
Beloved Lightworkers,

I am delighted to come before you today to talk about the work that we, the Lords and Ladies of Light do upon the inner realms. I am Archangel Michael’s Divine Counterpart in feminine form. My work complements that of Michael and we work to protect those who call upon us each day. It is a work that is ongoing and continuous and so we have great legions of angels assigned to each of us in order to fulfill our roles as mankind’s protectors. It is our greatest joy to fulfill this duty. We have both pledged to continue in this role until every last Earth Angel has been freed from the illusionary world that you live upon. We work unceasingly on behalf of all upon the Earth. We serve Creator in this way.
我很高興今天前來談論我們---光之主和夫人在內在領域所做的工作。 我是大天使麥克神聖的配對。 我的工作是補充麥克的工作,我們保護每天呼喚我們的人。 這是一個不間斷的工作,所以我們擁有巨大的天使軍團來履行人類保護者的角色。 這是我們最大的喜悅來履行這個職責。 我們兩人都致力於這個角色,直到每一個地球天使自由於你生活的幻象世界。 我們為了地球上的一切不斷工作。 我們在這樣的方式中服務造物主。

There is much that needs attending to in these most exciting times upon the Earth. My task is to oversee and assign our angelic teams to their tasks. As you can imagine, this is a demanding role at this time. We are almost continuously called upon by someone, somewhere upon the Earth. We endeavor to save people in a vast variety of situations that come forth where our intervention is required. We work with your guardian angels also and are always in close communication with them. There is nothing that we do not know or are unaware of. All is known to us.
在這個最激動人心的時刻,有著很多東西需要處理。 我的任務是監督和分配任務給天使團隊。 正如你可以想像的,這是此刻的一個重要角色。 我們幾乎不斷地被地球上某個地方的某個人呼喚著。 我們努力在各種情況中,當我們的干預是必須的,拯救人們。 我們還與你的守護天使共事,總是與他們密切溝通。 沒什麼是我們不知道的。 我們知曉一切。

Long have we worked to bring more Light to the world and all upon her. On the inner planes, we all work together in harmony and peaceful cooperation. We recognize each other as equals in all things, in all ways. Life flows always in harmony and equilibrium. Upon the angelic realms, all serve our Creator’s Divine Will in the focus of service for the highest and greatest good of all. That which Divine Creator decrees is our most earnest endeavor to manifest on Earth.
我們長期工作來把更多的光帶給世界和之上的一切。 在內在平面,我們都在和諧與平和中共事。 我們認為彼此都是平等的。 生活總是在和諧與均衡中流動。 在天使領域,一切都服務著造物主的神聖意志,專注於服務一切的最高良善。 神聖造物主的法令是我們最認真來在地球上體現的。

We are helping Mother Earth/Lady Gaia at this time in her birthing process, endeavoring to bring to fruition the vision of the Earth as a beautiful Earth Star, shining resplendently in the heavens, a great beacon of Light in the universe, for that is her destiny. Earth will once again become the great living library of the universe, where beings from all corners of the vast cosmos will come to enjoy the treasures that only Earth can offer. There are vast treasures of knowledge within her waiting to be discovered, treasures of wisdom, treasures of the heart and soul. Much ancient knowledge, once commonly available to all galactic citizens, will be re-discovered in the coming years and re-introduced to a waiting audience.
我們正在説明地球母親/蓋亞的誕生,帶來地球作為一顆美麗的明星在天空中璀璨閃耀,成為宇宙中巨大的燈塔的願景,因為這是她的命運。 地球會再次成為宇宙中偉大的圖書館,來自廣闊宇宙各個地方的存在會來享受只有地球可以提供的寶藏。 她之內有著大量的知識等待著被發掘,智慧的財寶,心與靈魂的財寶。 很多古老的知識,曾經可供所有銀河公民獲取,會在未來的幾年被重新發現,重新引入。

We know the choices that are before you in your now moment. We also see into your hearts and know that the majority of you have chosen the path of love and peace. It is only a matter of the alignment of the cosmic events to bring this into fulfillment. This is a great and momentous task for all in this vast universe. The Great Awakening is at hand, but before that can take place, much work is required of those who are awake and aware and you it is that are doing it. Keep on keeping on. I am humbled by your greatness!
我們知道此刻位於你面前的選擇。 我們還能看到你的心,知道你們大多數人選擇了愛與和平的道路。 只需宇宙事件(複數)的對齊來把它帶來。 這是廣闊宇宙中的所有人一個偉大重大的任務。 偉大的覺醒就要到來,但在它發生之前,很多工作需要那些醒來的人、有意識的人完成,你正在做著。 繼續下去。 我因你的偉大感到謙卑。

I AM Lady Faith.


傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff



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