The Causal Body is a Hologram of Divine Light |
Archangel Michael via Ronna Vezane
July 1, 2023, via email,
Our WHITE FIRE GOD-SEED ATOM / “I AM” PRESENCE is experiencing life via its many SACRED TRIADS. These SACRED TRIADS are experiencing life through the multi-dimensional, refracted and diminished aspects of its many Soul Extensions. These higher level Soul Extensions are experiencing the material plane through the conscious awareness and the emotions of the different vibrational levels of ITS Soul Fragments. The Soul Fragments are experiencing reality through the distortions of the emotional Astral Planes of consciousness via the physical senses.
The CAUSAL BODY IS A HOLOGRAM OF LIGHT; or the form which prepares our Sacred Triads to Fragment once more in order to descend into the realms of duality: The Spectrum of Light and Shadow, the realms of denser “Cause and Effect.”
The first step was to move into a sphere of Light or a hologram containing our Adam/Eve Light Body ~ Adamantine Particles/Evolution, which contained our Diamond Core God Cell. Our original Divine Blueprint included a schematic to gradually build our Auric Field (called our subtle body in ancient teachings). Gradually, over a very long period of time, the components of our earthly vessel were created: the Etheric Body / Auric Field, the Physical Body, the Mental Body, and the Emotional Body.
第一步是進入包含我們亞當/夏娃光體~金剛粒子/進化的光球或全息圖,其中包含我們的鑽石核心神細胞。我們最初的神聖藍圖包括逐步構建我們的金場(在古代教義中稱為我們的精微體)的示意圖。 漸漸地,經過很長一段時間,我們塵世容器的組成部分被創造出來:以太體/金場、身體、心智體和情感體。
The CAUSAL BODY / CAUSAL PLANE is the Divine Blueprint mechanism which allows our Spirit Form to descend into the realms of polarity and duality. Also, when the time comes to ascend back into the lowest level of the Fifth Dimension, our Fifth-Dimensional Sacred Triad oversees the process via the Causal Plane, which could be called a “staging level of consciousness.”
As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included.
作為本文的傳播者,我,羅娜·赫爾曼·維扎恩,以大天使米迦勒的名義主張通用版權。 只要不更改、摘錄或添加信息,並包含作者身份和我的網站地址,就允許與朋友進行個人共享,或在網站和出版物上發布信息。
傳導:Ronna Vezane