Wake up! Come back to the source! Find the way back to the light!
醒來! 返回源頭! 找到返回光的道路!
I am GOD,
Beloved people,
there is no more time to weigh, to wait or to clarify, what it is about the change, if at all. The change happens, here and now – in the middle of your life and before your eyes.
沒有更多的時間去權衡、等待或弄清楚,什麼是改變。 改變正在發生---在你的生活中,在你的眼前。
Now it depends on you, on your courage, your steadfastness, your faith, your wisdom and on your love for life.
What has man done to the earth and to all life on the earth! It is man who is responsible for the condition of the earth, and it is man who can put this right.
人類對地球和所有生命做了什麼! 人類需要為地球的狀況負責,人類能夠糾正它。
This can only happen if you become aware that you have to make your contribution now. The repair work has long been underway, but still so few participate.
這只能在你意識到你現在必須做出你的貢獻時發生。 修復工作早已在進行,但只有很少的人參與。
So it happens that I, who am GOD, will shake the sleeping people awake. Each person will have the opportunity to make a new decision on the basis of facts. The light that will reach the earth in the near future will reveal and illuminate everything inside and outside. This will make it easier for many people to repent.
所以我來搖醒沉睡的人。 每個人都會有機會基於事實做出一個新的決定。 會在不久的將來到達地球的光會揭示和闡明內在以及外在的一切。 這會讓許多人更容易懺悔。
Suitable circumstances are needed for people to develop creative thoughts, loving feelings and spiritual access to themselves. It takes ONE EVENT to set everything in motion – and that event is coming.
恰當的情況被需要來讓人們發展創造性的想法、愛的感受和精神訪問。 這需要一個事件來把一切運轉起來---那個事件正在到來。
You who have been doing great things for years, you who have been the callers in the wilderness in many lifetimes – do not despair. The time when you preached to the stones is over.
你們那些做著偉大的事情很多年的人,在很多生世中作為荒野中召集人員的人---不要絕望。 你對石頭講道的時代結束了。
Now every person is touched by the light of God within, and thus receives the opportunity to repent. It is the last wake-up call to resurrection, it is the last invitation to change one’s attitude to life from the bottom up.
現在每個人都被內在的神之光觸及,從而收到了懺悔的機會。 這是最後的喚醒呼叫,這是最後的邀請去改變一個人的態度。
The work of those people who repeatedly came to earth to contribute to the change of consciousness is bearing fruit. People are becoming human again -compassionate and unconditionally loving creatures. The epoch in which people staggered through the times as will-o’-the-wisps is over.
不斷來到地球為意識的改變做出貢獻之人的工作正在結出果實。 人們再次變得有人性,富有同情心和無條件愛的生物。 人們步履蹣跚地通過詭異的時期這樣的時代結束了。
You who seek the truth and stand against the wind that is currently blowing on this earth: Fear not! Even if it seems that the forces of darkness bind more and more power and exercise force over you: This is an illusion.
你們訴說真理、反對正在地球上吹起的風的人:不要害怕! 即使看到黑暗力量結合越來越多的力量,對你行使壓力:這是一個幻象。
In essence, the satanic principle on this planet is at an end. What you are experiencing are the last round-ups and chaos – assaults of unprecedented dimension. At the same time, more and more light warriors are rising up and representing themselves, the people, life and light.
本質上,地球上的邪惡原則就要結束。 你正在體驗的是最後的圍捕和混亂---前所未有的維度攻擊。 與此同時,越來越多的光戰士在升起,代表自己、人們、生命和光。
Unity through peace, freedom through truth – this path is irreversibly taken.
More and more people are awakening. In the end, a sufficient number will be born again and the change will take place. God’s grace will open people’s hearts – there will be many.
越來越多的人醒來。 最終,足夠數量的人會重生,改變會發生。 神的恩典會開啟人們的心---會有很多心。
I am with you. Give yourself to me and you are alive in God. Your life begins and completes at this point.
我與你在一起。 把自己交給我,你生活在神之中。 你的生命在這個點開始以及完結。
The final wake-up call is coming.
傳導:Jahn Kassl