march 2020 timeines & your solar system - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael



“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.



We have begun to explore the various timelines that are in front of you for the month of March, and we have noticed several themes developing in those timelines. We have noticed, for example, that humanity has been creating several timelines where you experience a tremendous amount of energy coming in from the other planets in your solar system.


You are wanting to feel more of the truth of who you are, and that truth includes more than just this one lifetime and your physical bodies. It is accurate to say that you are your universe, and enough of you have been connecting to Mother Earth to feel that you are one with her.



And so, now comes that next step in the evolution of your consciousness. Now comes the expansion that will include an even bigger sense of self and that will link you up to all of the vibrational signatures of the planets that are swirling around the sun with you. Many of you have visited these planets and their moons in past lives, and you do so now during your astral travel experiences at night.

因此,現在是意識發展的下一步。 現在來的擴展將包括更大的自我意識,它將把你與圍繞著你在太陽周圍旋轉的行星的所有振動訊號聯繫起來。 你們中許多人在前世中,都曾拜訪過這些行星和它們的衛星,現在你在夜晚的星空旅行經歷中也曾如此。


And so, you have already familiarized yourselves with the energies that they carry, but to do so while awake and fully grounded in your physical bodies will be a new experience for you.


And to connect with all of the planets in your solar system at once will give you a greater sense of that wholeness that many of you have been seeking throughout this lifetime and others.



Your consciousness is always part of something bigger, something more than you have imagined. We see the interest in astrology and the study of the astrological charts as evidence of the knowing that you are these celestial bodies. They don’t just affect you. They represent you. They represent your different aspects and your different states of being, and they are like your sun, like the Earth, and even the artificial moon that you have, all present in your experience to serve you, to bring you into that knowing of who you really are as Source Energy Beings.

你的意識始終是更大的東西的一部分,比你想像的更多。 我們將對占星術的興趣和對占星術圖表的研究,視為了解你是這些天體的證據。 它們不僅會影響你。 他們代表你。 它們代表了你不同的方面和不同的生存狀態,就像你的太陽、地球一樣,甚至還有你擁有的人造衛星,都在你的經驗中為您服務,從而使你了解自己的身份確實作為源頭能量存有。


When you look out at your night sky, you might be more interested in seeing Arcturus, the Pleiades, Orion’s Belt, and so on, but remember that you can see some of the planets in your own solar system and feel the connection that you have to them. Feel the movement of the planets around your sun as representing the upward spiral of your consciousness, the evolution of who you are, and the expansion of your being-ness to include so much more. And so expect these energies to come in throughout the month of March, and open yourselves up in this coming month to the knowing that you are so much more. You are so much bigger and so much more profound than you have given yourselves credit for.

望著夜空時,你可能會對看到大角星、昴宿星、獵戶座地帶等更感興趣,但請記住,你可以看到自己太陽系中的一些行星,並將感受到的連結到傳遞給他們。 感覺行星在太陽周圍的運動代表著意識的上升螺旋,包括更多你是誰的進化以及存在感的擴展。 因此,期待這些能量在整個3月份進入,並在下個月開放自己,讓你知道自己還有更多。 你比自己應得的更大,更深刻。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”






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