Act Upon These & Live Your Soul’s Purpose ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


act upon these & fulfill your soul's mission - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.



You are welcome to explore any aspect of life on Earth as it is right now. You do not have to give in to the prevailing belief that you are supposed to do something or that you are meant to do something there. You have more freedom than that, and most of you have satisfied all of your pre-birth contracts and agreements to get you to this place where you are truly ready to ascend to the fifth dimension. Now, you are following your soul’s desire when you listen to those little impulses, those inspired ideas that you get from within you. Those are not coming from out of left field, as you might say. They are coming from within you, the deepest part of you, the soul aspect of you, which is a more whole and complete aspect of who you are.



And so, to be yourselves fully you must listen to those impulses and those ideas and follow through with them, instead of coming to us or some other channeled entity and asking the question, ‘What am I supposed to do? Why did I come here? What’s my mission?’ It’s written all over your life experience, because your life experience was created to nudge you in the direction that it feels most natural for you to be moving in at any given time. In this particular lifetime, it is rarely one thing. You don’t find as many people going into a trade and spending forty or fifty years doing it. But rather, you find more and more people are bouncing around from different interest, hobby, occupation, to another, and that is as it was meant to be in this lifetime to give yourselves as many experiences as possible.

因此,要完整地做你自己,你必須傾聽那些衝動和想法,並遵循它們,而不是來到我們或其他渠道實體面前問這樣的問題:‘我應該做什麼? 我為什麼來這裡? 我的使命是什麼?”它寫在你的生活經歷中,因為你生活經歷的創造、是為了推動你在任何特定的時間,朝著最自然的方向前進。 在這個特定的一生中,這很少是一件事。你不會發現有那麼多人進入一項行業,並花費四十或五十年的時間來做這件事。相反地,你會發現越來越多的人從不同的興趣、愛好、職業跳來跳去,而這正是你這一生應該給自己盡可能多經歷的原因。


So you don’t have to figure out what the one thing is that you’re supposed to be doing and then stay on that track forever and ever more. But rather, go within on a regular basis and check in and feel for what the impulses are for you in any given moment in any given day and follow through as best you can. You don’t have to wait for an invitation from the universe, but you might get signs, you might get breadcrumbs and synchronicities that are telling you, ‘Yes! You are right. Move in that direction. It’s okay. It’s safe to follow your bliss.’

所以你不必弄清楚應該做的一件事是什麼,然後永遠留在這條軌道上。相反地,定期深入內心,檢查並感受在任何一天的任何特定時刻,對你而言的鼓舞(impulses)是什麼,並盡所能地堅持下去。不必等待來自宇宙的邀請,但你可能會得到跡象,可能會得到麵包屑與同步性,它們告訴你,‘是的! 你是對的。朝那個方向移動。沒關係。追隨你的幸福是安全的。”




Sometimes you experience doubt so that you can then choose to believe in yourselves and in the ability that you have within you to follow through with something. You see, it also doesn’t have to be something you knew that you were going to do from a very young age, because you were meant to explore this realm, and through a series of experiences, understand better what appeals to you, what makes you tick, what lights you up and brings you the most joy. And you can discover that at age seventy, and it’s okay.



There’s no one way you are all supposed to be, or one timing at which you are all supposed to discover that. You have all that you need within you to know what it is to move towards and to follow through with that knowing. If you need more confidence in yourselves, look for examples of others who have done it. Stay positive, and ask the universe to give you those examples, to give you that anecdotal evidence that you can move in the direction you seek to go at any point in your life, and you can have a wonderful experience doing it. That is our suggestion to you; this is not something we are telling you you must do, but we know that you will find a lot of satisfaction and a lot of fulfillment when you do.
沒有一種方式是你們都應該發現的,也沒有一種方式是你們都應該發現這一點的。你內在擁有所需要的一切,可以知道朝著什麼方向前進並堅持下去。如果你需要對自己更有信心,請尋找其他人這樣做的例子。保持積極的態度,請求宇宙給你這些例子,給你軼事證據,證明可以在生命中的任何時刻,朝著你尋求的方向前進,並且你可以有一個美妙的經歷。這就是我們給你的建議; 這不是我們告訴你必須做的事情,但我們知道,當你這樣做時,會發現很多滿足感和成就感。


We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”







傳導:Daniel Scranton



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