Being Informed by our Sensitivities | Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young

(Golden Age of Gaia)


April 13, 2023

As we study waves of energy and how the universe creates balance by action phases and lulls, we see this in action as the tide goes in and the tide goes out, the sun comes up, the sun goes down, and so on. We wish to take this discussion one step further into the experience of the energetically sensitive human being.


Some human beings are born with extra sensitivities, while others work hard to develop those sensitivities. A common experience, no matter how they got there, is that the sensitive human being finds themselves in receiving mode all the time. They feel powerless in the face of energies and haven’t been able to turn it off.
有些人天生就具有額外的敏感性,而其他人則努力培養這些敏感性。一個普遍的經驗,無論他們如何到達那裡,是敏感的人發現自己一直處於接受模式。 面對能量,他們感到無能為力,無法將其關閉。


In reality, it isn’t a matter of being able to turn it off, per se, but rather of being able to transition into also being a giver of energy rather than just a receiver of energy.


Your energetic sensitivities are giving you information on how to proceed. If you are feeling overwhelmed, it is time to create space for yourself to simply be. But it may also be a time for you to switch from being a receiver of energy to a giver of energy. Let us give you an example.


Suppose you are drawn to go to a certain area, but when you get there it feels awful. That has given you valuable information. It is a sign that you definitely do not want to be in receiving mode while you are there, because the energy is not supportive to you.
假設你被吸引去某個區域,但當你到達那裡時感覺很糟糕。 這給了你有價值的信息。 這是一個信號,表明你絕對不想在那裡時處於接收模式,因為能量不支持你


You have a choice. You can either avoid that place completely, or you can switch to being a giver of energy rather than a catcher of energy. Which do you think someone stepping into their energetic mastery would do?


If you find yourself in such a situation, we invite you to try this ~ Remove yourself from the challenging energy for a moment. With your intention, connect with your inner light, let it expand until it extends beyond your body in all directions, and then allow it to lead the way. Let it shine brightly and gloriously, then step back into the energies that you found challenging just a moment ago. Not only will they not affect you, you will be being of service to help lift the density of that space.
如果你發現自己處於這種情況,我們邀請你試試這個 ~ 讓自己暫時遠離充滿挑戰的能量。以你的意圖,連接內在的光,讓它擴展,直到它向四面八方延伸到你的身體之外,然後讓它帶路。 讓它明亮而輝煌地閃耀,然後回到你剛才發現具有挑戰性的能量中。它們不僅不會影響你,你還可以幫助提升那個空間的密度。


Do you see? You cannot breathe in and breathe out at the same time. You either receive or you give. The choice is up to you. You are not at the mercy of your energetic sensitivities. Not at all! The key is to understand that your sensitivities serve you well, you are just learning how to have mastery over them and to use them as the tool they are meant to be.


Learning that you can easily switch from receiving to giving is a part of that, and it is the key to being far more comfortable, and of simple service, wherever you may be.




傳導:Shelley Young


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