There is Arcturian Support All Around You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


there is arcturian support all around you - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton, channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We have been visiting many of you who are receiving this transmission for quite some time. We certainly didn’t just start observing you all and connecting with you when this channel started bringing us through him. We’ve been connecting with some of you for decades, and we are quite invested in how well you are doing with your shift and with your lives in general. We are interested in seeing you live happily. We are interested in seeing you healthy and strong. We want to see you loving yourselves and helping each other, and we plant all of the seeds that we can to encourage all of these things and more.


We are also working with your trees, your plants, your flowers, and your animal and mineral kingdom. We support all of you on planet Earth who are ascending, and we want you to know how much support you have from the beings around you that you might take for granted. All of the beings in your oceans, your skies, all of the plant life that you have, and even the Earth herself are all there in support of you and your journey. So as much as we appreciate your desires to connect with us, and work with us, and even receive directly from us, we want you to know that when you connect with Mother Nature or Mother Earth, you are getting us indirectly.


We have been working with your planet for quite some time, and we want you to feel how supported you are because of how hard we know it has been for all of you to be there on Earth. We also want you to know that as long as you stay in your physical bodies and make it through this shift in consciousness that is occurring on Earth and everywhere else on the universe, this version of you that we are speaking to right now will be able to travel to our star system.
我們與你的星球合作已經有一段時間了,我們希望你能感受到你的支持,因為我們知道所有人在地球上生活的辛苦程度。 我們還希望你知道,只要你留在身體中,並通過地球和宇宙中其他地方發生的這種意識轉變來實現,我們現在正在講的這個版本的你將能夠前往我們的星空系統。


And while we are non-physical beings, and so we will not meet with you face-to-face, you will feel us and you will remember your lifetimes there in our little star system. You have so much to look forward to in this lifetime, so please be patient with the process. Be patient with yourselves and each other, and know that there is support for you on your journeys from so many beings, and it will all be worth it.
雖然我們是非物質的存在,所以我們不會與你面對面見面,但你會感覺到我們,並會在我們的小星星系統中記住你的一生。 在這一生中,你有很多期待,因此請耐心等待。 要對自己和彼此保持耐心,並且要知道,有這麼多生命存在對你的支持,這都是值得的。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





傳導 Daniel Scranton







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