Your Rewards for Surviving the Year 2020 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very impressed with all of you at this time, because of how much we have witnessed you grow over the course of the year 2020. You really have had very little choice but to grow because of the intensity of the times you are living in and because of your desire to stay on an ascension track that would be filled with joyous experiences and less trauma and drama than many are assuming must be a part of any ascension event.
You have decided that it is possible to take the slow and steady path and still enjoy yourselves during a pandemic. You have adapted to your environment, which is necessary for survival, and it is necessary in order to keep up with the changes that are happening inside of you and all around you. Everyone has a choice, and you can choose to resist change or embrace it. When you embrace change that is happening outside of you, you are also embracing changes that are happening inside of you. You are allowing them to occur. You are telling the universe that you like change; you like moving forward.
Now comes the reward for all that you have had to endure there on Earth in this calendar year. The downloads that you will receive over the next ten days are going to be filled with ideas, with concepts, with new thought, that will leave you feeling more than just hopeful about 2021. You will be feeling that you have everything that you need to do much more than just survive. You are ready to thrive because of the work that you have done on yourselves.
You all came into this lifetime knowing that you would have a lot of work to do, but you came in eagerly anyway. You knew that you weren’t going to make it easy on yourselves, but you still really wanted to have the Earth experience one more time. You knew that you have the capacity to take humankind into the fifth dimension and unite humanity in the process. When you are in between lifetimes, you know who you really are. You know that the Source Energy aspect of who you are will always be shining that light brightly from within you and that you will have many opportunities to let it out.
Now is one of those moments in this lifetime for you to seize the opportunity to leap forward into 2021 with a pocketful of downloads that will surprise and amaze you and everyone around you. There’s nothing you need to do, other than expect that help is coming and it’s coming while you sleep, while you relax, and while you meditate.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton