

Greetings and love, I amArchangel Metatron. It is a joy to be in your presence and to bring forth theascension energies, as I inspire you to gaze within your being. My words ofinspiration are to support a deep exploration within your being while allowingyou to accept the ascension energies flowing forth from the Creator activatingthe next stage of your ascension within your being.

In this stage of yourascension I, Archangel Metatron encourage you to gaze within your being toacknowledge your worth. Acknowledge the love, the truth, the positivity, thepeace, the strength, the courage, the jewels, and the treasure that existwithin your being.

It is so easy toacknowledge your fears, negativity, feelings of being stuck, limited, negativehabits or weaknesses. It is important to realize that at this stage ofascension, it is the negative habits and negative vibrations which are beingenhanced and emphasized. This is because there is a deep powerful release andflush, it is an ascension flush taking place.

It means that because of the tremendous changes, shifts, andtransformations taking place within your being, your body, your being isbecoming over stimulated, and it is the negative emotions and habits that aredrawing and attracting your attention currently.

In the last few weeks, youmay have noticed yourself being a bit angrier or a bit more tired. Maybedoubting yourself or feeling that things are impossible or that your dreamswill never come true or that you are going backwards in your ascension. This isbecause there is an ascension flush, a release, a cleansing taking place thatis over stimulating your being. Therefore, as energies are being released, youare noticing them with greater vigor and greater emphasis within your being,

The ascension flush couldcontinue for a while, there is a need to refocus and reform your attention sothat the ascension flush can take place. We can recognize that it is okay foryour entire being to feel over stimulated because of all the transformationtaking place.

However, there is a needfor you to discover and reconnect with the quiet space within your being. Yourspace of truth, your space of peace and love. In doing so you will bringbalance, a softness and gentleness to your system and your entire being. You will allow the energies thatneed to be released to be released with ease and effortlessly.

While this process takes place, you will discover your worth which is amagnificent step forward in your ascension process. Discovering your worth is to realize you areworthy of everything, everything that is the Creator. You are worthy ofeverything that you wish to receive, embody, and experience. We could say thatyour worth is 100% or more, meaning that you are complete, you are whole.Therefore, it is not about building your worth or even reactivating your worth,your worth is already complete, it is 100%.

You may recognize a lack ofself-esteem, confidence, or courage within your being, maybe you do not feelthat you love yourself as much as you could. Please recognize that these arepatterns within your mind and your ego. Within your being is a jewel ortreasure that is complete and whole, this is your worth, it is everything thatis the Creator, love, peace, joy, and truth.

Rather than feeling thatyou need to build, emphasize, or boost your self-worth or the way you valueyourself. Instead, I, Archangel Metatron invite you to reform and restructureyour thought processes, and the energy patterns within your ego to recognizeyour self-worth. Your inner worth is complete, and a whole expression of theCreator, you can receive everything you need, you are never wanting.

In the coming days when you recognize anger, tiredness, or fear. I encourage you to take your attention within yourbeing, I invite you to go to your higher heart chakra, above your heart chakra,and to acknowledge that within your higher heart chakra you gain a viewingpoint of your worth. It is like a viewpoint of your treasure, all that you are.As you go into and take your attention into your higher heart chakra, you cansay to yourself:

I recognize my inner worth,I am worthy.


I recognize my inner worth,I am worthy.

Repeat this to yourselfseeking within your being an energy vibration that reflects your words, focus,intention. The energy may become even greater, grander, and more expansive thanyour original intention. Then your focus is not so much about being worthy oreven recognizing your worth, how valuable you are, that you are the Creator, orare valued by the Creator. It becomes more than this and opens into somethinggreater.

What does it open into?


Maybe it opens into bliss,love, a sense of freedom or limitless expression. You will discover the realvibration, the complete whole vibration of your worth, which is your magic,your treasure, your jewel, and everything that you are. When you connect withyour inner worth, you begin to understand yourself on a deeper level, who youare, and what you have to give to the world. Now is the time to explore yourworth on many levels of your being, it is the next ascension step, and it willbe immensely healing.

I, Archangel Metatron, willbe with you every step of the way.

My love is with you always,


I am Archangel Metatron



傳導:Natalie Glasson


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