The Sirius Gateway July 3-7

天狼星門戶 7 月 3 日至 7 日

Every year during the first week of July, a sacred gateway of energy is activated between Earth and the star Sirius, bringing heightened vibrations and spiritual advancements.



This gateway of energy occurs as the Sun comes into conjunction with the star Sirius, which is located at 14 degrees of the tropical zodiac of Cancer. 

當太陽與位於熱帶巨蟹座 14 度的天狼星合相時,就會出現這個能量門戶。


As the Sun and Sirius conjunct, which in 2021 happens from July 3-7, we are all able to access this high-frequency energy and use it for creative inspiration, entrepreneurial endeavors, technological innovations, and heightening our intuition. 

隨著 2021 年 7 月 3 日至 7 日發生的太陽和天狼星合相,我們都能夠獲得這種高頻能量,並將其用於創造靈感、創業努力、技術創新和增強我們的直覺。


Sirius has long been revered by many ancient cultures and is considered our Spiritual Sun.


Our Sun is considered the lifeline of this planet. The Sun holds the energy of birth, warmth, sustenance, and light. The Sun is what keeps us alive and present in this Earthly reality.



Sirius, which shines 23 times brighter than our own Sun, is our “Spiritual Sun,” and it helps to activate and shift us to higher levels of spiritual awareness.

天狼星比我們自己的太陽亮 23 倍,是我們的“精神太陽”,它有助於激活我們並將我們轉移到更高水平的精神意識。


If the Sun our Earth orbits warms our body, Sirius, way out in the depths of our galaxy, warms our soul.


Even though the star Sirius is so far from our planet, it seems to have an important place in the stories of many ancient cultures from all over the world.



In Ancient Egypt, Sirius was considered to be the star of the Goddess Isis, who rules over the cycles of death and rebirth, and Anubis, the jackal-headed God, who was able to walk between the world of the living and the world of the dead.



In ancient Shamanic cultures, Sirius was believed to be a portal to the Gods, and journeys taken through the Sirius Gateway were said to bring Divine messages. It was also believed that Sirius was the portal to heaven, and was where our souls had to travel through in order to leave this realm and enter the next. 在古代薩滿文化中,天狼星被認為是通向眾神的門戶,據說通過天狼星門戶的旅程會帶來神聖的信息。人們還認為天狼星是通往天堂的門戶,是我們的靈魂必須穿越才能離開這個領域並進入下一個領域的地方。


It seems that for many ancient cultures, Sirius aligns with the idea of spiritual awakening, and the inevitable cycles of transformation that occur as we make our way through this Earthly journey and beyond.


In modern astrology, Sirus also holds the vibration of freedom. Its energy can help us to release limitations and feel free to express our true selves. This energy of freedom can also act as inspiration, helping us to go out there and turn our goals and dreams into reality.



Sirius is also believed to be home to an alien race that possesses extremely advanced technological innovations and psychic abilities.



While there are many starseeds that already feel connected to Sirius, at the time of this gateway, it may become easier to receive messages from Sirian beings or perhaps remember past or parallel lives from Sirius.



All of this energy high-frequency energy makes the first week of July a highly potent time on Earth, where we can open and advance our spiritual awareness, receive messages from the Divine, and find a new freedom within ourselves and our lives.



It is also a time where we may find ourselves more open to connecting with higher beings, and honoring our own cycles of death and rebirth and how they have helped us to advance spiritually.



In order to receive this powerful spiritual energy in your own life, the first week of July would be the perfect time to meditate, activate your third eye, and to reach out to your spirit guides, guardian angels, or higher self for guidance.

為了在你自己的生活中接收這種強大的精神能量,7 月的第一週將是冥想、活化你的第三隻眼以及接觸你的靈性嚮導、守護天使或高我以尋求指導的最佳時間。


It would also be the perfect time to do an aura cleanse and work on finding more freedom in your creative or entrepreneurial projects. If you work in technology, you may feel extra supported with any innovations you may be working on or you may receive a sudden burst of inspiration.

這也是淨化光環並努力在你的創意或創業項目中尋找更多自由的最佳時機。 如果你從事技術工作,你可能會受到正在從事的任何創新的額外支持,或者你可能會突然獲得靈感。








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