Your sensitivity is a gift. Seeing it as a negative trait only puts you in resistance to yourself and keeps you from exploring and discovering the wonderful things that come with that gift. Almost all empaths have been told to stop being so sensitive, and many have been conditioned to think sensitivity is a bad thing. Dear Ones, your ability to feel is your superpower! It is what makes you kind, compassionate, and understanding. Your beautiful sensitivity is one of the things we love most about you.
So feel the feelings! Recognize when they are yours or not. What if you started to view your feelings as helpers? Understand that if you simply identify them, explore why they are there, and thank them for their service, they will be allowed to do their job of providing you information and feedback and then dissipate. By doing so you will quickly learn you do not need to fear them or avoid them and will turn them into the most wonderful navigational tool of understanding and healing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
One phase always serves another, as the universe works in an overall system of balance. If you are in accelerated flow, it is sure to be followed by a period of rest. If you are in a period that seems to be stalled, all of that energy will be accumulating until such a time as forward movement is supported and will sweep you forward in a giant wave of tangible forward movement. There is never, ever wasted time or a phase that serves no purpose. So we advise you to embrace the positive aspects of whatever period you are in, knowing it is serving you, and your soul's growth and progress, in ways that are divinely perfect and far more intricately thought out than you could possibly imagine. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Many of you are having healing opportunities coming up for you concerning old hurts or mistreatment. This is a wonderful sign that you are ready to process that wound and release it, once and for all.
There is a pervasive belief that says that you must have closure from a person who hurt you in order to move on. This is a faulty belief, as it would put your healing in the hands of another. If a person was operating from a space that was hurtful to you in the first place, it is highly unlikely they will suddenly be able to offer any kind of healing or closure to you, not because they don't want to but because they simply don't have it to give. What is more likely is that you will be disappointed or wounded again because they haven't yet evolved to a space that can give you what you are looking for.
Putting off your own healing waiting to be seen and acknowledged by the one who hurt you is a great disservice to yourself. We wish for you to understand that your healing does not come from there, and waiting for it to come from a source that doesn 't have it to give only keeps you stalled on your own healing journey.
You have everything you need to give yourself the peace and closure you need within yourself. Connect with the part of yourself that has been hurt. What does that part of you need? Acknowledgment? Kindness? Compassion? Acceptance? To be valued for your contributions and efforts? Sit and give that part of you every last thing they need. Then open your arms and welcome that part of you into your heart with your unconditional love and tender care, assuring them you will never allow them to be hurt in such a way again.
Dear Ones, that is exactly how you take back the reins of your own healing. You do not need the other person to finally get it. You could potentially wait lifetimes for that to occur. Drop the rope that keeps you tethered to the one who hurt you and prepare to move forward, unencumbered, whole and healthy, into your next great adventure, knowing your inner wise one is always there to give you exactly what you need, whenever you need it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
You are on the planet to have the full experience. That means allowing yourself to fully feel. Many of you, due to your energetic sensitivities, have developed a habit of trying to diminish how much you feel. A lot of focus has gone on the importance of feeling into your more challenging feelings as part of your healing journey. Today we wish to encourage you to fully feel the good feelings.
Next time someone gives you a compliment, accept it. Next time someone has gratitude for you, instead of glossing over it, still yourself and fully receive it. Next time someone offers you help, say yes and feel how nice it is to be assisted and supported. Next time someone expresses love for you, open your heart, stay present in that moment, acknowledge that connection, and let it all in. It is time for you to fully receive what is truly available for you and that means being willing to have the full experience of what is wonderful, too. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young