Pleiadian Collective ~ The Hopi Tribe

April 10, 2023 by Suzanne Maresca


Beloved friends of Light!


We come to you with a communication of the highest love.


This Love is sacred, and cannot be divided.


As souls in the Pleiades, there is an understanding that all Pleiadians are family! (TIKEE)
作為昴宿星的靈魂,所有的昴宿星人都是一家人! (泰基)


Throughout the Elohim races, we are infinitely connected as the same light of creation!


Sharing love in these moments, we speak to you about a group of starseeds that chose to incarnate to Earth together in many waking dreams. The uniqueness of their soul’s choice was to be part of a tribe that you know as the Hopi. This loving group of souls desired to understand and follow the experience of being a tribe, understanding spirit and learning as the identity in ancient Earth teaching and the progression to this current waking dream.
在這些時刻分享愛,我們和你談論一群星際種子,他們選擇在許多醒著的夢中一起化身到地球。 他們靈魂選擇的獨特之處在於成為霍皮部落的一部分。 這群充滿愛心的靈魂渴望理解和追隨成為一個部落的經歷,理解精神和學習作為古代地球教學中的身份以及向當前清醒夢的進展。


The souls that chose this adventure in form are from Merope and Electra. Feeling that the experience would also enhance their sharing and closeness in the Pleiades, it became a tradition that starseeds enjoyed. Whether difficult lives or creative and enjoyable lives, each starseed returned to their home when leaving the body form.
在形式上選擇這次冒險的靈魂來自梅洛普(Merope)和伊萊克特拉(Electra)。 感覺這種體驗也會增強他們在昴宿星團中的分享和親密感,這成為了星際種子們享受的傳統。 無論是艱難的生活,還是富有創意和愉快的生活,每個星際種子在離開肉體時都回到了自己的家。


Many of you have noted that many soul reveals have names that resemble the names of indigenous indian tribes, whether Choctaw, Cherokee or Hopi. In truth, the names on Earth were derived from those in the Pleiades. In this communication, we speak of the great Hopi tribe. All are beautiful Pleiadian souls from Merope and Electra!
你們中的許多人已經注意到,許多靈魂揭示的名字與印第安土著部落的名字相似,無論是喬克託人、切諾基人還是霍皮人。 事實上,地球上的名字是從昴宿星團中衍生出來的。 在這次交流中,我們談到了偉大的霍皮部落。 都是來自梅洛普和伊萊克特拉的美麗的昴宿星人靈魂!


In this waking dream, the culture is rich with art, music, dancing and food with magnificent recipes. The Hopi tribe is close, and they understand reincarnation and star families. Like you, they chose to arrive and forget. In each waking dream, they play a different role, but they have remained in the same tribe.
在這個醒著的夢中,文化充滿了藝術、音樂、舞蹈和美食以及精美的食譜。 霍皮部落親近,他們懂得輪迴和星族。 像你一樣,他們選擇了到達並忘記。 在每一個醒著的夢中,他們扮演著不同的角色,但他們一直保持著同一個部落。


They connect with spirit, and they call source, ‘The Great Spirit.’ They have rituals of fire and chanting with drums and dancing as they celebrate life. They have always had wolves and many animals for pets, as they are fearless in the connection of life.
他們與精神相連,他們稱源頭為“偉大的精神”。他們在慶祝生命時舉行火葬儀式,用鼓和舞蹈吟唱。 他們一直有狼和許多動物作為寵物,因為他們在生活中無所畏懼。


Hopis call earlier tribes, ‘Ancient People.’ They understand their culture has been on Earth for thousands of years. They honor their ancestors, but do not understand that they are their ancestors! They believe all life is sacred, and they prefer being alone rather than joining political parties or areas of occupation which destroy land.
霍皮人稱早期部落為“古人”。他們知道他們的文化在地球上已經存在了數千年。 他們尊崇自己的祖先,卻不明白自己是自己的祖先! 他們相信所有的生命都是神聖的,他們寧願獨處也不願加入政黨或破壞土地的佔領區。


In these groups, there is free will to leave the tribe and work and live in any manner. But to the true Hopi tribe, there is unity as family.
在這些群體中,有離開部落、以任何方式工作和生活的自由意志。 但對於真正的霍皮部落來說,團結如一家。


The current area of the great Hopi tribe is Arizona. This group has slowly migrated from the south for thousands of years. Knowing how your area of the planet has progressed in thinking, expanded consciousness and abilities, know also this is the manner of the Hopi tribe. They have everything available now for every area of life. But the true culture chooses to commune together with The Great Spirit.
偉大的霍皮部落目前所在的地區是亞利桑那州。 幾千年來,這個群體從南方慢慢遷徙而來。 瞭解你所在星球的地區如何在思維、意識和能力方面取得進步,也了解這就是霍皮部落的生活方式。 他們現在擁有適用於生活各個領域的一切。 但真正的文化選擇與偉大的精神交流。


As starseeds, many have awakened in many dreams and given prophecies of great change coming to the Earth. Many spoke about cycles and frequencies and darkness upon the Earth, with a change that would begin a new life!
作為星際種子,許多人在許多夢中醒來,並給出了地球即將發生巨大變化的預言。 許多人談到地球上的周期、頻率和黑暗,以及將開始新生活的變化!


You are living these words now! The Great Light is upon you as darkness is covering the hearts of many!
你現在正在生活這些話語中! 當黑暗籠罩著許多人的心時,偉大的光就在你身上!

In every dream, there are seekers, seers, prophets and mystics. There are those with gifts to share with others as catalysts for remembering who they really are in spirit!
在每一個夢中,都有尋求者、預言家、先知和神秘主義者。 有些人擁有可以與他人分享的禮物,可以作為催化劑來記住他們在精神上的真實身份!


This is the dream. This is the time spoken by many in ancient dreams and modern times.
這就是夢想。 這是古代夢境和現代許多人所說的時間。


You are the Light!





傳導:Suzanne Maresca


    創作者 Amber 的頭像


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