Beloved masters: As you learn to tap into the cosmic records within the higher realms, you are beginning to broaden your awareness of your cosmic lineage. The process of reunification is well under way, therefore, many faithful Servers of the Light are now striving to reclaim the many Facets of their Divinity. 


A part of our mission is to help you remember your Divine Heritage, and to also help you understand the unprecedented process humanity is in the midst of at this time.



My brave Ones, you have been separated from your Soul Family for many eons of time so that you could experience and fulfill your own unique Divine Mission. You have experienced other universes, 
sub-universes, galaxies and civilizations beyond your wildest imagining. 


As you came forth and began your journey within this sub-universe, your experiences became more focused and detailed in preparation to an even greater fragmentation of your Essence so that you could experience the density of the newly created galaxies and star systems within the lower realms of Light. 


As you are aware, those of the Angelic Kingdom were designated as the messengers, protectors, guides and teachers for humanity by our Father/Mother God. When it was ordained that a contingent of Archangels and great Legions of Angelic Beings would accompany humanity into the unknown regions of diminished Creation within the young galaxy called, the Milky Way Galaxy; there was a mandate sent forth that some of them would have to greatly fragment their Essence in order to fulfill this mission. 


Therefore, these wondrous Beings of Light agreed to have their White Fire God Seed Atom fragmented into greatly diminished Soul Sparks of God Light. This was necessary so that they could be embodied on the 
Earth Plane of consciousness during the unprecedented experiment in duality and polarity. They were also given the gift of Free Will that was to be bestowed upon humanity. This is why there is such a vast number ofSouls who are of Angelic Lineage, and why there is also such a great diversity of wondrous Beings of Light from other Universes, who were chosen to become the Avatars and shining Spiritual examples for each great Era, embodied on Earth.


These phenomenal Beings were sent to the Andromeda Galaxy, which is the closest galaxy to your home galaxy — the Milky Way Galaxy. There are many very advanced “mentally focused” planets and civilizations there, and many of the Legions of Light and Light Warriors came from that galaxy.
這些非凡的存有被送往仙女座星系,這是距離你們的家鄉星系——銀河系最近的星系。 有許多非常先進的“精神集中”行星,那裡有文明,許多光之軍團和光戰士都來自那個星系。


The Sacred Triads of the Angelic Legions and the great Avatars, who were to embody on the Earth Plane to guide humanity, all spent a very long time on Andromeda preparing for their mission in your galaxy, solar system and on Earth. During the “resting and rehabilitation” in-between life-times for this special group, most often, these StarSeed Soul Fragments return to the Andromeda Galaxy home base, which was created especially for this group. When they are ready, they are given their next assignment. Time after time, they have returned to the Earth Plane to assist humanity in their great struggle to release themselves from the shackles of the past and to gain Spiritual freedom once more. 


Those Earthly Souls, who are still functioning within the limitations of the Third /Fourth-Dimensional environment, cycle into the higher Fourth Dimension for rest and rehabilitation. They then spend time on one of the Seven major planets of your Solar System. Their lessons, training and focus will be on the most important attributes, talents and qualities that are needed to assist them to return to balance and harmony—within the limits of Universal Law—of the existing Dimensional realm in which they are attuned. Yes, to the physical eye, 
那些仍在第三/第四維度環境的限制內運作的地球靈魂,會循環進入更高的第四維度進行休息和康復。然後他們會在你們太陽系的七大行星之一上度過一段時間。他們的課程、培訓和重點將集中在最重要的屬性才能品質上,以幫助他們在宇宙法則的範圍內,在他們所協調的現有維度領域恢復平衡與和諧。 是的,從肉眼看來,

these planets may look lifeless and dead; however, in various ways, they all resonate to the frequencies of the Fifth-Dimension or higher, and they are all teaming with life— they are lush, beautiful and bountiful. It is time for the Earth to catch up with the rest of its solar system so that all may move upward on the spiral of Ascension. 
這些行星可能看起來毫無生氣、死氣沉沉; 然而,它們都以不同的方式與第五維度或更高頻率產生共鳴,並且它們都與生命融為一體——它們鬱鬱蔥蔥、美麗而豐富。 現在是地球追上太陽系其他部分的時候了,這樣所有的東西都可以沿著太陽系的螺旋向上移動揚升。


Those whose Soul Song resonates to the three highest Sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension will spend their in-between life-times on the five, higher Frequency planets of your solar system. There they will gain 
access to and begin to reactivate the more refined extra-sensory abilities, which have atrophied because of misuse or non-use down through the many Ages of incarnational experience.


My brave friends, this is just a small overview of some of the higher teachings and information that await you as you refine your mental processes and integrate the higher Frequencies of Light of your 
approaching Fifth-Dimensional environment. You cannot begin to comprehend what awaits you in the brave, new world you are endeavoring to create and enjoy.


Many of you, the StarSeed and Wayshowers, came into this lifetime with more Facets of your Diamond Core God Cell active than those still functioning within the Third / lower Fourth-Dimensional realms. 


Therefore, you have had many more “bursts of God-conscious awareness” over the past years. If you compare notes about your earlier experiences with others, such as our beloved Scribe, who faithfully transcribes our messages, you will find that you have had many similar experiences throughout your lifetime. You are finding 
that this is not a common occurrence for the average person who still exists and functions within the lower, distorted realms of the mass consciousness belief structure. 
因此,在過去的幾年裡,你有更多的“上帝意識的爆發”。 如果你與其他人(例如我們敬愛的抄寫員,忠實地抄寫我們的信息)比較你早期經歷的筆記,你會發現你一生中有很多類似的經歷。你正在尋找對於仍然存在於大眾意識信仰結構的較低、扭曲領域中並發揮作用的普通人來說,這種情況並不常見。

What many of you are now experiencing, dear Ones, is the transition of the final stages of the Fourth-Dimensional Realm. What is occurring at this time for many of you who are on THE FAST TRACK OF THE 
ASCENSION PROCESS: you are in the process of integrating the remaining Facets of your Higher Self within the more refined levels of the Fourth Dimension. This activates many memories and feelings, like a kaleidoscope of experiences from your ancient past within the higher realms. Over the past several years, we have been relaying to you the critical process you must go through in order to arrive at your programmed destination—the first sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension. 
You and other dedicated Light Bearers now have the ability to tap into the Fifth and Sixth-Dimensional Cities of Light in order to access and bring forth the God Particles of Love/Light called Adamantine Particles. 

揚升過程:你正在將你的更高自我的剩餘面向整合到第四維度的更精緻的層面中。這會激活許多記憶和感受,就像你在更高領域的遠古經歷的萬花筒一樣。 在過去的幾年裡,我們一直在向你傳達你必須經歷的關鍵過程,以便到達你的編程目的地——第五維度的第一個子位面。你和其他奉獻的光之承載者現在有能力進入第五和第六維度的光之城,以訪問並產生被稱為金剛粒子的愛/光的上帝粒子


These wondrous Creator Cells will further activate the etheric Diamond Core God Cell that lies deep within your Sacred Heart Center. This God Cell contains the full measure of your Divine birthright; all the attributes, qualities and virtues of God Consciousness available to humanity for this Sub-Universal experience. 
這些奇妙的造物主細胞將進一步激活位於你聖心中心深處的以太鑽石核心神細胞。 這個神細胞包含了你與生俱來的神聖權利的全部; 人類可以利用上帝意識的所有屬性、品質和美德來體驗這個次宇宙。


We encourage those of you who are new to the process to go into your personal Pyramid of Light in the Fifth Dimension. Lie on the crystal table as you envision the particles of Light from the City of Light over 
your area trickling down through the great double-terminated crystal which hangs over you into your etheric body. Watch as it flows down the column of Light that connects with your physical body, permeating every facet of your Being down into your deepest cellular core and DNA. Then envision a portion of this wondrous Elixir of Love/Light/Life flowing down into the core of your Mother Earth, assisting in her transformation process, and also flowing out into the world via your Sacred Breath.
我們鼓勵那些剛接觸這個過程的人進入第五維度的個人光之金字塔。 躺在水晶桌上,想像來自光之城的光粒子,你的區域通過懸掛在你上方的巨大雙端水晶滴落到你的以太體中。 觀察它沿著與你的身體相連的光柱流動,滲透到你存在的每一個方面,深入到你最深層的細胞核心和 DNA。然後想像這奇妙的愛/光/生命的一部分流入地球母親的核心,協助她的轉變過程,並通過你的神聖呼吸流出到世界。


Know that before you embodied in your present physical vessel you left an Etheric Replica of yourself on the crystal table within your personal Fifth-Dimensional Pyramid of Light. If it is your desire, you may 
dedicate a portion of the Adamantine Particles that you have activated with your own Love/Light to the World Pyramid in the higher Fifth Dimension. Your blessed gift will be mixed and melded with the Love/Light gifts of others and used to create miracles of Divine proportions; for the greatest good of the Earth, humanity, and all 
將你用自己的愛/光激活的金剛粒子的一部分,奉獻給更高第五維度的世界金字塔。你受祝福的禮物將與他人的愛/光禮物混合並融合,並用來創造神聖的奇蹟; 為了地球、人類和所有人的最大利益創建。


We are asking you to become a Light Beacon and a bearer of the new frequencies which will gradually sweep around the Earth and into the hearts of all humanity. My steadfast friends, you can help transform your nation and the world. Be bold in your vision; see what is right in your world, thereby reinforcing the Love/Light that dwells within each and every person you meet. Do not focus on the shadows, for wherever you focus your attention, that is what you reinforce and magnify. Your only true enemy is fear. Release the fear so that you may radiate the maximum amount of Love/Light, and then, watch as the miracles unfold. 
我們要求你們成為燈塔和新頻率的承載者,新頻率將逐漸席捲地球並進入全人類的心中。 我堅定的朋友們,你們可以幫助改變你們的國家和世界。 大膽設想; 看看你的世界裡什麼是正確的,從而加強你遇到的每個人內心的愛/光。不要把注意力集中在陰影上,因為你的注意力集中在哪裡,就會強化和放大它。 你唯一真正的敵人是恐懼。釋放恐懼,這樣你就可以輻射出最大量的愛/光,然後,看著奇蹟發生。


What is your passion? What brings you joy and satisfaction? You can accomplish anything you canenvision — this is a time of reclaiming your Divine Heritage. It is time to release and transmute or upgrade many of the old restricting thought forms and structures that you have accepted as your reality. If you will spend some time in meditation and contemplation, reviewing the “structures” you have created in your 
Fourth-Dimensional reality (which includes mental, emotional, physical and even some spiritual restrictions), you will quickly determine that it is time to release many of the “ties that bind” you, so that you may move quickly into the expanded, empowering world of tomorrow. 
你的熱情是什麼? 什麼給你帶來快樂和滿足? 你可以完成任何你能想像的事情——這是一個奪回你的神聖遺產的時刻。 是時候發布、改造或升級了
許多舊的限制性思維形式和結構,你已經接受為你的現實。 如果你花一些時間進行冥想和沈思,回顧你在你的生活中創建的“結構”,第四維度現實(包括心智、情感、身體甚至一些精神限制),你很快就會決定是時候釋放許多“束縛”你的束縛了,這樣你就可以快速進入擴展的、賦權的世界。 明天的世界。

You are a master of manifestation on the higher realms and also on the physical plane of existence; you have just forgotten. Believe in yourself and cease creating those things that bring you pain, guilt and suffering. Become a cocreator of the Light, peace, balance and harmony once more, so that you may assist in remanifesting the pristine beauty of planet Earth. 
你是更高領域和物質存在層面的顯化大師; 你剛剛忘記了。 相信自己,停止創造那些給你帶來痛苦、內疚和痛苦的事情痛苦。 再次成為光、和平、平衡與和諧的共同創造者,這樣你就可以幫助重新顯現地球的原始之美。


We of the angelic realms are here in great force to help you move through these times of evolution and great change with ease and grace. However, you must ask for our assistance, for we cannot infringe upon your free will. You have encoded within your Sacred Mind Light Packets of wisdom waiting to be brought forth and shared with others. You can achieve or become anything you can envision, so why not reach for the stars and your highest potential? 


Reclaim your rightful place as a master of Light, dear one. Please REMEMBER, as you integrate the knowledge of Spirit and illumined truth, we ask you to go forth and share your wisdom. We are ever near to guide, protect and inspire you, but mostly to love you. I AM Archangel Michael.




<><> Serenity and joy are qualities of the Soul. Intelligent love results when the Soul becomes the dominating force within, and the ego personality has been brought under control. When you successfully dissolve the membranes of Light guarding the entrance to your Sacred Mind, you gain access to your personal storehouse of Divine Wisdom.

平靜和快樂是靈魂的品質。當靈魂成為智慧的愛時,就會產生智慧的愛。內在的主導力量,自我/小我人格已受到控制。 當你成功的時候溶解守護你神聖心靈入口的光膜,你就可以進入你的個人神聖智慧的寶庫。


<><> You must keep the channel of communication open between the Soul and the brain via the mind. This initiates the slow reactivation process of the Pineal Gland and the opening of the portal to the Sacred Mind, which is located at the back portion of the brain, close to the crown of the head. The Sacred Mind resonates to the Highest Fourth-Dimensional Sub-levels, as well as several of the Fifth-Dimensional levels, along with a small portion of Sixth-Dimensional frequencies and data, which are reserved for future use. However, you must gradually increase your own vibrational patterns in order to tap into this storehouse of Cosmic Wisdom. 
你必須通過思想/心智 保持靈魂和大腦之間的溝通渠道暢通。 這啟動松果體的緩慢重新激活過程和打開神聖心靈的門戶,它位於大腦的後部,靠近頭頂。 神聖心靈產生共鳴最高的第四維度子層次,以及幾個第五維度層次,以及一個小的第六維頻率和數據的一部分,保留供將來使用。 但是,你必須逐漸增加自己的振動模式,以便利用這個宇宙智慧的寶庫。

<><> The Sacred Mind and the Sacred Heart are not made of material world matter; they consist of gossamer, ethereal Light substance that cannot be detected via scientific means. However, they are more real than any part of your physical body. For once you reestablish the connection between your Sacred Mind, your Sacred Heart and your Diamond Core God Cell, there will be a constant flow of Adamantine Particles, as well as pertinent, advanced information coming from your OverSoul / Higher-Self. and eventually from your Fifth-Dimensional Sacred Triad.
神聖思想和神聖之心不是由物質世界的物質構成的;它們由游絲、空靈的光物質組成,無法通過科學手段檢測到。然而,他們比你身體的任何部分更真實。 因為一旦你在你的神聖思想、神聖之心和鑽石核心神細胞之間重新建立聯繫,將會有金剛粒子的持續流動,以及來自你的超靈/高我的相關的、先進的信息。 最終來自你的第五維度神聖三位一體。


<><> That is why it is so critical that you reconnect the Triad of God Consciousness: the Sacred Mind, the Sacred Heart and all the Facets of your Diamond Core God Cell. As you move into the vibrational patterns of the Fifth Dimension, your cells, etheric body and auric field will begin an accelerated purification process.



<><> Tranquility begins in the lowest level of the Fifth Dimension and strengthens exponentially. Gaining godly power and wisdom requires that you move beyond the massive belief patterns of the collective consciousness of humanity into attunement with your Cosmic Consciousness via the many facets of your Higher-Self. Emotional stability and mental effort are required in order to successfully traverse the path of illumination. There is a LAW of EQUILIBRIUM that applies to the Fifth Dimension and above. Love and Angel blessings, Ronna <><><><><><>
寧靜從第五維度的最低層開始,並呈指數級增強。 取得神聖的力量和智慧要求你超越集體的巨大信仰模式,通過你的許多方面,人類意識與你的宇宙意識相協調高我。 為了成功走上這條道路,需要情緒穩定和精神努力。有一個平衡法則適用於第五維度及以上。 愛與天使祝福,羅娜<><><><><><>









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