White Winged Collective Consciousness via Galaxygirl | August 6, 2023
White Winged Collective Consciousness 8/6/2023
Greetings, people of Earths, greetings Gaians. We are the White Winged Collective Consciousness. We are all around you, observing, assisting, guiding energies that would be more beneficial towards you. We are not of Nine, as another channels (Magenta Pixie). We are of no number, of no race, whose creed is to serve the light. We are of the light, as are you. We are the energies above and around light. We woke this one up as we have an important announcement. The creatures are restless on your world. There are many not of your world who came here or were created here by scientists’ tinkerings. Tinkering with the divine blueprint for life is not recommended unless one’s intentions are closely aligned with the purity of creator, and we see many tinkerings coming out of hiding.
問候,地球人民,問候蓋亞人。我們是白翼集體意識。我們就在你們身邊,觀察、協助、引導對你們更有利的能量。我們不是九,作為另一個頻道(Magenta Pixie)。我們沒有號碼/數字,不分種族,我們的信條就是服務光。我們屬於光明,你們也是。我們是光之上和周圍的能量。我們叫醒了這個人,因為我們有一個重要的公告。這些生物在你們的世界裡焦躁不安。有許多不屬於你們世界的東西來到這裡,或者是通過科學家的修補創造在這裡的。除非一個人的意圖與造物主的純潔性緊密結合,否則不建議對神聖的生命藍圖進行修改,而且我們看到許多修改是隱藏的。
We do not wish to scare, only to inform, that part of the disclosure event may be more local than you were anticipating. You are well aware of looking for ships in the skies, but what of ships within your planet, of worlds within your own, of nested dimensions or suppressed abilities? There will be much to digest and to take in and you starseeds are well ready. This we see with great pride and wonderment of the amount of tasks, trainings, and endurings that you have conquered. And we say conquered with pride, for we are a higher aspect of surrounding consciousness of the planet. Our white wings are many and our love is eternal for you.
These scientific tinkerings, these clones and lab abominations are quite real. Do you think that humanity as a whole is ready to be confronted with the truth of these things? At some point it must happen. Healing must take place. These lab creatures who suffer will find mercy and healing. They will have the chance to discuss their predicament - no we do not use the word predicament but rather situation, for you must understand that on the other side there are so many who wish for experiences, and what an intense experience of suffering such a state would have been for those who wished for more experience. Pity, yes, is warranted but know that much of the unfairness in your world is agreed to on the other side for furthering of experience. This is hard to understand while embodied. Earth has been such a playground for density, for duality, for heartache and for deep joys. It is time for the heartaches to be healed and for the joys to deepen.
There are hidden worlds within your own. Hollow earth, inner earth is more complex than you have perhaps understood. There are layers of dimensions, and so there are layers of cities, layers of beings and experiences within (the planet) and without (the surface). These veils will be stripped and all will see that the cohabitation of interdimensional species and realms is indeed very real. That is what the separation, the veil referred to. But yet it is so much more than that. On Earth, one had to agree to be separated not only from understanding, but from separation of who they are, separation of their abilities, creating a chasm of doubt, of suffering. But if one has amnesia one can truly discover who they are and thus deepen their journey.
Your journeys have been so profoundly deep. These last few years, even few moments with the energies, are furthering your remembering of Source, of who you are as fractals of light of Source within human form. The human is a beautiful form and when returned to the original template of ascended human, of crystalline higher dimensional human, you will be amazed and delighted at your abilities, at the peace that comes with the deep connection with Source, with your true self. The synchronicities will continue to deepen. Keep your eyes to the skies, but also all around you. Care for your bodies at this time.
你們的旅程是如此深刻。在過去的幾年裡,甚至是與能量相處的很少時刻,都在加深對源頭的記憶,對你們是誰、作為人類形態內源頭之光分形的記憶。人類是一種美麗的形態,當返回到揚升人類、水晶更高維度人類的原始模板時,你們會對你們的能力感到驚訝和高興,對與源頭、與真實的自我的深刻聯繫所帶來的平靜感到驚訝和高興。同步性將繼續加深。眼睛要注視天空,也要注視周圍的一切。 這個時候要注意身體。
We are the White Winged Collective. We are many. We surround you with light today. Your world has been a holographic experience, which does not make it any less real, or any less difficult. It simply is this. What is true is what is coming back. The light is the truth, the light is everything, and you are this light. You are this divine light encased within human form, with great tenderness and love. You are so profoundly loved. We are all eternally thankful, grateful for your service to Gaia in these times of tumult. Know that all is well and all will be well. Know that nothing can stop this wave of light, and you are grounding this light. It is an integral job.
We are the White Winged Collective. We love you. You are all warriors of the most powerful sort, of light. There has been much more cleansing that has taken place in recent days, and as the light increases the inner creatures are becoming restless and stirring from the depths. Again, we say this not to startle you but to encourage you that with the amount of light and codes that are streaming in nothing will be able to remain hidden. Nothing will be able to remain secret and nothing will be the same. This is to hopefully create hope and great joy for you. There is much change and it will become more obvious in the days and weeks ahead. This has been a tremendous job of healing, of clearing of an entire world. (I am seeing that earth was an anchor point for darkness that affected our entire galaxy). Yes, galaxygirl, and to some extent, beyond. It is because of this that the entire galaxy is in great need of this project to succeed, and succeed it is, and it will. That is why there is so much hope for you, for all of us. The thumbprint of Creator is all over the project, and we are delighted to serve in this capacity to hold more light, in the ethers and the spiritual realms, as you are holding more light in the physical and bodily realms.
我們是白翼集體。我們愛你。你們都是最強大的光之戰士。最近幾天發生了更多的淨化,隨著光線的增強,內心的生物變得焦躁不安,從深處開始騷動。再說一次,我們這麼說並不是為了嚇唬你,而是為了鼓勵你,隨著大量的光和代碼的流動,任何東西都無法保持隱藏。一切都將不再是秘密,一切都將不再一樣。這是希望為你們帶來希望和巨大的快樂。發生了很多變化,並且在未來幾天和幾週內將會變得更加明顯。這是一項巨大的治癒工作,清理整個世界。 (我看到地球是影響我們整個銀河系的黑暗的錨點)。是的,galaxygirl,在某種程度上,超越了。正因為如此,整個銀河系都非常需要這個項目才能成功,而且它已經成功了,而且一定會成功。這就是為什麼你和我們所有人都充滿希望。造物主的指紋遍布整個項目,我們很高興能夠以這種能力服務,在以太和精神領域持有更多的光,就像你們在物質和身體領域持有更多的光一樣。
As the inner earth and darker places are stirring, uncomfortable with the codes streaming in from the Great Central Sun, and from the breath of light of Creator, inner creatures, inner hurts and pains of the unhealed collective is doing the same. As above so below. Be easy with yourselves. Be gentle. Emotional outbursts come from pain, from an unhealed trauma or wound. Send light to your family members who may be intermittently behaving strangely, as they are processing these elevated energies in their own way. Thankfully you all have been so tremendous with your own work, with your own lightwork and inner healings. There will be a time when there is no more to heal for you, when you realize sending light to all of it is what is required, and releasing all that no longer serves you. Of course this includes your trauma. Traumas do serve, they serve to awaken but there is a time when you simply accept their gift of awareness, and choose the healing, and let it go.
This one was in a cave yesterday and encountered a creature. She and her daughter sent light to it and it is no more. But it startled her, and in the astral last night we were talking with her, about it. She was on a cave tour, all very public and professional, well defined in space, and it startled her that this creature sought her out. It was an unpleasant darker sort, who was enraged by the light that she brought with her. She was not intentionally doing any lightwork. Darling ones, you are always doing light work. Your mere presence is enough. And such experiences will become more commonplace now as the disconnect between dimensions is growing. (I am seeing taffy pull apart and eventually the thin string of taffy breaks). Yes. It is much like that. You are in the pulling stages and the tension has been growing. Send light to yourselves, to your planet, to each other. We do like the idea of grounding to Alcyone (Great Central Sun) and we encourage you to become yet further portals of light by anchoring to this light more deeply. (They are showing me a cheese grater and all of the different sizes of holes in the device. The smaller holes obviously are for tiny flakes of cheese, but the largest holes create the larger grate of cheese. Now I am seeing an entire block of cheese.) The light is here, no matter how you grate it. (They are laughing). Ah, galaxygirl, all is well. Pay no mind to the creature, he is no more, just as you all are battling creatures and thought forms in your daily and astral travels. You are all doing it. We are so tremendously proud of you. There is more light to come, and you are ready for it. We love you endlessly. We are the White Winged Collective Consciousness.
這個人昨天在一個山洞裡遇到了一種生物。 她和她的女兒向它發出了光,然後它就消失了。但這讓她吃了一驚,昨晚我們在星界裡和她談論了這件事。她正在洞穴之旅中,一切都非常公開和專業,空間界限清晰,令她驚訝的是這個生物竟然來找她。這是一個令人討厭的黑暗種族,她被她隨身攜帶的光芒激怒了。她並不是故意做任何輕鬆的事情。親愛的,你們總是做輕鬆的工作。只要有你的存在就足夠了。隨著維度之間的脫節越來越大,這樣的經歷現在將變得更加普遍。(我看到太妃糖被拉開,最終細細的太妃糖串斷裂了)。是的。 很像那樣。 你正處於拉動階段,壓力越來越大。向你們自己、你們的星球、彼此發送光。我們確實喜歡紮根於昴宿六(大中央太陽)的想法,我們鼓勵你們通過更深入地錨定到這光來成為更遠的光之門戶。(他們向我展示了一個奶酪刨絲器以及設備上所有不同尺寸的孔。較小的孔顯然是用於微小的奶酪片,但最大的孔可以產生較大的奶酪格柵。現在我看到了一整塊奶酪。)無論你如何磨碎它,光就在這裡。(他們在笑)。 啊,galaxygirla,一切都好。 不要理會這個生物,他已經不復存在了,就像你們在日常和星界旅行中都在與生物和思想形式戰鬥一樣。你們都在做。 我們為你感到無比自豪。更多的光即將到來,你們已經準備好了。我們永遠愛你。我們是白翼集體意識。
~ galaxygirl
(PS: Please tell me why you stated Earths, as pleural in the beginning.)
In a universe of the infinite, of course there are several earths, galaxygirl. Currently there are three main earths. There is the one that you are on, that is undergoing the change. There is the new earth that is continually being created by higher dimensional beings, also by your higher selves and when you meditate about new earth, and there is the intermediate earth where those will go after the flash who do not wish to yet jump to new earth. We know that you have so many questions, and it is true you are on a grand journey of self discovery and planetary discovery. Trust that all is well. Creator does not make mistakes, and the soul choice point will always be honored in this process. This is a divine light-filled process. The souls are all on their own journey and their sanctity and their own individual healing needs will be addressed by every one’s higher dimensional and spirit teams. Everyone has their own collective of guides and angels working with them. Every soul has their own itinerary of what they need and want to learn and experience. And so all will be well. All is well. We love you endlessly. We are the White Winged Collective. We are sending you light and peace codes now and always.
無限的宇宙里當然有好幾個地球啊,galaxygirl。目前有三個主要地球。 你所在的那個正在經歷變化。 新地球是由更高維度的存有不斷創造的,也是由你們更高的自我和當你們冥想新地球時創造的,還有中間地球,那些在閃電之後還不想跳到新地球的人將會去那裡。我們知道你們有很多問題,而且你們確實正在進行自我發現和行星發現的偉大旅程。相信一切都好。造物主不會犯錯誤,靈魂選擇點在這個過程中永遠都會得到尊重。 這是一個充滿神聖之光的過程。 靈魂都在自己的旅程中,他們的神聖性和他們自己的個人治療需求將由每個人的更高維度和精神團隊來解決。每個人都有自己的指導靈和天使集體與他們一起工作。每個靈魂都有自己的行程,瞭解他們需要、想要學習和體驗的東西。所以一切都會好起來的。一切都很好。 我們永遠愛你。 我們是白翼集體。 我們現在和永遠都在向你們發送光與和平的密碼。
文章來源: White Winged Collective Consciousness via Galaxygirl | August 6, 2023 - Voyages of Light