交互。 (我驚訝地看到裡面還有爬蟲族)。不是所有爬蟲族都迷失了道路,galaxygirl,已經自由於黑暗並擁抱光的揚昇存在以及開悟存在是非常有幫助性的。就像一些人落入了黑暗,並不意味著人類必須被放棄。人類處於他們世界的油和水分離的過程中,所以我們展示你這個比喻。振動相吸引。能量相吸引。物以類聚。因此處於喜悅和輕盈會極大地幫助你,因為你會吸引更多類似的。

I am Tinirol, one of those who broke away to declare my sovereignty. (I am seeing a reptilian face with black and red markings, wearing white. He is massive and I have been hesitant to discuss with him, but as he is a part of this ascended fleet and I can see he is surrounded with light I am allowing the connection.) Thank you, galaxygirl. I am Tinirol. The reptilians have been controlled by the AI and manipulated energetically to great degree as well. The subordinates work under constant fear and haze. The higher ups on earth have allowed AI to inbreed with the lower so that they are almost mechanically controlled. Our free will was not known to many of us. Yes some enjoy the abuse of humanity, but many were trapped in the system. I broke free. I claimed my light as a fractal of the greater whole. I see this is a hard teaching. It was hard for me to remain within a system of such debauchery and pain and abuse. We do not need to focus on this. I am allowing my presence to be known for you will be also meeting ascended higher timeline beings of many races and it will be more in the flow of your awakening if this thought is seeded.
我是Tinirol,其中一個自由於黑暗並宣稱自己主權的人。 (我看到一個有著黑色、紅色標記的爬蟲臉,穿著白色的衣服。他很高大,我一直在猶豫要不要跟他交流,但他是這個艦隊的一部分,我可以看到他被光包裹,我允許連接。)謝謝你,galaxygirl,我是Tinirol。爬蟲族也被AI控制和操縱。下層在恆常的恐懼和迷霧中運作。地球上的上層讓AI與下層繁殖,這樣他們會被呆板地控制。我們很多人並不知道我們有自由意志。是的,一些人享受虐待人類,但許多人被困在系統中。我突破了。我宣稱了作為更大整體的一個分形的光。我看到這是一個艱難的教導。我難以留在一個如此墮落、痛苦和虐待的系統中。我們不需要專注於這些。我讓我的存在被你所知,因為你還會遇見許多揚昇的更高時間線的種族,如果這個想法被播種,會有更多到來。

The light comes for all but not all will accept it. Accept the light. The healing will be deep. Many will not want to heal. Many of my brothers and sisters will evaporate when the light comes as that is their choosing and their soul’s exit strategy. My strategy was to choose the light, to choose the deep pain of healing so that I could be liberated. I offer my love to you, as a healed reptilian and I extend my arms in gratitude and service to the whole, to Gaia. I too love Gaia. The problems is that many races have been involved with this project and they claimed ownership of the planet. They have forgotten the free will of Gaia. Her voice is being heard and her free will will no longer be violated, just as humanity’s voice is being heard, which is why so many starseeds have come to heal both aspects of this project. This is not just liberating the species of humanity. This is the liberation of this sector, of Gaia’s healing and of her rebirth. Fortunately that means that we will all have a chance to be reborn energetically as the light wave that has been long talked about is on its way. I am Tinirol. I appreciate all that you are doing for Gaia and again, I extend my hands in service to you and to the light.

We are the Galactic Command Interstellar Fleet. Our grouping is from many star systems. (I am seeing many beautiful Pleiadians, Andromedans, Sirians and other beings that I do not recognize. They are waving to me, smiling.) We are united in our little fleet and we wish for this energy of unification to pour through our words and through your absorption of them. Integration and unity is what is needed now in this recipe for healing upon Gaia. We have healed from our galactic wars. We all have our own stories of healing through pain and choosing to believe in hope. We see much hope for Gaia for her healing is nigh. Send her these healing words, these frequencies of light. We are representing the balance of the whole with the few. You are representing your own star families with your physical embodiment upon Gaia. Energetically like many millions of pinpoints of light this sector is coming back into harmony. Feel the harmony around you and as you reach for it reach within for there you wi ll find it. Inner balance work is work when embodied within a lower dimensional realm, for you do not see it. You do not feel it. It is not easy. But it is worthwhile. For you are there to discover the wholeness of Source, the unity within and the light that permeates. We see the flash of light. We see what will happen. We eagerly anticipate but we also want you to know and understand that what you are experiencing right now is just as exciting as the flash. Don’t wait for it. Create it now by pulling it in. Pull it towards yourselves and surround yourself with the glow of light. We will say Christed light for you, for your Christ with this concept you are familiar. In our stars systems we have other words for light, for we have had other teachers, other experiences, but it is all light from Source that ultimately is what matters. Be these burning lights. We see that you are.
我們是銀河星際艦隊。我們的團隊來自許多恆星系統。 (我看到許多美麗的昴宿星、仙女座、天狼星等等存有們,我都不認識。他們在向我招手,微笑。)我們是團結的,我們希望這個團結的能量通過我們的話語湧向你,讓你吸收它們。整合與團結是蓋亞療癒的秘方所需的。我們已經從我們的銀河戰爭中康復。我們有著自己的療癒痛苦,選擇相信希望的故事。我們看到蓋亞有著很多希望,因為她的療癒就要到來。發送她這些療癒話語,這些光的頻率。我們代表整體與少數的平衡。你代表你的星星家人和你在蓋亞上的物理化身。就像數以百萬計的燈,這個扇區在返迴光。感受周圍的和諧,當你把手伸向它,去向內伸,你會在那找到它。內在平衡的工作很重要,當化身於較低維度的領域,因為你看不到它。你感覺不到它。它並不容易。但它是值得的。因為你是去發現源頭的完整、內在的統一、瀰漫的光的。我們看到了閃光。我們看到了什麼會發生。我們熱情地期待著,但我們也想要你知道和明白你正在體驗的和閃光一樣激動人心。不要等待它。通過牽引它來創造它。把它拉向自己,讓自己被光包裹。我們會說是基督之光,因為你熟悉這個概念。在我們的恆星系統,我們有別的術語,因為我們有其他的老師,其它的體驗,但都是來自源頭的光,這是最重要的。成為這些炙熱的光。我們看到你就是這個光。

We are the Galactic Command Interstellar Fleet. I Ashania am speaking. (I am seeing a young lady who seems half aquatic and is thin and blue with numerous pretty teal and indigo tentacles from her head like hair. She has huge purple eyes and a big smile.) This is so exciting for me! I have always wanted to address the starseeds of Gaia! We love you so much! We pray for you, we send you our love and light, you are so loved! Thank you for letting me come through this day, this is one of the supreme honors of my lifetime. I serve through hypnosis healings. I serve in many ways. I send my abilities of immense love, for that is one of my gifts I am told, and hypnosis healing is one of the modalities that I enjoy doing. (She is showing me images of sandwiches and children playing ball and a bright sandy beach.) Many good times are ahead! Don’t lose hope! Find your gifts and unwrap them. The great unwrapping is here. We love you.
我們是銀河星際艦隊。我是Ashania。 (我看到一個年輕的女士,一半是水做的,很瘦,藍色的,頭上有著很多漂亮的藍綠色和靛藍色的觸手,像頭髮一樣。她有著巨大的紫色眼睛和大大的微笑。)我很激動!我總是想要來與星際種子說話!我們很愛你!我們為你祈禱,我們發送你我們的愛與光,你被深愛著!謝謝你讓我今天前來,這是我人生中的一個最高榮譽時刻。我通過催眠療癒服務。我在許多方式中服務。我發送我巨大的愛之能力,因為這是我的其中一個天賦,催眠療癒是我喜歡做的其中一個形式。 (她在展示我三明治和孩子們在玩球以及一個明亮的沙灘。)美好的時光在前方!不要失去希望!找到你的天賦,打開它們。偉大的打開就在這裡。我們愛你。

I am Renaldo. (I am seeing a short statured male being with a mustache step forward.) We are showing you how different we are, and yet how we are all the same. We are showing you hope for your future as your differences blend into one. You all have been many things. Many bodies, many roles, many experiences. Now is the time to unite. To clean up your planetary mother, whom we love. We are here because we love Gaia and we love Humanity. We believe in the goodness of humanity. We believe that you will remember it too. (He bows and steps back.)
我是Renaldo。 (我看到一個短身材的男性,留著鬍子)我們在展示你我們有多不同,但我們又都是相同的。我們在展示你未來的希望,隨著你們的不同融合成一。你們成為過很多東西。許多的身體,許多的角色,許多的體驗。現在是時候團結。清理地球母親。我們在這裡,因為我們愛蓋亞,我們愛人類。我們相信人類的良善。我們相信你會憶起它。 (他鞠躬併後退。)

We are the Galactic Command Interstellar Fleet sending your our love and light. Peace on your journey. Peace.





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