You have a special role to play, something that you are uniquely fitted for. Your life's work will take on various forms at different times. The form may change from month to month and year to year, so keep in touch with your purpose and vision as it expands and grows. You can discover your life's work through examining the skills you love to use, the things you love to do, and the areas you are drawn to. Whatever you love to do will also serve others in some way, for when you use your highest skills you automatically contribute to others.


The higher you go, the more you will see which activities you could eliminate, how things could be done more efficiently or differently, or how some things could be done by others. 

Don't take anything you do for granted. Don't think that something has to be done until you have thoroughly examined its purpose and how it fits into your higher purpose. This is one of the most important steps you can take to accelerate your growth.
不要將你所做的任何事情視為理所當然。 在你徹底檢查了它的目的、以及它如何適合你的更高目標之前,不要認為必須做某事。 這是你可以加快增長的最重要步驟之一。


The Higher Will is the will to do good and to serve and assist others. You can strengthen your alignment with the Higher Will by asking, "How does creating this contribute to the higher good of myself and others?" The more you broaden your thinking to encompass serving others, the more you attune with the Higher Will.






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