MARCH 8,2020

Welcome all readers,  


The time has arrived in which those who are ready are being guided to let go of all remaining concepts about how everything is or must to be in order to be correct and acceptable--all, not just the not so important ones.  Good concepts are just as illusory as the bad ones, both must be seen through.  No matter how comfortable or efficiently some concepts may of served you in the past, many can no longer do it because you have changed. 



As individual consciousness evolves and begins to resonate with a higher frequency, much that resonated in the previous state of consciousness automatically shifts out of alignment.  Many of you are discovering that favorite books, movies, friends, foods, even employment and much more that up to now have been satisfying facets of your life have suddenly begun to feel boring and empty, you no longer find satisfaction in them.



Allow the things that no longer resonate to fade away no matter how important they may have once seemed or may still be to those around you.  This can take courage for usually these things-- events, beliefs, systems of functioning, and activities involve others--family traditions, business, church etc. 



Letting go of that which no longer resonates with you need not be overt rejection which can easily slip into an ego exercise.  Rather, simply, silently, and without fan-fare allow these things to gradually and gently fade out of your life without assigning power for good or bad to them.  This does not mean you must no longer engage in an activities that once worked for you and may still be important to those around  you, but rather engage if you choose but without attaching importance and necessity.



Ideas, projects, life issues more in alignment with your expanding consciousness will replace many of the things now fading away because everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell in the third dimension is a material  concept of its underlying spiritual reality--you cannot make something out of nothing.   Vehicles of transportation are actually Divine Omnipresence materially interpreted.  A home is actually Consciousness. Therefore the Divine reality will always re-appear on  new and higher levels if not blocked by false concepts and beliefs.



This is a process that does not take place over night.  Never think you have failed if you find yourself in the midst of some physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual dilemma.  Old and finished  energy is flowing up and out for everyone--the un-awakened as well as the awakened.  Allow it to flow out, addressing any accompanying issues as needed.  Try not to claim these energies as being yours personally.  They may seem to be, but can never really be for constitute the illusion having no law to maintain or sustain them.


Stop fighting, struggling,  or attempting to get things back to the way they once were whether  through learned metaphysical techniques  or through the three dimensional belief system.



Allow the I that you now know you are to express, trusting that IT can only express ITSelf as ITSelf which is and forever has been infinite wholeness completeness, harmony, abundance, safety, security etc.


God is and this is all you can ever know about God until God  reveals ITself to you.  It is an exercise in futility to believe one can know what God is with the human mind.  A finite mind cannot and will never comprehend an infinite God regardless of how many articles,  experts, or religious leaders expound about having done it.  Up to the point where God reveals ITSelf to you, simply know that God is--period.



Spiritual evolution is the gradual process of moving though and beyond the accumulated layers of  illusion that overlay personal and collective awareness.  This all happened over a long period of time and through many lifetimes lived in third dimensional frequencies that created collective alignment with those energies rather than with the higher frequencies of Light left behind when incarnating. 



Clearing is simply the dissolving of those energies still sustaining and maintaining the shadow appearances and is individual.   You are quickly evolving to new states of awareness and the high frequency energy is why clearing has become intense for some at this time. It is like shining a bright light into a dark room where much that was not seen before is suddenly exposed.



Alignment with duality and separation caused each to accumulate and store in cellular memory  intense experiences of both good and bad from each lifetime until at some point every individual begins seeking for "more".  This is the meaning of the bible story that tells how Adam and Eve were forced out of Eden through their act of eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 






    創作者 Amber 的頭像


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