


We have spoken quite a lot about the importance of acknowledging any inner child aspects that did not get what they needed and assuming the role of your own loving parent, encourager, and guide. This is an incredibly important first step to begin your healing and reintegration process. We recommend you to make this a priority, always meeting those needs lovingly and consistently until safe attachment can occur.

Today we wish to take it to the next step. Getting to know those aspects can give you vital clues as to who you really are and what brings you joy. The question we wish for you to meditate on today is, who were you really before others attempted to make you wrong for who you are?

What gifts did you have that weren't acknowledged or appreciated? What dreams did you have that matched you and your energetics perfectly that others put down as frivolous or unrealistic? What activities brought you joy? What talents did you not have an opportunity to explore or hone? What circumstances held you back but no longer apply now that you've taken the reins of reparenting yourself? What can you do now that you can navigate beyond those old blockages?

Dear Ones, it is never too late. Give yourself the acknowledgement of how divinely perfect you have always been exactly as you are and encourage those unique traits to bloom and grow as essential aspects of your own self expression and how you serve the whole. Can you finally make yourself right just for being you? It is by freeing yourself to be beautifully, unabashedly you, you will finally find the true satisfaction and self acceptance you've been seeking and from there all things are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Dear Ones, we wish to reassure you that if you move out of troubleshooting mode with yourself, you won't fall into ego or somehow derail your growth. Quite the opposite. You will shift out of being in resistance to yourself which will allow growth and expansion. If you have a conscious desire to evolve, anything that does not support that evolution will make you uncomfortable in record time and you will naturally redirect. If there is one thing you can be sure of, it is that the universe is very adept at bringing things into your awareness if there is something that requires your attention. It is safe for you to move into acceptance of yourself and trust in the built in wisdom of your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




The key to healing beyond separation is inclusivity. Moving forward in an empowering way is not based on focusing on what you need to eliminate from your experience, but rather by focusing on what you wish to include, while honouring the free will of others to do the same.

Exclusion is an act of resistance which immediately stalls forward movement, while inclusion creates flow and supports expansion. Your body's energy will naturally rail against resistance while it will settle and flow with inclusion. This is exactly how you redirect your path into preference. Resistance is 'no' energy while inclusion is 'yes' energy. 'No' energy doesn't move while 'yes' energy expands and flows.
排斥是一種抗拒行為,會立刻停止前進運動,而包容創造流動並支持擴張。你身體的能量會自然反對抗拒,它會伴隨著包容安定和流動。這是你重新定向你道路的方式。抗拒是“不”能量,而包容是“yes”能量。 “不”能量不會移動,而“yes”能量擴張和流動。

Again we direct you to the experience of a buffet. You don't petition to have the foods you don't care for removed because you realize there are others who may enjoy them very much. Nor do you yell at people who put them on their plate. You simply pass over what you don't like and fill your plate with the foods you enjoy and respect others in their preferences. The buffet includes many things in order to best serve the whole.

So if you are feeling triggered or blocked as you consider what you wish to create for yourselves moving forward, we highly recommend you step back and examine if your resistance practice has become stronger than your acceptance practice. With that new awareness you can shift your focus from contraction to expansion, from what you would like to exclude into simply choosing what you wish to experience, and you will find the path forward filled with much more comfort and ease. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Dear Ones, it is really quite simple to shift your energy. If you are seeking to have more of the experience of something, rather than waiting for to show up externally, find ways to incorporate it into your life expression right now, in whatever ways are supported.

You might think of it as a tiny infusion or a microscopic dose. The power is not the size of the element but rather the holding of it, no matter how small. That is because you have switched it from being something you may or may not experience one day into something you already have. It is the planting of the seed meaning you now hold the full potential and it will grow from there. As it grows it will also draw more of the same energy to it.

So if you are seeking the experience of peace, look for ways you can experience peace right now. Breathe deeply. Meditate. Go walk in the beauty of nature. Acknowledge and appreciate the sense of peace that was there for you to find because you made the empowered choice to do so.

If you are looking for love seek out activities that open your heart chakra and acknowledge and appreciate the feeling of love when it flows. Meditate and imagine being the arms of your beloved and recognize that choice has shifted your relationship from being out there one day into happening right now. From there it is only a matter of time until it shows up in your physical reality.

What you consciously add into your present moment will set the stage for your tomorrows. You are your own beautiful cocktail! Add the ingredients that delight you as your own alchemist and the universe will meet those efforts every single time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young





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