

I come on the wings of love! For too long the people of the world have been divided and hadforgotten that they are all connected through their Source connection bywhatever name they call it. As more people attune to this Source they discoverthe inner beauty, purity, love, compassion and creativity that flows throughthem like a river. When they remember the majesty of their own being, they fallin love with who they are and honor that knowing. This in turn radiates out toothers and ignites that Divine spark within them. They will not want to go backto living in the shadows and will only embrace doing that which makes them feelgood about themselves and everyone around them. They will want to reinforcefeeling good, feeling joy and happiness in every moment and will do everythingin their power to perpetuate this feeling at all times.

Those of you who have donethe work of transcending lower emotions, attitudes and conditioned reactionsare helping the entire collective of humanity to embrace their own purity ofbeing and love that they are. As they all awaken to this remembrance of theirtrue being, many positive and natural changes take place in the environment andworld around them. This is how the old world ways are discarded for a betterway – what was will simply fall away.Love in all its facets of expression will rule each day and everyone will worktogether in harmony to bring benevolent changes for the highest good of all.Love is the true force in the cosmos, it is the glue that unites all within andexternally in the world around you. Where there is love, there is everything.It is important to let this powerful force shine through your being as you walkupon this world.

Being true to self continues to be the order of each day. Only do that which rings true for you. Gone arethe days of conforming with the prevailing themes that rise up in distractionin the world around you. You are sovereign, therefore you recognize that it isyou who is self responsible for your own state of health and well being andlive your life according to higher laws of conduct that ensure that you do noharm as you live your daily life. You are unique and not a carbon copy ofanyone else. Follow your inner guidance always as to what is the right thingfor you to do in any given moment and situation. Strive always to be the highestand best version of yourself that you can be. This is not a competition withothers around you, it is an inner desire to be the best human being that youpersonally can be. It means always taking the high road and transcending theprogrammed responses of the lower vibrations that are still rampant upon thisworld.

When situations and eventscome up, utilize your innate wisdom and do not be afraid to take the step shownto you. You have your own internal guidance system that is always in motion,learn to recognize when it is in play within you. It will always be the path ofthe higher way of being and this way leads you in safety and protection. Manytimes in current situations you wonder if you are on the right track and do notknow which way to go, in this case do nothing and the way before you willclear. It is all about trusting self and having confidence in what is shown toyou. Many times taking action simply means going within to reconnect with yourinternal guidance system. Asyou do this often, you become more and more proficient in recognizing signs andguideposts along the way. They are there in your own experiences of theworld around you.

Love always and ever – it is who you are! Theworld around you is changing and transforming and you are creating the newtemplate of the new Earth reality every day by the internal choices that youmake. In all things, do not settle for crumbs when you know you can eat cake! Youare worthy of every good thing because you are a child of the Light! You areupholding the Light on behalf of all of humanity as the higher energies comein. Even though it is achallenging time in Earth's history, you have willingly chosen to be here now in order to bringabout the transformation that is now occurring. We honor your courage and bravery, steadfastness and tenacity. You areour ground crew and we stand with you always. Ask for what you need and weshall honor your request.


I AM Hilarion




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