Breaking Free from the Matrix & Manifesting ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are perpetually grateful for our existence, for our ability to expand and become more of Source Energy. We know that is what our existence is all about, and so, it becomes easier for us to experience that. On Earth, when you begin to believe in the illusion, or what some have come to refer to as ‘the matrix,’ you forget that your existence is about expanding into the newest creations of Source. And of course, you also forget that you are that Source that is both creating and experiencing simultaneously.
You do have the idea of this in your quests to manifest certain things, relationships, experiences, money, jobs, and so on. There are so many things that you could desire to manifest that we could go on listing them for the rest of this transmission and still not even get through a small percentage of them. You can see the physical realm as a representation of what’s happening on the nonphysical level. You are creating within the illusion, or the matrix, if you prefer, and then you are allowing what you have created to flow to you so that you can experience it.
And if you see it all as Source, then it becomes more fun. Now, as we were listing all the various things you could desire and then manifest, what made that list something that could be infinite is that you can manifest experiences, feelings, states of being; you can manifest bliss. You can manifest the state of oneness. You can manifest the feeling of infinite love, and those who have already experienced everything in the physical realm that they have ever desired to experience, then tend to go for the nonphysical types of experiences, the feeling states. They are much more infinite in nature than what is physical, which can break, be lost, be stolen, or simply no longer serve you for some reason.
如果你將這一切視為源頭,那麼它就會變得更有趣。 現在,當我們列出你可能渴望然後顯現的所有不同事物時,使這個列表成為無限的東西是你可以顯現經驗、感受、存在狀態;你可以表現出你的經歷、感受、存在狀態; 你可以體現幸福。你可以顯現合一的狀態。你可以表現出無限愛的感覺,而那些已經在物質領域體驗過他們想要體驗的一切的人,然後傾向於追求非物質類型的體驗,即感覺狀態。它們在本質上比物質的東西更加無限,物質可能會損壞、丟失、被盜,或者由於某種原因不再為你服務。
Perhaps that fancy gadget you wanted so much five years ago is now obsolete, but the experiences that you can have that are nonphysical upgrade themselves, just like your phones and other devices need upgrades and need to be replaced every once in a while. And so, the feeling of bliss that you experienced yesterday is not the same feeling today, and that’s what makes manifesting outside of the matrix so much fun. That is why people who have spent some time developing their spirituality understand that the illusion is to be transcended to a certain extent. You will still ultimately be there in a physical body, and you will want to have certain experiences over certain other experiences, but you won’t get attached to them. You won’t feel like a failure if you don’t manifest your dream home in the timeframe that you have decided is most appropriate.
You can realize that even playing within an illusionary matrix is fun and is meant to stimulate growth within you spiritually, rather than being the measuring stick by which you determine how good you are, in one way or another. Think about the types of feelings and experiences you want to manifest, rather than the things, and realize you have access to what is nonphysical right now, whereas something physical may take three to five days to arrive in the mail. And then know that nothing is stopping you from breaking free from this so-called matrix. The only thing that ever could stop you is you.
你會意識到,即使在一個虛幻的矩陣中玩耍也是有趣的,並且是為了刺激你內在精神上的成長,而不是成為你以某種方式衡量自己有多優秀的衡量標準。想想你想要表達的感受和經歷的類型,而不是事物,並意識到你現在可以獲得非物質的東西,而物質的東西可能需要三到五天才能到達。然後知道沒有什麼可以阻止你擺脫這個所謂的矩陣。 唯一能阻止你的就是你自己。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton