
Beloved Ones,


I come to speak to you about adaptation. The energies of this time are creating changes in your daily lives and it is important to allow these changes to occur without resistance. This does not mean walking away from others in your lives, it simply means that within your own selves, you are willing to create and allow these changes. Everyone upon the Earth at this time is going through intense transformation. Your physical bodies are transforming, you can feel the heat of this going through your spine as your DNA is activated into being fully operational again.
我前來與你談論適應。 此刻的能量在你的日常生活中創造改變,很重要讓這些改變沒有阻力地發生。 這並不意味著從別人身邊若無其事地走過,而是意味著在內在,你願意創造和允許這些改變。 此刻地球上的每個人都在經歷強烈的轉變。 你的物理身體在轉變,你可以感到脊椎中的熱量,隨著你的DNA被啟動再次全面運作。

You have the capability of sustaining this greater Light now. You have been doing your daily practices diligently and have been taking time to rest yourselves when needed. This is excellent and should be continued. Acknowledging your human self is so very important, for it is your physical instrument upon your beloved Mother Earth. It is so much more than that though; it is also the instrument you have chosen to transform as you ascend into a higher consciousness. Many of you look upon your physical bodies and see only the imperfections of it. It is time to start honoring and acknowledging the wonder of creation that your physical body is.
你現在能夠支撐這個更大的光。 你每天都在辛勤地練習,當有必要,花時間休息。 這很好,應該繼續。 認識到你的人類自我也很重要,因為它是你在地球母親之上的物理器具。 它不單單是一個器具。 它也是你選擇去轉變的器具,隨著你揚昇到更高的意識。 你們許多人看向自己的物理身體,只看到它的不完美。 是時候開始榮耀和認識到你物理身體的神奇。

Truly, all the cells, atoms, molecules and elements of your body deserve your gratitude and attention on a daily basis. When you acknowledge and thank these each day, they sing with joy and create the perfection that you really are as a multi-dimensional being. The more you persist in this, the greater perfection your physical body becomes in manifestation in your world.
確實,你身體所有的細胞、原子、分子、元素都值得你每天的感恩和關注。 當你認識到並感謝它們,每一天,它們會伴隨著喜悅歌唱,創造你作為一個多維度存在真正的完美。 你越堅持去做,你的物理身體會表現出更大的完美。

Every part of Creation loves to be honored and acknowledged and the cells, atoms, molecules and elements are the stuff of which life is made. By daily acknowledgement, you continuously create the perfection that you truly are. Those of you with physical infirmities or illnesses need greater determination and faith in holding to this practice, for the results do not always come immediately. Have faith and trust that your bodies too, are transforming into their true perfection.
造物的每一個部分都喜歡被榮耀和認識到,細胞、原子、分子、元素組成了生命。 通過每日的認識,你不斷創造你真正所是的完美。 你們那些有身體缺陷或疾病的人需要更大的決心和信念去堅持這個練習,因為結果並不總是會立刻出現。 也要相信你的身體在轉變成真正的完美。

The great cleansing continues and it is relentless. You can help yourselves greatly by practicing the attitudes of joy, gratitude and thankfulness. Cultivating these attitudes until they are an inherent part of your daily expression will help you tremendously in keeping up with the intensity of these wondrous times. Do those things that bring you joy, sing, laugh, dance, ski, leap, run; take mental journeys filled with images of magic and wonder. All of these are available to you freely and abundantly, all you have to do is take part. These simple acts will keep you grounded in your physical bodies while keeping you connected with the higher dimensions and Divine Source at all times.
巨大的清理繼續,它是無情的。 你可以通過練習喜悅、感恩的態度來極大地説明自己。 培養這些態度,直到它們是你日常表達固有的一部分,這會説明你極大地跟上這些奇妙時期的強度。 做那些帶給你喜悅的事情,歌唱、歡笑、跳舞、滑雪、飛躍、奔跑;進行充滿魔力和神奇畫面的精神之旅。 這一切都免費、大量地可供你獲取,你所需要做的就是參加。 這些簡單的行為會讓你穩固於物理身體中,同時與更高維度和神聖源頭時刻保持連接。

When there are calls issued from the Family of Light to the Lightworkers of the world, it is with great joy and gladness that we see your enthusiastic participation. The results of your efforts are multi-dimensional in scope as most of this work is taking place on the etheric levels initially and is not easily discernible on the physical plane, and your faith and trust in the spiritual realms is so very much loved and appreciated. It is by what is known as critical mass that changes take place. Do continue, Dear Ones, and know that in the spiritual realms, we are all One and we all work together for the highest good of all. We send you blessings of Grace.
當光之家人對地球上的光之工作者發出呼喚,這是伴隨著巨大的喜悅和歡喜,因為我們看到了你熱情的參與。 你努力的結果是多維度的,因為大部分工作一開始在乙太層面發生,不容易在物理平面上辨別,你對精神領域的信念和信任被深愛著和感激著。 通過所謂的臨界值,這個改變發生。 繼續去做,親愛的,知曉,在精神領域,我們都是一體的,我們都在為了一切的最高良善共事。 我們發送你恩典的祝福。

I AM Mother Mary.



傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff



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