
It does not matter how much help is sent to earth when people are not listening.

It does not matter how much help is sent to earth as long as :

humanity lets fear blind them. It does not matter how much help is sent to earth when most of humanity thinks they can figure it all out themselves - body who believes that all truths are written down. Many truths are written down, but science does not want to touch them.
人類讓恐懼遮蔽他們。 有多少説明發送給地球並不重要,當大多數人認為自己就能解決一切---認為所有的真理都已被書寫。 許多真理被書寫,但科學不想要觸碰它們。

Dear earthlings. How much you lose when you follow in the footsteps of the mass media and the ruling party. Development on earth could go so much faster. But do not give up dear light workers. We are grateful to everyone who lives from the heart and allows themselves to be led forward on their mission.
親愛的地球人。 當你跟隨媒體和執政黨的腳步,你失去了多少。 地球上的發展本可以更加快速。 但不要放棄,親愛的光之工作者。 我們感謝每一個依心而活的、讓自己被引向使命的人。

During the solar eclipse that occurred on June 10, we took the opportunity to send extra forces to Earth to take advantage of this elevated new moon energy - Because we do not give up. We must take the opportunity to seize the opportunity as we believe that our forces can succeed in this solar eclipse energy when a calibration takes place. Like an energy wave over the earth's surface. A possible new start in different ways.
在6月10日的日食期間,我們借這個機會發送給地球額外的力量,以便利用這個增強的新月能量---因為我們不會放棄。 我們必須抓住機會,因為我們相信我們的軍隊能夠在這個日食能量中成功,一旦校準發生。 就像一個能量波覆蓋地表。 一個在不同的方式中新的開始。

The forces I mentioned come from the Pleiades, Arcturus, the Central Sun and Sirius, among others. They have been on standby and are now in place. Maybe your Earth's population will report sightings of what you call UFOs a little extra now and some time into the future.
我所提及的軍隊來自昴宿星、大角星、中央太陽、天狼星等等。 他們處於待命狀態。 也許人們會報告更多所謂的UFO目擊。

We make an extra effort that I just expressed and wish that you dear light bearers support us in our work by believing in us and by sending supportive thoughts to us because these thoughts are embedded in the collective consciousness.

中 From the collective consciousness, extra pushes and power are created and new opportunities for humanity to receive our help. Maybe some can be awakened from their Sleeping Beauty sleep.
從集體意識,額外的推動和力量被創造,人類有新的機會來接收我們的説明。 也許一些人可以從沉睡中醒來。

Together we are strong.

Together we make a difference.

Thank you for your support, thank you for your light.

With gratitude, Ashtar

伴隨著感恩, 阿斯塔


傳導:Camilla Nilsson



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