Imurieal via Galaxygirl | June 5, 2023

Imurieal 6/5/2023


Greetings human ones. This one wishes for me to state my name. I am the source origin of dragon kind. I am the original dragon, if there can be such a thing. Which means that I am very ancient and hopefully very wise. I have seen many out-breaths and in-breaths of Source creator and I have been in the inner imaginings of the beginnings of many realms and places. 
問候人類。 這位希望我說出我的名字。 我是龍種本源。 我是原龍,要是能有這種東西就好了。 這意味著我很古老,希望非常聰明。 我見過源頭創造者的許多出息和入息,我一直在許多領域和地方的開端的內在想像中。 

(I am seeing a magnificent huge white dragon with gold spikes and ancient eyes, and when I peer into them I see the cosmos.) 

Yes, I am, as are you. I am, you are, immortal. This is the etymology of the name of which you asked me, galaxygirl as you did not like ‘I am as you are.”
 是的,我是,你也是。 我是,你是,不朽的。 這是你問我的名字的詞源,galaxygirl,因為你不喜歡“我和你一樣。” 

 (He is chuckling, and dragon smoke rings come out of his large mouth that are filled with rows and rows of long spiky teeth! He is friendly, smiling. Dragon smiles can be quite intimidating.)


Yes, friendly, I suppose, fierce, most certainly. You and I are much alike. You warriors of the way, you dragon riders, you are ancient travelers of the stars, many of you, and you have felt like you have lost your way home.
是的,友好的,我想,兇猛的,最肯定的。 你和我很像。 你們這些道路上的勇士,你們這些龍騎手,你們是古老的星際旅行者,你們中的許多人,你們都覺得自己迷失了回家的路。

But you are on your way home, for home is within you. This one has been processing the feeling of abandonment, abandonment of her soul family, of her galactic family, of her dragon friends and family.
但你正在回家的路上,因為家就在你之內。 這個人一直在處理被拋棄的感覺,被她的靈魂家人、她的銀河家人、她的龍族朋友和家人拋棄。


 Perhaps it is normal to feel this way, as a star seed. But for all of your feelings of abandonment, human friends, other aspects of you are very much connected, which of course means that you too are connected with the web of light with the All That Is. You are on assignment. You have been at war in a crumbling AI infused dark web and you are breaking it from within. A part of the bravery required to come is the knowing that one would feel so cut off.
或許作為星際種子,有這種感覺也是正常的。 但是對於你所有的被遺棄的感覺,人類朋友,你的其他方面是非常相關的,這當然意味著你也與光之網和萬有相連。 你正在執行任務。 你一直在一個搖搖欲墜的 AI 注入的黑暗網絡中交戰,你正在從內部打破它。 需要勇敢的一部分是知道一個人會感到如此孤立。


(Imurieal is covered in whiskers, white and long, I have never seen a dragon that appears almost furry. The ascended dragons that I have seen have yellow golden Source eyes they call them. His eyes are fathomless depths of the universe.) I was with the first origin of the dragon thought. With that intention there I was begun. Source has experienced much through my adventures. I have seen the births of many universes and galaxies. I have radiated light to places where there was so little. Just as you are doing, human ones. You are radiating your light. You wonder if it is enough. 
(Imurieal 長滿了鬍鬚,又白又長,我從來沒有見過一條龍看起來幾乎是毛茸茸的。我見過的飛昇龍有他們稱之為黃金源頭的眼睛。他的眼睛是宇宙深不可測的深處。)我是 與龍念頭的淵源。 帶著那個意圖,我開始了。源頭在我的冒險經歷中經歷了很多。 我見過許多宇宙和星系的誕生。 我已經把光輻射到光很少的地方。正如你所做的那樣,人類。你在散發你的光。你想知道這是否足夠。 

Yes, yes it is enough. You all radiate your light in many ways, with your patients, your colleagues, with your places of work, with your families, through your spoken and written word, and most importantly with your thoughts and intentions to send and give light. The light is felt. It hears its calling and it answers. I am an answer to this call to light. As are you. It is the same. We are both in service to Source.
是的,是的,足夠了。 你們都以多種方式散發你們的光,與你們的病人、你們的同事、你們的工作場所、你們的家人,通過你們的口頭和書面文字,最重要的是通過你們發送和給予光的思想和意圖。感覺到了光。 它聽到它的呼喚並做出回應。 我是對光之召喚的回應。你也是。這是相同的。我們都在為源頭服務。


I Imurieal am speaking. The light is coming in higher now in unprecedented waves. This should not surprise you. Your willingness to stand strong in the midst of the crumbling should not surprise you either. I am not surprised by your strength. It is for this you all were chosen. It is for this that you all came. You shine your light in the darkest depths. Within the chaos of family drama as you say, or in your place of employment. But your true employment is to the light, is to your true authentic self, to the light being within you that you are. The crystalline codes are unlocking more and more of your true divinity. The stars are singing it.
我正在說話。 光正以前所未有的波浪進入更高的地方。這不應該讓你感到驚訝。你在崩潰中堅強地站立的意願也不會讓你感到驚訝。我對你的實力並不感到驚訝。 為此你們都被選中了。 你們都是為此而來。你在最黑暗的深處閃耀著你的光芒。在你所說的混亂的家庭劇中,或者在你的工作場所。 但你真正的工作是為了光,是為了你真實的自我,為了你內在的光。水晶密碼正在解開你越來越多的真正神性。 星星正在歌唱。


I Imurieal have seen, have experienced so much. But I have never seen or experienced such as the transformation of your earth plane into your ascended realm. The frequencies are transforming you, as if by magic and yet because you are within it you mostly feel the discomfort of it and not the amazement which would make the journey more enjoyable for you.
我Imuriale見過,經歷過這麼多。 但我從未見過或經歷過將你們的地球層面轉變為你們的揚升領域。 這些頻率正在改變你,就好像是通過魔法一樣,但因為你在其中,你大多會感到它的不適,而不是會讓你的旅程更愉快的驚奇。

Divine has spoken, you have heard this. The divine is leading with love, great strength and tender mercies. This does not adequately portray the tenacity of a mother or father’s love. Your English words pale in comparison with the energy I wish to impart. Like calls to like. Light calls to light. You are light. The light has answered and is here now.
神已經說過,你已經聽到了。神性以愛、強大的力量和溫柔的憐憫來領導。這並不能充分描述母愛或父愛的堅韌。 與我希望傳遞的能量相比,你的英語單詞顯得蒼白無力。喜歡就喜歡。光呼喚光。你是光。 光已經回答並且現在就在這裡。


Do you see? There is no separation, there has only been what has felt as distance. There is no separation. Distance or the illusion of it is a bend, a twist, a ripple in the space fabric, that is easily remedied. There has been so much manipulation, this must be shown so that it may be healed. I breathe on you now. You are doing enough by shining the light that you are and by anchoring the light to this realm. It is by this method that you dissolve the lack of light and anchor the light. You are the bridge point, the anchor.

有看到嗎? 沒有分離,只有感覺上的距離。沒有分離。 距離或它的幻覺是空間結構中的彎曲、扭曲、漣漪,這很容易補救。有太多的操縱,這必須被展示出來,這樣它才能被治癒。 我現在呼吸你。 通過閃耀你所是的光並將光錨定到這個領域,你已經做得夠多了。 正是通過這種方法,你消除了光的缺乏並錨定了光。 你是橋樑點,錨點。 


 (He is showing me many anchors on many ships.) The light is being anchored by our light forces daily, by you, human friends. I wish for you to recall with me what only light was like. The light and love danced in color and in light. This joy is within you. Find your joy and anchor it deep within, remember it. Joy and light is how this all began.
(他向我展示了許多船上的許多錨點。)光每天都被我們的光明力量錨定,由你們人類朋友錨定。 我希望你能和我一起回憶只有光是什麼樣的。 光與愛在色彩與光中翩翩起舞。 這種喜悅在你之內。 找到你的快樂並將它深深地錨定在內心深處,記住它。 喜悅和光明是這一切的開始


I Imurieal breathe on you now. No, I do not need to brush my teeth, galaxygirl. I am mostly spirit these days. I can materialize when I wish. Being within the material vessel is draining at times. This will enliven you. This breath of Source, from my Source to your Source, will enliven you. That is my intention. Breathe with me a few times.
我現在向你呼吸。 不,我不需要刷牙,galaxygirl。 這些天我大部分時間都很精神。 我可以在我願意的時候實現。 處於物質容器內有時會讓人精疲力盡。 這會讓你活躍起來。 這種源頭的氣息,從我的源頭到你的源頭,將使你充滿活力。 這就是我的意圖。 和我一起呼吸幾次。


(I feel a breath of yellow light of Source light filled with dancing codes and particles of color that fill me. I hope you feel this too.) Remember your joy. Remember the joy that the first spark created. Gaia will be saved, all is not lost. All is being found. Peace, human friends. Peace.

(我感覺到源頭之光的黃色氣息充滿了充滿舞蹈代碼和顏色粒子的氣息。我希望你也能感受到這一點。)記住你的喜悅。 記住第一個火花創造的喜悅。 蓋亞將被拯救,一切都不會丟失。 一切都在被發現。 和平,人類的朋友們。 和平。


~ galaxygirl









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