Something Big Is Happening & This is Your Time ∞
The 12D Creators: A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
This is your time to shine. You all know that something big is happening there on planet Earth, and you know that you are in a very auspicious time in your evolution of consciousness. You know that more and more people are waking up every day, and you also know that the energies are very strong right now because of the solstice, the Christmas holiday, and the upcoming New Year. Those of you who are awake have an opportunity to be more of yourselves during these times and to inspire others. But most importantly, you have more guidance coming to you.
You are more open at this time than you have ever been before. You are more sensitive at this time than you have ever been before. You have more ways to express yourselves than you have ever had before. The world is smaller than it has ever been before. Enjoy this time and shine your light, because it’s what you were created to do. You are becoming your higher selves, and that is happening regardless of whether you participate in it consciously. We recommend that you participate in it consciously and deliberately because you will get to enjoy the ride more if you do.
Now, some of you might be wondering what you need to do or should do, and we would say to you that you don’t have to be concerned with either of those things. It is what you feel inclined to do that matters the most. Pay attention to the ‘i’ words: inspiration, intuition, impulse, inkling, inclination, ideas. These are the things to follow, to trust, to look for within yourselves. And it doesn’t have to be a big idea. It doesn’t have to be an impulse that bowls you over; it can be something very minor that you get so much out of when you follow through with it. And then you are more inclined to do so the next time and the next time.
現在,你們中的一些人可能想知道需要做什麼或應該做什麼,我們會告訴你們,不必關心這些事情。最重要的是你願意做的事情。注意「i」字:靈感、直覺、衝動、暗示、傾向、想法。這些是你們要遵循、要信任、在自己身上尋找的。這不一定是一個偉大的想法。它不一定是讓你崩潰的衝動; 它可能是一件很小的事情,但當你堅持下去時會收穫很多。然後你下次就會更傾向於這樣做。
You are receiving inspiration all the time, but you don’t want to use this ‘i’ word: ignore. You don’t want to ignore what you are getting, because you are always being prompted to be yourself, to be true to yourself, and that is how you contribute the most to the human collective of which you are a part. Opportunities will continue to find their way to you, because this is the time and you are the ones. And when you shine your light, yes, some will not get it, some might even mock you for it. But the ones that do will become your tribe and will make your life there so much more to your liking. And that is also a big part of what you are doing there now. You are there to enjoy the ride, since the endpoint is inevitable. You are going home; we are going home. Everyone is going home, and nothing is ever going to stop that from happening.
你一直在接收靈感,但不想使用這個「i」字:忽略。你不想忽視所得到的,因為你總是被提示要做你自己,忠於自己,這就是你為所屬的人類集體做出最大貢獻的方式。機會會不斷地來到你身邊,因為這是時候,而你就是機會。當你發出光芒時,是的,有些人不會明白,有些人甚至可能會因此而嘲笑你。但那些這樣做的人將成為你的部落,並使你在那裡的生活更符合你的喜好。這也是你們現在正在做的事情的一個重要部分。你在那裡享受旅程,因為終點是不可避免的。你要回家了; 我們在回家路上。 每個人都在回家,沒有什麼能夠阻止這種情況的發生。
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton