You cannot sense energy clearly, you cannot be powerful and direct energy, unless your first commitment is to yourself. 


If you do not make your life, thoughts, goals, and time a priority, you will be lost in the currents of other people's desires and expectations. Whatever comes your way, such as a person, a project, or an event, will constantly knock you back and forth like a small dingy on an ocean of huge waves.
如果你不將生活、思想、目標和時間放在首位,那麼你將迷失在他人的慾望和期望的潮流中。 無論你採取的行動是什麼,例如一個人,一個項目或一個事件,都會不斷地像來回在大浪中的小雜物一樣敲打你。


If you do know who you are, make your life a priority, acknowledge your feelings and act upon them, you can then have a strong vessel sailing calm waters, in a direction you have chosen.



Think of someone you love, and reflect on the images they hold of you. If you do not like these images, telepathically send them a higher image of yourself. Often you accept their pictures of you without question, and also act out their images of you. When you do so, you are living other people's scripts for you, rather than writing your own. Once you learn to recognize their images, you can begin to change them by sending them new pictures of yourself.




Most of you tense up when you encounter negative energy. That attracts even more energy that is negative. To avoid being affected by negative energy, relax. Any process of relaxation will work. Then visualize or imagine a peaceful feeling. By imagining and then experiencing the feelings you want, you will not pick up negative energy.
當你遇到負面能量時,大多數人都會緊張。 那會吸引更多的負面能量。 為避免受到負能量的影響,請放鬆。(就像組起一道防護罩,不回應負面能量、不與之共舞) 任何放鬆的過程都將起作用。 然後觀想或想像一種和平的感覺。 通過想像然後體驗想要的感覺,你將不會拾起這個負面能量。







【高我】創造自己心中的寧靜之地 ​​​​​​​


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