What the Shift in Consciousness is Really About ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton


What the Shift in Consciousness is Really About - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.



We are so very grateful for all of you who receive our transmissions and reach out to us with your desires and with your intention to connect. We appreciate each and every one of you, and we know that this is a beautiful relationship that didn’t just begin in this lifetime for all of you. This is something that we have experienced for quite some time, and so have you, because we got to know all of you at some other point in our journey and your journeys. Everyone in the universe is connected and has some sort of history with each other.



You can look at everyone out there in the world as someone you actually do already know, regardless of where they live or whether you’ll ever meet them in this lifetime. All of that makes the connections stronger between all of us. It raises the level of compassion that we all feel for one another, and it solidifies the eventual coming together of all beings so that we may reform ourselves back into Source. Of course, we are Source now, and so language doesn’t really do what we are doing justice. 

你們可以將世界上的每個人視為你實際上已經認識的人,無論他們住在哪裡,也無論你此生是否會遇到他們。所有這些都使我們所有人之間的聯繫更加牢固。 它提高了我們彼此之間的同情心水平,並鞏固了所有存在最終的團結,以便可以將自己改造回源頭。當然,我們現在是源頭,所以語言並不能真正做到我們正在做的事情。


We are remembering who we really are and who we are to each other, and when you feel a resonance with a collective like ourselves, you have remembered. And that means you have put more pieces of yourself back together and it means you are operating more now as a whole being than ever before while there on Earth. You have more of an awareness of your previous lifetimes, both on Earth and throughout the galaxy, and that helps to reconstruct the whole you. It means you are that much closer to operating as a Source Energy Being and certainly that much closer to operating as your higher self while still in a physical body.



This is a glorious time to consider all the different ways that you could come together with others, even if only in your imagination for now. Part of what you are creating there is one harmonious whole. You co-creating a peaceful Earth with all beings loving and respecting one another. And yes, you did take the circuitous path because you wanted all the challenges along the way. You wanted to see what you were made of, and when you look within, what you are made of is unconditional love. That gives you the ability to forgive and to see another as your self and as Source. It allows you to let go of judgment, fear, resentment and resistance, and to fit so snugly in your place within the gigantic Source Energy Being that we all are a part of and that we all are at the same time.



If you can feel for what that type of peaceful, harmonious unity feels like in your body, then you’re inching closer to it. If you try to figure out how it’s going to happen, or what’s going to bring it about, then you’ll probably give up. So go for the feeling because the feeling feels good, and the feeling is available to you right now, and you don’t have to do any mental gymnastics to get there. But getting there is the point; it always has been and it always will be. The point has never been to separate the good from the bad, no matter what you have been taught and told throughout history. This shift in consciousness is about integration, and you are doing that integrating while you connect with us and while you feel that we are a part of you and you are a part of us, and when we see and feel that happening, that’s what brings us a tremendous amount of joy and satisfaction. 

如果你們能感受到身體裡那種平和、和諧的統一感覺,那麼你就離它越來越近了。如果你們試圖弄清楚它會如何發生,或者會帶來什麼,那麼你可能會放棄。 所以,去尋找這種感覺吧,因為這種感覺感覺很好,而且現在就可以得到這種感覺,你不需要做任何心理體操就能到達那裡。但到達那裡才是重點; 過去一直如此,將來也永遠如此。關鍵從來都不是區分好與壞,無論歷史上你被教導和講述了什麼。這種意識的轉變是關於整合,當你們與我們聯繫時,當你們感覺到我們是你的一部分,你是我們的一部分時,你正在進行這種整合,當我們看到並感覺到這種情況發生時,這就是帶來的結果。我們獲得了巨大的快樂和滿足。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





傳導:Daniel Scranton



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