Create Your Reality or Accept & Surrender? ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


Create Your Reality or Accept & Surrender - the 9d Arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 


We are in witness to so much that is happening there on Earth and with you all as individuals, and we are always delighted to see you growing through your experiences. You have these lives that you are living and that you often seek to gain control of through a variety of strategies and techniques. If you were to see yourself as the experiencer of your life and the creator of your experience of your life, how would that change your perception of reality? In other words, you often get the message from those like us that you create your reality, but then you also get the message that says, ‘You need to let go and surrender.’ And some of you might think that those two teachings contradict each other. 
我們見證了地球上以及你們所有人身上發生的許多事情,我們總是很高興看到你們通過自己的經歷成長。你擁有現在的生活,並且經常尋求通過各種策略和技巧來控制這些生活。如果你將自己視為生活的體驗者和生活體驗的創造者,這會如何改變你對現實的看法?換句話說,你經常從像我們這樣的人那裡得到這樣的信息,即--你創造了自己的現實,但隨後也得到了這樣的信息:“你需要放手並臣服。”你們中的一些人可能認為這兩種教導彼此相矛盾 。


We just want you to know that your creation of your reality got started a long time ago. You created this life, and then you decided to experience this life that you are living, and you also get to change your experience of this life, which will then take you down different feeling paths within the life. There is so much that you can change, but then there is also so much that you must accept as being a part of the experience that you wanted when you were operating as your soul, as your complete self. Whenever someone indicates that they just cannot accept something, we realize that at some point that person will have to accept whatever it is they are in resistance to. The question then becomes, ‘How long are you going to struggle and resist before you finally do accept what you need to?’
我們只是想讓你知道,你對現實的創造很久以前就開始了。你創造了這一生,然後決定體驗你現在所過的這一生,也可以改變你對這一生的體驗,這將帶你走上生命中不同的感受之路。有太多東西你可以改變,但也有太多東西你必須接受,作為你、作為你的靈魂、作為你完整的自我運作時想要的體驗的一部分。每當有人表示他們無法接受某件事時,我們就會意識到,在某些時候,這個人將不得不接受他們所抵制的一切。 麼問題就變成了,“在你最終接受需要的東西之前,你還要掙扎和抵抗多久?”


And the answer varies from person to person, but those of you who are awake can recognize that one of the ways that you have of accepting something is by changing the way you are looking at it. One of the most helpful ways that you have of looking at something is to ask yourself how it serves you to have that particular experience in your life. Of course, as a soul, you want to have a variety of experiences, and not all of those experiences would be described as good experiences from the egoic perspective. And so, you are there to change your perspective and change yourself. And then yes, of course, you get to experience more of the life that you want to experience. Part of that comes also when you move beyond the egoic view and you think about how you can be in the flow with the collective that you are a part of. 


The collective you are a part of was also something you chose to experience before you were born. So as much as you resist this part of it, or this group, or this person, they were all your choices, and it serves you so much more to accept them as they are and to change you, then to ask them to change because you are in resistance to them as they are. We know that those of you who are awake also have a desire to protect. You want to protect the innocent ones, the ones who cannot protect themselves. But again, if you change your perspective on that, and you see the bigger picture and the agreements that everyone has with everyone else, you realize that in fact no one is a victim. 


Everyone is experiencing what they are experiencing by choice because everyone is the creator of their reality. Choose to shift your consciousness in little ways every day, and all of those little shifts will amount to a monumental shift in consciousness for you that will have the ripple effect that you want it to have on the rest of the collective. And then you will see how it is possible to live in peace and in harmony with all other beings in human form and in animal form on Earth. This is what you truly desire as a soul, and it is well within your reach if you are willing to make those little tweaks that we have suggested you make in this transmission. 
每個人都在經歷他們所選擇的經歷,因為每個人都是他們現實的創造者。選擇每天以很小的方式改變你的意識,所有這些小改變對你來說將構成意識的巨大轉變,這將對集體的其他人產生你希望它產生的連鎖反應。 然後你就會看到如何與地球上所有其他人類和動物形式的生命和平和諧地生活。這是你作為一個靈魂真正渴望的,如果你願意在這個傳輸中做出我們建議你做的那些小調整,它完全是你力所能及的。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton



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