
Hello all Friends, Sisters and Brothers! I am your Tim / Timothy in Agartha, the inner world of the earth.
大家好,朋友們,兄弟姐妹們! 我是地球內部世界,阿加森的Tim/ Timothy。

In the Nordic countries, you have spring now and enjoy the progress of spring after a heavy, dizzying and eventful darker season. A lot has happened in your inner self and that is what makes a difference in your outer world.
在北歐國家,春天已經到來,享受一個沉重的、令人眩暈的、甚至黑暗的季節後的春天。 你的內在發生了很多,這使得你的外在世界不同了。

Many of you, around the Earth, who are aware that much is hidden in the Earth's interior – you will be mocked and laughed at by those who are still afraid, those who have not awakened.


But all of us here, who are your zealous followers and cheerleaders, we promise you that truths that make your fellow human beings tremble are on their way.

This channel has promised its loved ones not to triumph with a "What did I say?" but instead be there for those who may need answers to emerging questions or help with transformative healing.
這個管道向心愛的人承諾不會伴隨著「我怎麼說來著? 」歡慶。 而是為那些需要答案的人處於那裡或者幫助轉變療癒。

You know – all of you who read this – that this will be your most important work in the coming transition phase, right? You are well aware that we are all equally close to the Source, that we are all in the Universe a Oneness.
你知道---所有閱讀這則資訊的人---這會是在即將到來的轉變階段中最重要的工作。 你很清楚我們都同樣接近源頭,我們都處於合一的宇宙中。

The dragons have not only woken up – they have done an outstanding job through a great purge of the darkness that Gaia once possessed.


Even your knowledge of the dragons' actual existence is something you Lightworkers / Light Warriors have been ridiculed for. Now you get the reward for your faithful work by regaining contact with your much-loved and missed friends – in their dragon form.
即使對龍族的真實存在性的知識是你們光之工作者/光戰士一直被嘲笑的東西。 現在你的忠實工作獲得回報,通過與親愛的、思念的朋友重聚---在他們龍的形態中。

Realize that the Dragons are your Power that has now returned. Your DNA strands have been restored, the connection to your Mother Earth is total and you can now stand in your full Power again.
意識到龍族就是你的力量已經返回。 你的DNA鏈已被恢復,與地球母親的連接已經完整,你現在可以再次處於你完整的力量中。

(A raven "talks" feverishly, as if to agree with Tim's words. Thank you)

(一隻烏鴉瘋狂地在"說話",好似同意Tim的話。 謝謝)

People on the surface of the earth – be so kind as to now take possession of your full Power. It is your birthright to regain power over your own life, over your own planet Gaia. Power without ego – the power in the form of Love. Love is EVERYTHING.
地表上的人---友善,隨著你擁有你完整的力量。 拿回你自己的生活、蓋亞是你與生俱來的權力。 不帶小我的力量---在愛之形態中的力量。 愛是一切。

What you do in Love for your fellow human beings can never go wrong – just a force that grows and grows and grows...


Say to yourself, the words of your dear friend Yeshua:



"I am the Way, the Truth and the Light (Life)"



Be in your heart, be in your power / in the power of Love / in nature / in your Soul with your Beloved Mother Earth.

Enjoy the events that are now unfolding, enjoy the journey, the community, that everything goes according to God's Plan.


See you Beloved Friends, Sisters and Brothers.

A big HUG and a LOT of Love to you all.

Agartherna by Tim / Timothy.
阿加森的Tim/ Timothy



傳導:Kjerstin Sisilla



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