Archangel Gabriel: Shifting with Grace and Ease and Becoming your Own Hero (2014) 
By Steve Beckow, May 27, 2023


(Golden Age of Gaia)


In researching an article on Independence Day, I came across a 2014 channeling from Shelley Young which is possibly more relevant today than then. Here is Archangel Gabriel/Gabrielle on “Shifting With Grace and Ease.”
(注:Steve Beckow)發現了 2014 年 Shelley Young 的通靈,今天可能比那時更相關。 這是大天使加百列關於“優雅而輕鬆地轉變”。


“Archangel Gabriel: Shifting With Grace and Ease & Becoming Your Own Hero,” channeled by Shelley Young, May 1, 2014 at
“Archangel Gabriel:優雅而輕鬆地轉變並成為你自己的英雄”,Shelley Young 於 2014 年 5 月 1 日在 上發布。


You are the exalted beings of the universe. (1) You are helping us by being the ground crew to anchor in these energies. You are helping us reach more people by anchoring these energies. You are the guides on earth. You are doing it! You are blazing the trails and you are doing it beautifully. So celebrate this!
你們是宇宙中尊貴的存在。 (1) 你是幫助我們錨定在這些能量中的地勤人員。 你正在通過錨定這些能量來幫助我們接觸到更多人。 你們是地球上的嚮導。 你在做! 你正在開闢道路,而且做得很漂亮。 所以慶祝這個!


Instead of saying, “Oh no, look at this huge, horrible month of eclipses and alignments,” why not say, “Wow look at how far we’ve come! We are to the point where we can navigate through this and have this much action happening to support what it is we are creating!” Because you are never alone in what you are doing. You are always supported. Always.
不要說,“哦,不,看看這個巨大的、可怕的月食和排列月”,為什麼不說,“哇,看看我們已經走了多遠! 我們已經到了可以解決這個問題並採取這麼多行動、來支持我們正在創造的東西的地步!” 因為在你們所做的事情中,你永遠不會孤單。你總是得到支持。總是


Adopt a new model of growth with ease. You know you have been being trained for this for a very long time. Your changing weather patterns have been all about teaching people how to live in the Now moment, when there was no longer the predictability of what any particular season or day might look like.


It taught you to become very present. Moving through vast change is done through staying very present, from each Now moment to each Now moment. That is how big change happens.
它教會你變得非常活潑。從每一個現在時刻到每一個現在時刻,通過保持臨在來完成巨大的變化。 這就是發生巨大變化的方式。


Stay in the Now. Know that if there is something that you need to address, the universe will make you aware of it. You will become aware of it, you will do what you need to do, and then carry on. Do not create discomfort for yourselves when you see that you’ve got a month coming up with big alignments and eclipses. Don’t think, well great, I’ll be flattened all month, because you will create that reality for yourselves.


Further, don’t keep looking for trouble, Dear Ones! So many of you are in this perpetual release/healing cycle where you are always scanning your bodies for lower vibrating energy to release. Let the process help you. There is no need to look for issues every day in your body.
此外,不要一直尋找麻煩,親愛的! 你們中的許多人都處在這個永恆的釋放/療癒週期中,你總是在掃描你的身體以釋放較低的振動能量。讓這個過程幫助你。沒有必要每天都在你的身體裡尋找問題。


If there is something that you need to address, it will make itself known to you when the timing is perfect. As long as you don’t tamp it down, it will leave you, and then you can celebrate that you are now ready to be that much lighter. Does that not sound like a more glorious approach to all of this?


You are anchoring the light. You are beings of light. The density is leaving you so that you can experience yourselves as being just that. Have love for yourselves. Have appreciation for yourselves.


Be kind and gentle with your fellow human beings, as they struggle with this process, depending on where they may be on their own paths. If somebody lashes out at you, forgive them and know that it has very little to do with you, and everything to do with their own personal discomfort.


As you anchor in being kind and loving, accepting, balanced, focused creators, you will be moving the process forward for the entire planet, and for yourselves, like never before. You will always grow and learn and evolve – that is the beauty of being a human being on the planet.

But you are moving into calmer, more glorious, more comfortable, more amazing, fun-filled, joy-filled, love-filled days, because that is what you are creating. That is how powerful you are. So we thank you for your consistent and courageous efforts. Take it easy on yourselves, Dear Ones, you’re doing it, you’ve got this and you are all loved beyond measure as you continue to create this brand New Earth.




(1) See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at




傳導:Shelley Young



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