Dearest brothers and sisters
Greetings of the most high.
We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you ever-evolving humanity. As many of you will notice there has been a significant energetic shift the last few days what was feeling unmovable and stuck is now feeling fluid again .
There is definitely a clear and distinct energetic shift that the most astute amongst you will be aware of, you have all done so well clearing so much trauma from your systems, bringing to light so many false programs, embracing your shadows selves, and ultimately doing the work to heal your frozen and stuck child selves..
If only you could see what we can see from the higher dimensional planes- you will see how close so many of you are to fully activating your crystalline light form.
All of the false programs of the third dimension have sought to keep humanity entrenched within their carbon form patterning, fixated on the third-dimensional matrix, however planet Earth and all planets in existence are in the process of ascending to the next higher vibrational octave.
The energy is now a building towards the full moon samhain portal. In the past, the old powers that were used this samhain portal date for their own nefarious intentions. This is why it is so important that as many groundcrew light workers as possible come forward to take part in the global ceremonies that will be taking place on this highly auspicious portal date.
On this date the ancestors are much closer to the earth, as the veil between the interdimensional realms is virtually non-existent…please know I Jen and being guided to facilitate a powerful ceremony on that date.
We will be working with our personal ancestral lineages, clearing the primary ancestral burden for our personal family lineage. For some this will be addiction Others it will be abuse sexual or physical, I’m for others it will be abandonment etc.
Whatever is your family's main ancestral burden will have the opportunity to be fully and absolutely cleared from your etheric, spiritual, emotional and physical system. Please know that we will be working with the full support of the awakened groundcrew who will all be holding space for your personal and familial transformation.
In the ceremony we will also be working with the principle that we are the ancestors for our future generations, and we will be insuring that we hold the light mantle for them that they may find their way to higher dimensional consciousness without going through the quagmire of the third dimensional shadow matrix….
It is so important that those of you who are reading these words engage in some sort of ceremonial activity on samhain in order to add the potency of your light to all of the global ceremonies that will be taking place on that day. Please see below for full details on how to join the Day of the dead / Ancestors' ceremony.
We would like to take a moment now to speak about the twin soul 144000 collective. There are huge ships taking place with Regards to the next wave of divine unions that are decreed to manifest on the physical plane from now up until the winter solstice point.
Many many divine masculines have been having varying degrees of breakdown in the current energetic climate as For those divine masculine is who are still involved in low-frequency karmic contracts -their higher self has deemed it no longer appropriate to stay in relationships and soul contracts that are not serving their highest soul expansion.
This has been brutal for many divine masculines who have forgotten the memo that we have incarnated in order to thrive not just to survive, many of these divine masculines have hooked up with karmic feminines in order to simply get through life on the third dimension -completely forgetting that they have made a contract with their eternal divine counterpart to come into physical union on the earthly plane, in order to activate the bliss codes that will lift this planet from the third dimension to the fifth dimension.
Many divine masculine twin flames have entirely forgotten this memo but please know that this current energetic period has deemed it necessary to make it 100% clear that relationships that are not in alignment with one's highest soul frequency will be collapsing before many of These divine masculines eyes …
We would like to assure you that what lies beyond these relationships is far greater than you could possibly comprehend and this is way beyond a simple romantic notion of wanting to get married and live happily ever after, the sacred union of these twin souls is intricately connected to the triumphant success of the Ascension of this planetary system because without these twin souls being in physical union the earth's consciousness will not reach the necessary frequency level to make this ascension, therefore it cannot be stressed enough the importance of working on yourself, getting to the place in yourself where you have attained spiritual mastery, where you have attained full stabilisation in fifth dimensional consciousness, whereby you have attained the consciousness of remembrance that you are whole and complete within your own self and there is absolutely nothing lacking within you.
Once this vibrational plateau has been reached it is simply a matter of cosmic seconds before the divine eternal counterpart manifests before your very eyes. please have faith beloveds please do the work. please keep embracing your shadow self, please keep identifying all of the frozen aspects of your consciousness that have been triggered from traumatic events, please work with spiritual tools to unfreeze these aspects in order to be the whole angelic soul that mother father God created you to be.
Please know that we deeply look forward to welcoming you into the Day of the dead ancestors ceremony this Saturday.
Please share this sacred writing brothers and sisters, there are so many souls that will benefit from reading these sacred words.
In love and eternal light Jenji and the white wolf tribe.
翻譯:Nick Chan