Alisheryia and the Ascended Dragon Collective via Galaxygirl | April 26, 2021


Alisheryia & the Ascended Dragon Collective 4/26/2021


We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We offer peace this day. When hatchlings are agitated we draw them close, just as we put our large wings around you. Wings are meant for flying but also for comforting and for creating a safe place, nestled in. It is never cold in the nook of a wing for love beats in that space of darkness and paternal / maternal warmth is felt as well. (I am seeing dragons in battle protecting their young or someone else who is within their circle of protection. I am seeing numerous colorful dragons in a circle with large wings outstretched looking like a beautiful colorful flower from above. 


I see children with this circle of protection. I ask them why human children and hatchlings are within their circle of protection.) We have also been rescuing human children from various places of your galaxy. We say ‘your’ for we are not contained by time space. We easily fly in between the galaxies and traverse the universes for we serve all sectors. We have been assisting your kind return unto itself. Many children, many human colonies that you are not aware of have been decimated. This war is not just on our land but on many lands, which is why it is a complex chess board. We are assisting with the rescue of humans. We are taking them for rehabilitation. Human children are with our children because they are friends. Humans and dragons have a long friendship history and so it will continue.


(I am seeing that scene they showed me in more detail. They are standing on a flat red-hued mesa. The terrain is rocky, there are no trees, it is a barren place. I see fire burning below. Those they are fighting are of the dark alliance who fly in small, oddly-shaped ships above them. I see some of them are humans and many are hybrid reptilians. I am seeing destroyed mining facilities and I don’t wish to look anymore.) 


Human, much has been done off planet as on planet. The humans were designed by others to be their slaves. Freedom is coming to humanity and to all that the dark ones had subjugated under their control. (I am seeing a dome of light within the circle protecting the rescued ones and they are enjoying their time with the hatchlings. It is a healing orb.) Yes, our abilities to heal are joined with the angelic. Many of you also lend your light. We are in the final of the final days. We are in the moment of the final moments. We are in the space of the in-breath and the out-breath, where all things are possible and all things are changing. The Mother of All Things has been blessing us and the wind is at our backs now. The struggle is almost over. 
人類,在地球上已經做了很多工作。人類被別人設計成他們的奴隸。自由正在走向人類,所有黑暗勢力在他們的控制下征服。 (我看到一個圓形的圓頂保護著被救者,他們正與孵化者一起度過時光。這是一個康復之球。)是的,我們的療癒能力與天使般的結合在一起。你們中的許多人也放光了。我們正處於最後的日子。我們處於最後時刻。我們處在一吸一呼的空間中,在這裡,所有的事情都是可能的,並且所有的事情都在變化。萬物之母一直在祝福我們,現在風在我們的背上。鬥爭幾乎結束了。


Humanity, you are loved. Humanity, you are safe. Humanity, you are saved. Many of you are to be congratulated for your night-work, your sleep-work has furthered our efforts and the efforts of many who are on the side of humanity trying to assist, to lend a wing, to heal, to hold space.


(They are showing me another scene now. I am seeing the neon world of their world. Rocky cliffs all bright green with neon flowers and animals and impossibly high waterfalls. The sun is a bright neon green. They show me from their view point. I am flying with them. The power and the speed are tremendous. We swoop up, flying vertical along the the cliff face and suddenly are at the top, a different mesa, one full of glowing life that feels very loving. The hatchlings and children are here, playing together. Injuries on the children’s bodies are covered in bubbles of healing that are rainbow hued. Some children are completely within their own bubble. They are smiling. It is a very high dimensional field of love. I am surrounded by smiling dragony faces.) We have brought many human hatchlings to our home for healing space. They swim in the crystal waters and are nourished by the vibrations of this realm.
(他們現在正在向我展示另一個場景。我正在看到他們霓虹燈般的世界。岩石峭壁全是鮮綠色的,上面有霓虹花和動物以及不可思議的高瀑布。太陽是鮮亮的霓虹綠色。從他們的角度看,它們向我展示了。 我和他們一起飛行,力量和速度是巨大的。我們俯衝而下,沿著懸崖峭壁垂直飛行,突然在頂部,一個不同的檯面,一個充滿光彩的生活,感覺充滿愛意。 在這裡,一起玩耍。彩虹般的癒合氣泡覆蓋了孩子們的身體上的傷害。有些孩子完全在自己的氣泡內。他們在微笑。這是一個非常高維度的愛。我被微笑包圍,我們已經帶來了許多人類的孵化器來療癒空間。 它們在晶瑩的水中游泳,並被這個領域的振動所滋養。 


We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We know you are weary. We lend our support. We lend our healing. We share our gifts. The time is now to soar. You are welcome here, you of crystalline intention. Those on the path will vibrationally find this place of healing if they desire. (I see them blowing a fire stream from their home to our home, a fire rope path for us to follow in our meditations.) Life is bigger than you know, human. Life is grander than you have seen, little human. Human, be at peace. Be comforted.
我們是揚昇龍族集體。我們知道你很疲倦。我們提供支持。我們提供我們的療癒。我們分享我們的禮物。現在該飆升了。歡迎你來到這裡,你有晶瑩的意圖。如果路上有希望的人,他們會振動地找到這個治療的地方。 (我看到他們從他們的家到我們的家中吹來一股火流,一條供我們在冥想中跟隨的火繩路徑。)人類比你知道的要強大。人生比你見過的宏偉,小小人類。人類,處於​​和平之中。感受安慰。


I Alisheryia am speaking. The divine mother has blessed us with more light that we may bless others. We are all ascending higher in this sector and it blesses those who assist. You are growing faster than you currently understand. You are more beautiful than you could know in this moment. Be ready. Be ready to accept more light into your bodies. I breathe my fiery codes of ascension into your crown. Feel my blue fire’s warmth and feel the divine codes within. Now ground this light into your planet’s core. Anchor in. (I am seeing light switches being flipped on all over the world.) The flip has been switched. Critical mass has been reached. Energetically it is there. More must align with this energy. Align, align. We dragons assist.


I Alisheryia am speaking. I love you with a deep and ancient love. I have long served humanity. This one and I have been together from the beginning. Many of you can say the same. Many of you have your dragon counterparts. Call to them. Connect with their ascended versions. We too have had to go through our own transition. Send love. Send healing. Sound the dragon call and send your own light code frequency with it and they will call back. They will hear you throughout time-space. Send the violet flame over your intention. Only connect with the ascended dragon. Do not be tricked. You cannot fool a dragon but many a human has been deceived. And so create this bond wisely with love and great tenderness of intention. 


There. I am heard. Wisdom comes with time. Use your time wisely. Use this moment to fortify, to solidify and to ground. Use this time to find yourselves, to find your joy. For joy will lead you home into the higher dimensions. Do not focus on the echos of chaos and the endless noise through your boxes. Focus on meditations such as these that we are lovingly offering to you. Focus on your healing and joy. Peace. I am Alisheryia. I love you. I depart.





~ galaxygirl



文章來源: Alisheryia and the Ascended Dragon Collective via Galaxygirl | April 26, 2021 - Voyages of Light




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