Extract from an article by Uri Gellers
摘自 Uri Gellers 的一篇文章


A map discovered by Russian Archaeologists seems to prove that intelligent life visited Earth millions of years ago. A three dimensional serial image was discovered by Professor Alexander Chuvyrov, of the mountains around Ufa a city 60 miles east of the Urals, revealing a giant irrigation system. He insists that such accuracy is only possible with satellite technology also that the stone slab was machined and called it “Map of the Creator”
俄羅斯考古學家發現的一張地圖似乎證明、智慧生命在數百萬年前造訪過地球。亞歷山大·丘維羅夫教授發現了烏拉爾以東 60 英里的城市烏法(Ufa)周圍群山的三維連續圖像,揭示了一個巨大的灌溉系統。 他堅持認為只有衛星技術才能達到這種精度,而且石板是經過機械加工的,並將其稱為“造物主地圖。”


Radio carbonic analysis suggests the carving was made120 million years ago, and Professor Chuvyrov believes it could not have been human. He questions whether the “Map of the Creator” was final proof that we have been visited by other intelligences.
放射性碳分析表明雕刻是在 1.2 億年前完成的,丘維羅夫教授認為它不可能是人類。 他質疑“造物主地圖”是否是我們曾被其他智能造訪過的最終證據。


12th May 2023. Mike Quinsey
2023 年 5 月 12 日。邁克·昆西

There is no real sign of the turmoil upon Earth easing so you will have to bear the consequences a little longer. We for our part will continue to guide you to keep matters under control and limit the consequences. Meantime you should focus upon the needs of the people who are being left in dire need of help. Keep good faith in the outcome as it will finally release you from the consequences of the changes, along with those deliberately caused by countries supporting confrontation. The people are against those who have chosen that way of fighting against change.
沒有真正的跡象表明地球上的動盪正在緩和,所以你們將不得不再忍受一段時間的後果。我們將繼續指導你們控制事情並限制後果。同時,你應該關注那些急需幫助的人的需求。對結果保持真誠(good faith),因為它最終會讓你擺脫變化的後果,以及那些支持對抗的國家故意造成的後果。人們反對那些選擇這種方式來反對變革的人。


Humanity is rising up against those who ignore peaceful ways to settle problems, and when enough give out positive energies for change it will happen. We see far ahead but the timing of events is liable to change depending on the type of energies you give out, as it is possible to bring peace about this way. Mother Earth continues to follow her path regardless of your activities but it would be much easier if you all worked for a peaceful outcome.


Nothing is impossible for you if you can come together and work to a specific program that would also speed up progress. It all seems quite obvious but differences exist based on fearful expectations and lack of trust. If only you could see the options you have and collectively take responsibility for bringing about a peaceful conclusion. It can be done but not until the threat of a worldwide war is overcome, and a resolution made to put weapons aside that will not be used in any circumstances.
如果你們能齊心協力並制定一個能夠加快進度的特定計劃,那麼對你來說沒有什麼是不可能的。 這一切似乎都很明顯,但基於可怕的期望和缺乏信任而存在差異。如果你們能看到你們擁有的選擇,並共同承擔責任以達成和平結局就好了。這是可以做到的,但必須等到世界範圍內戰爭的威脅被克服,並且做出了將在任何情況下都不會使用的武器擱置一旁的決議。


The people of Earth have shifted away from seeking domination over other nations having realised that you are in essence all One from the “Source of All That Is” Do you not see how futile it is to engage in wars, as in reality little if anything is gained from them. Where are your true leaders waiting to take over the plans for your true destiny, as they exist and are ready to perform in the best ways possible for Humanity. Given time you shall see them rise to guide you to a peaceful settlement.
地球人已經意識到你們本質上是來自“一切萬有之源”的一體,不再尋求對其他國家的統治。是從他們那裡獲得的。你們真正的領導者在哪裡等著接管你們真正命運的計劃,因為他們存在並準備好以對人類最好的方式表現。 假以時日,你們將看到他們崛起,引導你們走向和平解決。


The dark Ones are in their element at present as they thrive off negative energy. Deny them of it and they will lose their power to carry out their plans to control the world. Believe us they will soon be overcome when you deny them the source of their power. Seek a peaceful co-existence together and put aside your differences as you are One Human Race. See others as your brothers and sisters because in reality there is no difference between you all. Allow for their beliefs that are customary and often based on their religion.
黑暗勢力目前處於他們的元素之中,因為他們依靠負能量茁壯成長。拒絕他們,他們將失去執行他們控制世界的計劃的力量。相信我們,當你否認他們的力量來源時,他們很快就會被打敗。一起尋求和平共處,擱置分歧,因為你們是一個人類種族。將他人視為你的兄弟姐妹,因為實際上你們之間沒有區別。 允許他們的信念是基於慣性,而且通常是基於他們的宗教信仰。


Religion is a delicate subject as many followers believe theirs is the right one, and disputes can lead to violent outcomes. There is only the truth left at the end of the day and all paths will lead to it. It begs the question why you cannot agree to differ knowing that you all seek the answers, and will all come to the same point of truth in the end. You have your personal ways of acknowledging the truth, and will find that you are all looking for the answers to similar or identical questions. Your paths will eventually meet and there will be recognition of beliefs that are common to all religions.
宗教是一個微妙的話題,因為許多追隨者認為他們的信仰是正確的,而爭論可能導致暴力後果。 一天結束時只剩下真相,所有的道路都會通向它。 它引出了一個問題,為什麼你不能同意不同,因為你知道你們都在尋求答案,並且最終都會得出同樣的真理。 你們有自己承認真相的個人方式,並且會發現你們都在尋找相似或相同問題的答案。 你們的道路最終會相遇,並且會承認所有宗教共有的信仰。


Little time remains for the old teachings as with your expansion of consciousness you will reach a point of full understanding. It must be so and overcome the necessity of having different interpretations of what is your true reality. You must have heard the expression “You are All One” many times, and as you learn the truth of your existence you will accept that you all came from the “Source of all That Is”.


Many of you are awakening to the truth and rightly challenging the old beliefs. You are finding that the truth holds a powerful energy that cannot be disputed and holds fast at all times, and runs through all religions. With your greater understanding of Man’s origins, you will quickly realise that in essence there is no difference between you all. At any given time you will find that you have experienced the different religions as part of your evolution, and gained an understanding that has increased your level of consciousness.


You are at a very important stage in your consciousness that should help you gain a greater understanding as to the meaning of life. It is certainly not a haphazard affair as some believe and your lives have been carefully planned to help you lift yourselves up to a higher level of consciousness. Keep calm and know that you are protected at all times, and will be well on track for a successful completion.


I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
我帶著愛和祝福留給你,願聖光照亮你的日子和通往完成的道路。 這個信息來自我的高我,我的神我,每個靈魂都與神有同樣的聯繫。


In Love and Light.


Mike Quinsey.





傳導:Mike Quinsey



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