This is Happening in the Entire Multiverse ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been noticing the changes that are occurring there on Earth, and we want you to know that they are all changes for the better. And we know this time that you are living in right now can seem as though humanity is not doing so well on the whole. However, everything that you are in the process of releasing and deconstructing is coming to the surface. When something comes to the surface for any of you, there is always a choice. You can choose to look at it or ignore it. You can choose to be ashamed of it or grow from it. You can choose to see it as your fault or someone else’s fault.
我們一直在注意到地球上正在發生的變化,我們希望你們知道這些變化都是為了變得更好。我們知道你們現在所處的這個時代似乎人類整體上表現得不好。 然而,你們正在釋放和解構的過程中的一切都會浮出水面。當某些事情對你們中的任何一個人浮出水面時,總是有一個選擇。你可以選擇查看或忽略它。你可以選擇為此感到羞恥,也可以選擇從中成長。你可以選擇將其視為你的錯或其他人的錯。
There are so many ways of looking at what is happening there on Earth at this time, and this would be true of any time in human history. However, because you are in a time when you know that you are experiencing mass awakenings and big changes, you must be able to look at the circumstances of your world differently than ever before. You must be able to tune in to the bigger picture in order to benefit from all that is happening. The bigger picture here is that you are ascending, and in the process of ascending you are letting go of that which no longer serves you.
You are letting go of that which has been dark, heavy, and hidden for so long. And so, when everything comes to the surface to be seen, you have to exercise that free will of yours to see it in the way that serves you and humanity best. Otherwise, you will be resisting it, and it must continue to be exactly the way it is until you stop doing that. Now, why is the universe set up that way, you might wonder?
Well, you are the universe. You are Source; you are everything. And so, whatever it is you are resisting is you. You are meant to be love; you are meant to experience unconditional love. And therefore, when you see it all as you, and you embrace it, and ultimately love it, then you get to move on to other experiences. That is why it doesn’t do anyone any good to resist any aspect at all of life on Earth as it is today.
嗯,你就是宇宙。你是源頭;你就是一切。所以,無論你抗拒的是什麼,都是你自己。你注定是愛;你注定要體驗無條件的愛。因此,當你將這一切視為自己,擁抱它,並最終愛上它時,就可以繼續體驗其他體驗。 這就是為什麼像今天這樣抵制地球上生命的任何方面對任何人都沒有好處。
Even if you weren’t ascending, you wouldn’t be able to change anything just by resisting it, just by fighting back. You ultimately would always have to go within and find out which aspect of yourself it is that you are not loving. And then you can look at your thoughts, your beliefs, your judgments, and everything else that compound the issue of what you are not in love and acceptance of. When you release all that does not serve you, that is when you naturally rise up to that next level, and there will always be a next level.
There will always be more for you to love and to become through that love. And so, you might as well accept everything as it is right now and look for the ways in which you can grow from all of the circumstances of your lives and all of the circumstances of the world you are living in right now. And we know that more and more of you are doing these things. We can feel it, and we just want to remind you that all you have to do is keep going. Things are getting better, and they will continue to get better because of the work that you do and because during this time of ascension, we are all being lifted up within the entire multiverse.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
文章來源: Daniel Scranton's Channeling • Channeling, Spirituality & Consciousness
傳導:Daniel Scranton