Creator's Intentions | Archangel Michael via Natalie Glasson
(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Natalie Glasson
Deep blessings I, Archangel Michael, extend to your being as I come forth with the Angelic Kingdom to embrace you in love, peace and grace.
Today I wish to speak of the Creator’s intentions.
I first wish to remind you that everything that you are is born from the Creator – a source that is label-less, nameless, formless and in truth, cannot be described and yet, throughout the entire Universe of the Creator and your earthly reality, we see/sense and acknowledge expressions of the Creator in every moment – beautiful expressions – creative expressions.
我首先想提醒,你的一切都是從造物主誕生的—— 一個無標籤、無名、無形且事實上無法描述的源頭,然而,在造物主的整個宇宙和你們的塵世現實中,我們每時每刻都看到/感覺到並承認造物主的表達——美麗的表達——創造性的表達。
Each expression allows us to explore, to integrate with and to understand the Creator more fully. We recognize ourselves as the Creator and our goal is to remember that oneness that we hold with the Creator, as well as ourselves, as a source that is label-less, nameless, formless and in truth, cannot be described. And yet it is infinite, limitless, beautiful, powerful, and holds a direction and intention for growth and evolution.
每一種表達方式都讓我們能夠更全面地探索、融入和理解造物主。 我們承認自己是造物主,我們的目標是記住與造物主、以及我們自己的合一性,作為無標籤、無名、無形且真實的源頭,是無法描述的。然而它是無限的、美麗的、強大的,並且擁有成長和進化的方向與意圖。
As you remember your oneness with the Creator, you realize that every part of your body and being is naturally at one; united and in unison with the Creator. This acknowledgment begins to change and shift your own perspective of yourself, as well as your perspective of your surroundings. You realise that every action that you take, every thought and every experience, is an opportunity for you to express and explore the Creator more fully – as well as uniting in oneness with the Creator – thus gaining a deeper remembrance of all that is the Creator.
當你記住你與造物主的合一時,就會意識到身體和存在的每個部分都自然地合一; 與造物主團結一致。這種認識開始改變和改變你對自己的看法,以及你對周圍環境的看法。你意識到採取的每一個行動、每一個想法和每一次經歷,都是你更充分地表達和探索造物主的機會——以及與造物主合一的機會——從而對造物主的一切有更深刻的記憶。
When you begin to recognize yourself in this way, it allows you to realize how in synch you are with the Creator, with higher aspects of your being, with your body, your surroundings and other souls. There is a similarity between yourself and others that is such a sacred and pure truth. When the essence of the Creator is emanating from your being and is being allowed to be expressive and creative, you glow with radiance, with truth, with clarity, knowingness, grounding and understanding.
I, Archangel Michael, wish to invite you to focus your time upon blending your energy with the Creator. In recognising and remembering your oneness with the Creator. There are many ways that this can be explored. You may already hold a deep connection with the Creator and be able to bring the Creator’s energy forth through your being. If not, then ask within, during meditation or quiet time, to seek the essence, the truth of your being that is the essence and truth of the Creator.
As you ask of this, seek/search within you for an inspirational moment – a light, a color, a sensation or quality that connects you to the essence of Creator. Then nurture this with your breath, allowing the radiance of the Creator to fill your entire being.
當你提出這個問題時,請在內心尋找一個鼓舞人心的時刻—— 一種光、一種顏色、一種感覺或品質,將你與造物主的本質聯繫起來。然後用呼吸滋養祂,讓造物主的光芒充滿你的整個存在。
You may also ask to experience complete oneness with the Creator.
When you are experiencing oneness with the Creator, or are able to connect with the energy and vibration of the Creator within your being, then I, Archangel Michael, invite you to ask and seek for the Creator’s intention within your being.
This means the Creator has an intention for you as an expression of the Creator. This intention can be delivered through you. The intention is beyond limitations and boundaries, beyond beliefs and blocks. It is beyond your expectations and everything that you know, and even don’t know. It is beyond that which you wish and desire for your reality or your ascension.
The Creator’s intention is a pure expression that is uniquely for you and is unique for you to express. It will bring forth the purity of the Creator into your being and your reality. It may bring forth understanding and enlightenment. It will invite you to create an action or an experience in your reality that, when you achieve this, you know you are acting out the Creator’s intention and it will serve you at a higher level, and in truth, it will serve your entire being.
However, it may not necessarily be what you expect or wanted. It will be something that nurtures you, nourishes your being and your soul, and supports a greater unification with the Creator.
Imagine if every being on the Earth united their energy consciously with the Creator and asked to receive the Creator’s intention for their unique expression and existence upon the Earth, and then they express that intention in a way that was appropriate, in an action or an experience.
Imagine the high vibrations that would be anchored and grounded into the Earth and the atmosphere, into every being. There would be such an update and ascension within every being as well as a great fountain of enlightenment.
想像一下,高振動將被錨定並紮根於地球和大氣層,以及每個存在體中。 每個存在的內在都會有這樣的更新和提升,也會有一個偉大的啟蒙源泉。
Imagine that you achieve this every day or maybe once a week – you are bringing forth the oneness of the Creator into your physical reality. You are achieving a service that is your divine right but is also your purpose – a service for yourself and others that is immensely healing that aligns your being and supports limitations in flowing away.
想像一下,你每天或者每週一次都能實現這一目標——你正在將造物主的一體性帶入你的物質現實。你正在實現一項服務,這是你神聖的權利,也是你的目的—— 一項為你自己和他人提供的服務,它具有極大的治癒作用,可以調整你的存在並支持流走的限制。
This is a unity and a oneness with the Creator, a relationship that you can build and allow to develop, to serve your ascension and to serve the purpose of the Creator.
It is your divine right to be in oneness with the Creator and to allow that oneness to flow through your being as an expression, an action and an experience.
Enjoy this process of exploration, creativity and discovery, for it is time to strengthen and realise your connection with the Creator more fully.
I, Archangel Michael, am present with you to support you.
I thank you.
I am Archangel Michael.
傳導:Natalie Glasson