
Beloved Ones,


I come on the wings of love! The movement of cosmic events interacts with the Earth and her inhabitants. The scale of infinite possibility that is made available during these times in world events is mind boggling and hard for humanity to fathom. It is ready to manifest into your reality with your perseverance and determined and conscious intent. Stay true to your highest vision for the Earth and her inhabitants and for yourself and your loved ones. All that appears before you now on the world stage does not have the ring of truth, and your wisdom and discernment is required. Always follow your inner guidance and stay focused and positive as events unfold. You will be shown the way forward in Divine right timing. You are never alone, for we are always with you.
我駕著愛的翅膀而來! 宇宙事件的運動在與地球和她的居民交互。 在這些時期變得可供你訪問的無限可能性規模是令人難以置信的、難以測量的。 它已經準備好伴隨著你的毅力、決心和有意識的意圖顯化到你的現實中。 忠於你為地球和她的居民、你自己以及你心愛的人保持的最高願景。 所有在世界舞臺上呈現的東西沒有真理的影子,你的智慧和洞察力被需要。 總是跟隨內在的指引,保持專注和積極,隨著事件(複數)展開。 你會在神聖正確的時機被展示前進的道路。 你從未孤單,因為我們總是與你在一起。

You are venturing into the unknown and must be ready to surrender to it from now on. Every day, life is becoming a glorious adventure. Many of you are faced with great challenges and this will require your attention. These will ease somewhat as the months unfold so do not give up! Time is folding in on itself, some days pass by so quickly and others give you extra time to complete your tasks and the past and future happenings converge. All that was from the past is coming up for careful review and discernment. Do not take on those energies that try to come online from former civilizations that did not ultimately succeed – do your research and take only that which comes from high civilizations that lived in an illumined way, in a peaceful and harmonious existence for all the inhabitants.
你在大膽地進入未知,必須準備好去臣服於未知。 每一天,生活在變成一個輝煌的冒險。 你們許多人正面臨巨大的挑戰,這需要你的關注。 隨著時間的推移,這會有所緩解,所以不要放棄! 時間在摺疊,一些日子過去的非常快,其它的日子給予了你額外的時間去完成你的任務,過去和未來的事件在彙聚。 過去的一切在浮現來被仔細審視和辨別。 不要拾起那些來自之前的文明最終並沒有成功現在試圖上線的能量---做你的研究,只拾起來自生活在光明方式中的高級文明的東西,其居民有著一個和平和諧的存在。

Remember that you are imprinting the new Earth reality – add only that which is of the highest frequency and consciousness that is in alignment with Divine Source and the natural laws on your planet. Become a witness to all that occurs for these are special times and, in your future, you will count yourself blessed for the opportunity to have been here now! There are so many changes coming forward during these times and as with any changes, initially, they are not perceived as positive, and it is only in retrospect that you will see the higher perspective of cosmic evolution taking place. It is only through direct experience that your soul evolution journey takes place. This is how your personal wisdom is attained that becomes a part of you.
記住,你在印刷新地球現實---只添加從屬於最高頻率的,與神聖的源頭和自然法則對齊的。 見證一切的發生,因為這是特殊的時期,在未來,你會感到備受祝福,出於能夠處於這裡! 會有很多改變到來,就像任何改變,在一開始,它們不會被感知為積極,只有在回顧往事之中,你會看到宇宙進化的更高視角。 通過直接體驗,你的靈魂進化發生。 這是你個人的智慧成為你一部分的方式。

Bring balance through your heart mind in all that comes up for you. As you go within, it becomes easier to recognize what no longer serves you and your path. Stay true to the pure love that is your Divinity for that is your true power. Stay strong for there will continue to be events and energies that will vie for your attention. You have been learning how to avoid the distracting ‘rabbit holes’ that can take you off path and this ability is serving you well. Practice your spiritual disciplines each day, even if it is just a quick prayer in your busy life. There will be a breakthrough in world events in the coming days that will ease the tension and anxiety of these present times. The people of the Earth on this planet are very ready for this occurrence.
通過你的心-頭腦在所有浮現的事物中帶來平衡。 隨著你進入內在,更容易去認識到什麼不再服務你和你的道路。 忠於純粹的愛,那是你的神性,你真正的力量。 保持堅強,因為繼續會有事件(複數)和能量爭奪你的注意力。 你一直在學習如何避免令你分心的"兔子洞",會讓你偏離道路,這個能力會很好地服務你。 每天練習你的精神自律,即使只是你忙碌一天中的一個快速祈禱。 在未來的日子裡世界的事件(複數)會有一個突破,會減輕當前時期的緊張和焦慮。 人類已經為此做好了準備。

Each of you who are reading this message are being blessed and showered with the energies of the Divine Feminine. You are receiving the energies of love, clarity of mind, courage, bravery and empowerment from the highest realms of Light and love. Go forward in your life in peace, love and joy! You are enabled to become an ever more efficient and practical manifestor of your dreams and hopes. You are so loved!
每一個閱讀這則資訊的人在被神聖的陰性能量祝福和沐浴。 你在接收愛的能量、清晰的頭腦、勇氣、最高光與愛領域的授權。 在平和、愛、喜悅中前進! 你能夠成為一個更加有效和實用性的夢想與希望顯化者。 你被深愛著。

I AM Mary Magdalene.




傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff



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