The Moon in Scorpio: Transformation, from Resentment to Compassion | Ami Sattinger
According to Western Sidereal Astrology, the Moon will be in the water sign of Scorpio 4/1 - 4/2, making a trine to the Sun, Chiron, and Venus in the water sign of Pisces. It’s a time of healing and harmony within ourselves, and with those we love. When we speak our truth and are willing to be vulnerable, it empowers others to do the same and a deep sense of intimacy can be shared that is a gift to everyone.
根據Western Sidereal占星術,月亮將位於天蠍座4/1-4/2的水相中,對雙魚座的太陽、凱龍星和金星構成三分相。這是我們內心以及與我們所愛的人之間恢復和和諧的時期。當我們說出真相並願意變得脆弱時,它使其他人也可以這樣做,並且可以分享深刻的親密感,這是對每個人的禮物。
The Moon is also in a dynamic T-square as it opposes Mars in the earth sign of Taurus, and squares Neptune in the air sign of Aquarius.
How can we integrate our need for physical and emotional intimacy, with our desire for earthy sensuality and financial security?
And how do we deepen our spiritual connection with our tribe, and create an opportunity to offer service?
Do you have ways to express these different needs with love and compassion towards yourself and those you care about, and remain willing to surrender the final outcome?
The Moon is also making a sextile to Jupiter in the earth sign of Capricorn, and it’s another opportunity to welcome prosperity. Especially when you have the courage to shine as your authentic self, and share your heart of generosity with others.
Who can you reach out to that might need a warm hug or words of encouragement?
Let’s maintain our heart of gratitude and celebrate the progress we’ve made in 2021.
The best is yet to come!!
傳導:Ami Sattinger