What You Can Expect in April 2024 ∞
The 12D Creators, a Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
We are here to tell you about the month of April 2024 and what you can expect from the supporting energies. You can expect these energies to come from not only your sun but also your Earth and from all of your cosmic, galactic friends and family members. We are all banding together to help humankind, and the energies of April will be there to support you in raising your vibration, raising your level of consciousness and taking the next step on the ladder of your ascension.
我們在此向你們介紹 2024 年 4 月的情況以及你們對支持能量的期望。你們可以預期這些能量不僅來自你的太陽,也來自你的地球以及你所有的宇宙、銀河朋友和家人。我們都在團結起來幫助人類,四月的能量將在那裡支持你們提高振動,提高意識水平,並在揚升/轉變階梯上邁出下一步。
This means that you can grow in leaps and bounds throughout the month of April, especially if you are aware of the opportunities to do so. The opportunities will show up in a variety of ways, and you will be given many opportunities to go to the next level of your consciousness. You will be continuously nudged towards the thoughts, the words, and the behaviors that will bring you into a higher-vibrational state, and anything that is taking you in the opposite direction will stick out more like a sore thumb to you.
這意味著整個四月你都可以突飛猛進地成長,特別是如果你們意識到有這樣的機會的話。機會會以多種方式出現,你將有很多機會進入意識的下一個層次。 你會被不斷地推向那些會讓你進入更高振動狀態的想法、言語和行為,而任何帶你走向相反方向的東西、都會對你來說更像是一個麻煩。
Being awake and aware, as you are, will assist you in reversing any tendency that you have to move in the lower-vibrational direction. You have a tendency to notice more often when you are in a lower-vibrational place because it feels so off to you. You are more likely to detect a thought or a belief that doesn’t serve you because you are so accustomed to moving in the right direction now. You are so awake and continue to become more and more aware of when you are moving towards the light, towards your fifth-dimensional higher self.
What all of this means for you in your physical day-to-day lives is that you will also be able to make giant steps forward in projects that you have, goals that you have set for yourselves, businesses that you have wanted to start, books that you have wanted to write. You’re going to get the nudges from your guides, from the faerie realm, from your higher selves, from so many different places and helpers that you will notice that the muses are around, and they are in fact a joyous group who want to co-create with you, who want to give you those inspired thoughts, those ideas that you can and want to act upon.
And so, April is a month for you to expect great things, to expect that which you have been waiting for and to feel supported every step along the way, as we wish you to feel all the time. But because you know about this element of the month of April, now you can open up more and you can see yourselves more, moving in the direction that you truly want to go in this lifetime of ascension. Very good.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”
文章來源: Daniel Scranton's Channeling • Channeling, Spirituality & Consciousness
傳導:Daniel Scranton