
As we continue our series on presence, we wish to point out to you that presence is an essential aspect of fun. You simply cannot be energetically absent and have fun at the same time. Presence and fun are a dynamic duo. So if you wish you had more fun in your life, find more things to do that bring you to a state of full presence. If you wish to have more presence in your life, seek things to do that you find fun and it will naturally occur. They support each other beautifully in your enjoyment of the Now moment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young、
隨著我們繼續"處於當下"的系列,我們希望指出處於當下是樂趣的一個重要面向。 你無法心不在焉的同時擁有樂趣。 處於當下和樂趣是一個動態組合。 所以如果你希望擁有更多的樂趣,尋找更多會帶你到達完全處於當下的東西。 如果你希望更充分地處於當下,尋找你發現有趣的東西,它就會自然發生。 它們在你享受當下之中漂亮地支援彼此。

大天使加百利 2021年4月2日

Dear Ones, you can't have presence without being willing to feel.
Feeling allows you to have the full experience. Feeling doesn’t need to be overwhelming. If you are uncomfortable with diving into feeling fully, you can slowly enter and explore your feelings, much like you would if you were entering a body of water and you were unsure of the temperature.
親愛的,如果你不願意去感受你是無法處於當下的。 感受讓你擁有完整的體驗。 感受並不需要是壓倒性的。 如果你對充分感受感到不舒服,你可以慢慢地進入並探索你的感受,就像你要進入一個水體,你不知道其溫度。

Allowing yourself to fully feel is a skill many empaths have shut down due to their sensitivities. It doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Start where you are, right now. Are you warm? Are you cold? Tired or energized? Are you comfortable in your body? From the space of your inner wise one, ask your human self how you are feeling. How about your inner child?
讓自己去充分感受是一個技能,許多人出於自己的敏感性關閉了它。 它不需要是壓倒性的。 現在從你的所在之地開始。 你溫暖嗎? 你冷嗎? 疲憊還是精力充沛? 你舒服嗎? 從你內在的智者空間,問你的人類自我感覺怎麼樣。 你的內在孩童感覺怎麼樣?

Feeling gives you information. It puts you in your body, with awareness, in the Now moment. You can grow this skill, like any other. And you have worked so hard to have a body and and be present on the planet at this time. Isn’t it time to allow yourself the full experience? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
感受給予你資訊。 它讓你有意識地關注你的身體。 你可以發展這個技能,就跟別的技能一樣。 你辛辛苦苦才擁有一個身體並在此刻處於地球上。 是時候去讓自己充分體驗了!

大天使加百利 2021年4月3日

For our last message in our week-long series on presence, we wish to offer you this.
Your presence – bringing as much of your true essence, into your body, fully engaging in the Now moment, is embodiment and from there all things are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
為我們長達一周的關於處於當下的最後一則信息,我們希望提供你這個。 處於當下---會把你盡可能多的真正本質,帶入你的身體,完全接洽當下,就是體現,從那裡一切皆有可能。

大天使加百利 2021年4月4日

Dear Ones, if you have an old memory come up of an experience that hurt you, you now have a wonderful opportunity to merely sit with that part of you and receive them with your complete acceptance and love.
You don’t have to try to counsel them, or attempt to change what happened – your love and acceptance is the only healing balm required. Whenever these remembrances or emotions come up into your awareness, it is not anything you have to resist, but rather an opening to be the love for yourself, which will immediately start to shift your energetics in the most profound and soothing ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
親愛的,如果你有著一個舊的記憶(關於過去一個傷害了你的體驗)出現,你現在有一個很好的機會去和那個部分的你同坐,伴隨著你完全的接納和愛接收它們。 你不需要勸告它們,或試圖改變已經發生的---你的愛和接納是被需要的唯一療癒藥膏。 當這些記憶或情緒來到你的意識中,這不是你需要抗拒的東西,而是一個開放去成為自己的愛,這會立刻開始在最深刻、舒緩的方式中轉變你的能量。

大天使加百利 2021年4月5日

Dear Ones, instead of using the phrase "I want" as you think about what you would like to experience, which in its essence holds an energy of absence and lack, why not use "I embrace"?
“I embrace” indicates it is a choice that is already available to you now and that you are willing to receive it whole-heartedly. It opens up many new pathways and possibilities because it is a much more empowered declaration. If you pay close attention you will feel the energetic difference between the two phrases. What will you embrace today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
親愛的,與其使用"我想要",隨著你思考你想要體驗什麼,其本質保持著缺乏的能量,為什麼不使用"我擁抱"? "我擁抱(也可以譯為我採納,我接受)"表明這是一個已經可供你使用的選擇,你願意全身心地接收它。 這會開啟許多新的道路和可能性,因為這是一個更加授權的聲明。 如果你密切關注,你會感到這兩個術語之間的不同。 今天你會去擁抱什麼?

大天使加百利 原文: https://trinityesoterics.com/.../daily-message-thursday.../


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